What do you do with all your old 500GB / 1TB hard drives when you upgrade to a 10TB hard drive...

What do you do with all your old 500GB / 1TB hard drives when you upgrade to a 10TB hard drive? Do you just throw them out? I have about 20 500GB hard drives just laying around now.

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Wipe and sell them?


OP ill buy one off you. are they ssd?


Man, dunno about, when I changed from 3 500gb to 3 2tb I donated the old.
Also why using a single 10-8 the disk when with 3 smaller you get free performance from raid?

Yea he sure got a 10tb ssd.

Install one linux distro on each disk.
Enjoy your 10 entry grub menu.

>I have 20 500GB hard drives just laying around

Put them into raid 01 and make a storage server.

Make backup's of your backup's.
Encrypt photos, archive them, etc.

>Make backup's of your backup's.
Learn English before you post anywhere again.

>overwrite the data 1000 times
>one final pass with zeroes
>encrypt the disk with a 1024-character long random unicode passphrase
>open up the disk and remove the platters
>run a very strong magnet over the platters
>get a screwdriver and fuck up the platters as much as possible
>get a drill and drill holes in the platters
>get a sledgehammer and smash the platters into oblivion
>drop the remains into an active volcano

Checking them double trips

Buy one of those docking stations and use them like oversized thumb drives

i usually screw them apart pretending that i will use the magnets and motors for various projects but end up throwing it all in the bin the following day

Turn a few into portable hard drives

USB-C SATA dock to hot swap mass storage.

Holy shit user, checked

I've just made one larger btrfs volume where I keep adding discs.

dub-trips tells the truth

I put them into usb 3.0 drive cases and use them for different projects like my cloud server pi.
GameCube gars on a hdd for softmodded Wii.
Movie storage for my 4k tv.
Shit like that.

Shop magnets.

Harvest, shitcan leftovers, repeat.

ship me one

why the fuck do you need a 10 TB hard drive? can you please explain to me what you hold on there?

is it just a bunch of HD pornos or something?

>work @geeksquad
>put CP on 20 500GB drives
>install drive to anyone you don't like
>tip off fbi

>mfw when it's anthony weiners laptop

>check serial number of hard disks
>doesn't match the one customer work
>run a backtrace
>was purchased by a mr. user 7 years ago
>get his contact details
>black van shows up outside your home
>door is kicked in
>its fbi

>tfw still using 500gb and 1tb drives
Going to pass the 30k mark soon, theyre still young and full of life.

Do people really buy old 500GB drives? These run hot, noisy, and slow compared to modern drives. They're almost 10 years old now.

Since I'm a data hoarder I just throw random shit on them and label it. Old anime rips, site rips, outdated software. Sometimes I load one up for shits.


you can sell all of it and buy a new 10tb drive

*suddenly losses 10TiB of data*

>implying this hard drive didn't change hands multiple times from sketchy craigslist dealers

>implying anyone selling a secondhand hard drive keeps serial numbers

Seems like the most I can get out of them is $15 before shipping and fees. Doesn't seem worth the effort. Even with my $20 I couldn't get a 10TB.

$15 for 20 500gb drives?

$15 each

Then I have to pay eBay 10% and whatever shipping. Before you say craigslist, I checked and people sell them next to nothing there.

I use them for RAID storage.
It's better to use small drives (1TB max) because larger drives have abysmal rebuild times and you risk another disk fails and fucks your array for good.

Can probably get $15 each, then you have $300

That's a pretty dumb reason. Even with 4TB+ rebuild times aren't that long and you have more chances of failure running more drives than you need to. You're wasting money on power costs too.

15 bucks for used old fucking hard drives? Are you brain dead?


Are you saying they sell for more? You realize I was looking to sell them right.

this is what you do. put them up on craigslist, sell them for 15 bucks each or whatever the price you want and meet up with them somewhere.

kill yourself autist

The last time I had to do this I used half my old drives to set up a RAID 10 array in my NAS.

Assuming an average HDD with write speed of 150 MB/s, a rebuild of a 4 TB disk is going to be almost 8 hours. With RAID 5 or 6 that's eight hours of reading from all other drives to rebuild. That's a bit too much risk.
RAID 10 with two mirrors mitigates the problem to a large degree, but you are still bottlenecked by the write speed that doesn't scale with storage size.

Back up the most important stuff, because 10tb drives are unreliable

>he fell for the RAID meme
RAID is not a backup solution

Get an external sata dock an enjoy your massive USB drives.

No it's not, and that's why I also have an external 8TB drive on my NAS that I back everything up to once a week. I'm btw and not the guy you replied to.

I know you retard.
I'm using RAID for better read/write speeds and redundancy.

they're not unreliable

Backups of backups.

I'll buy one off of u ._.

can i have those 20 500gb hdds?

>20 hard drives
Make a suit of armor of them and post pics on here and /k/

You know that phrase "ownership/possession is 9/10ths of the law".. the FBI don't give a shit where Mr. X got his CP filled laptop fixed last, they only care about the fact that Mr. X has a laptop full of CP.

Fuk u bitch, wanna fight?

build a nas?

shove your head up my ass and fight for air

how much data do you herd?
give it away for free (after zero-passing your data) or build some zfs-raid

>not using them to build another LAN Server
What are you, a brainlet?

Use them to learn how to set up a massive storage server. Put them all in a massive RAID 6 or make groups of 4 disks into a RAID 0 and then combine the lot with RAID 5.

Backup backup

Reminder to use bleachbit, it's like cleaning your computer with a cloth.

>Selling PATA drives when no motherboards supports them for years since SATA replaced PATA


How do you get started on that? I have a 2tb and 1tb drive spare right now.


You're lying.


You mad? 10TB is available now for consumers

they are only like $400 give or take a sale

You might be cable to canabilize this 8TB drive for 160

I hate being poor.


>WD Red 5400RPM drive


>a 10TB hard drive
what kind of shitty meme is this?

he is retarded

Upgraded my laptop to SSD and take out the 500GB.

Insert it into external HDD case and connect it to PS4 as external storage.



Setup a NAS raid with them and use for backup

>Insert it into external HDD case
I use external USB.
Amazing fags don't know about daisy chaining up to up 127 devices theoretically of course. Storage galore.

Sell it for cheap to the third world. Im serious offer quick shipping and enable paypal and there you have a quick buck

Sell them to poorfags 10 years behind the curve, obviously. Like every other obsolete piece of tech.

The dev of bleachbit sells a cloth with that quote on it now.