Is there too much technology?
Is there too much technology?
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Better kill yourself
>no real doll with authenticate shitstained asshole and customizable smell
Fuck off Luddite
Better kill yourself
[vomits internally]
What would happen to the world if technology was limited to only people who had made over 100 posts on Sup Forums and had never had a Reddit account?
Machines to save our lives. Machines dehumanize.
>brought to you by amd
How would you make 100 posts without technology
will it
You just kill yourself
everything is in t he cloud
everything is owned by rich jew conspirators
god damn it i would of rather had my village burned to the ground every month than this false freedom shit
Only people who had already made 100 posts, and their descendants, can use technology.
It should have stopped around 1995, in those days technology was just good enough and people was happy
There's too much Sup Forumstardation and frogposting on this board.
Fuck off.
imagine what would have happened if the kings of africa said what you are saying thousands of years ago. we wouldn't have... wait
No, the problem is that our culture and legal system isn't keeping up with technology, not that there's too much of it.
*Dips snail in cheese wine*
>Haw haw I surrender oui oui
*inserts baguette into anus*
Stop posting that racist shit here.
Technology is not a white supremacists field and white supremacists are not welcome here.
We should have stopped technological progression at 1990 and stayed that way forever.
Luddites were right.
Fuck that, I hate commercials and porn sucked
No, go back to the woods, caveman.
>implying porn quality is effected by technology.
Stop posting that degenrate shit here.
Technology is not a SJW cuck field and lefties/commies/liberals/niggers are not welcome here.
>Technology is not a SJW cuck field
I wish
That is a neo-nazi word, you insane bootlicker.
Didn't you see what happened in Charlottesville, when the violent right met the peaceful left? People DIED.
>Technology is not a SJW cuck field
The alt righter actually believes Technology belongs to him, that is hilarious.
You people get fired for yourshit opinions here.
Did you not see what happened to the fascist at Google? He got BTFO and hopefully will never find a job again.
You are NOT welcome in our diverse industry.
>getting fired for having opinions is a good thing
imagine being this classcucked. how does the boot of your capitalist overlord taste?
>>getting fired for having opinions is a good thing
They were fascist opinions, they MUST NOT BE TOLERATED.
You are insane calling me a bootlicker, while defending a neo-nazi getting fired for being A FUCKING neo-nazi.
>when the violent right met the peaceful left?
hahaha this bait
>hahaha this bait
No it isn't. You are defending actual neo Nazis here that is simply not okay.
I am defending a worker voicing his opinion about his own workplace, I don't care if he's a fascist.
I think you are the only bootlicker here.
>I don't care if he's a fascist
Then you are evil yourself.
If you don't fight fascism you are a problem.
The "worker" was not fired for voicing his opinion he was fired for being NEONAZI.
Now get your head out of your ass and stop being a bootlicker defending fascism.
no he wasn't, he was criticizing the hiring process in his own workplace. if his opinions have a sexist or racist bias that's no excuse for the corporate overlords to practice totalitarian control over a workplace.
>he was criticizing the hiring process in his own workplace
He critized the equality of men and women(a long established fact) and even if that is not exactly Nazism the enforcement of toxic gender stereotypes played a big role in neo Nazis ideology.
>if his opinions have a sexist or racist bias that's no excuse for the corporate overlords to practice totalitarian control over a workplace
How can you honestly defend fascism in this day and age, millions DIED.
I am starting to feel that you are just a right wing troll who pretends to be far left so that he can defend his destructive ideology.
There is NOTHING totalitarian about banning fascism, in fact it is the EXACT opposite of totalitarianism. How could you expect people to talk freely when surrounded by fascists?
there is no such thing as "the opposite of totalitarianism". totalitarianism is honestly just anything that goes against the status quo, but here's the fact of the matter: ALL government that have laws are basically totalitarian. If you break a certain boundary and you are incarcerated and killed for it, you are in a totalitarian society.
if you disagree with him, you should be able to voice your arguments back at him to sway the opinion of others. If you rely on a single supreme landowning capitalist to determine who gets paid how much, then you are not living in a free society.
>there is no such thing as "the opposite of totalitarianism"
You are an insane right wing troll.
Freedom and free expression are the opposite of totalitarianism.
>totalitarianism is honestly just anything that goes against the status quo
Don't you realize Drumpf is in power?
An authoritarian maniac? Google has to make a stand to fight that status quo.
You seem to be just another insane right-winger pretending to be far left.
Your lack of opposition to fascism shows exactly that.
NOBODY should be able to voice fascist opinions, we can NEVER live in free society where that is allowed.
Now fuck off right wing bootlicker, we do not want fascists here.
>NOBODY should be able to voice fascist opinions, we can NEVER live in free society where that is allowed.
Does this apply to communists too?
Not him.
I am probably farther left than you are.
And as a leftist here's why it's a problem: the neofascist and Google have now gone to court over whether Google fired him on the right grounds. Guess what happens if Google wins? It means less power for labor unions, less power for a worker when he voices his opinion about his workplace is run.
I don't agree with the Nazi at all. Everything he said is wrong. But if Google wins and gets away with it, that would be the death of labor unions and leftism.
>Does this apply to communists too?
Why would it?
Communism was never tried so nobody knows how damaging/harmful it might be.
see you fag
if Google wins, you get fired too.
>I am probably farther left than you are.
No. You are defending fascism.
No one on the left would do that. You are a right-wing troll, probably full of toxic masculinity and afraid that you might get fired for your fascist ideas.
>Communism was never tried so nobody knows how damaging/harmful it might be.
Wow, word-for-word.
I am defending democracy in the workplace, fuck off ""leftist"" SJW
No, people get fired for hating.
I am not a fascist who is full of hate.
>I am defending democracy
You are a hateful bigoted right-winger.
>tfw you demand a higher wage and say your boss is taking too much
>get fired for classist "hate speech"
your mental gymnastics are amazing.
Sooo.... yes? Feelsbadman. Still love u tho.
The sudden influx of random pots was too obvious. Take notes.
There are laws against that, you do not get fired if you don't have been proven to be hateful.
Like I said, classist hate speech.
And if your boss isn't white, he can just accuse or racism. If he's gay, homophobia. If he's muslim or jewish, antisemitism.
But if I did not do it I have nothing to fear.
That is the LAW.
and laws have loopholes. how can you call yourself a leftist and want google to win this case?
>how can you call yourself a leftist and want google to win this case?
How can you be a leftists and defend a fascist.
That is the real question here.
Yes. We need to ditch consumerist meme '''technology''' and focus on what's important.
>How can you be a leftists and defend a fascist
Not that guy, but fascism isn't exactly a small-government ideology.
>fascism isn't exactly a small-government ideology
I don't care. It is a hateful and discriminatory ideology. Anyone who supports it, like the (thankfully) ex Google guy, must be opposed by any means necessary.
Fuck off neo Nazis. Tech IS and ALWAYS WILL BE inclusive to everyone.
Nobody is a degenerate.
...none of which changes the fact it's a leftist ideology.
Hate and bigotry is never left wing.
You're saying fascism isn't hateful or bigoted?
No the exact opposite. Fascists are full of virgin rage, thats why they lash out against minorities.
Since fascism is so hateful it can NOT be left wing.
Why are you guys taking bait from a roleplaying leftist?
If you like minorities so much why don't you go live among them?
I am living in a very progressive city in Germany.
Everyday when I wake up I exit the bus near a church with a cafe for refugees, next to a fascist statue of a WW1 soldier on which some kind soul wrote "Fick dich Deutschland" (fuck you Germany).
Then I move to a square on which proudly the LGBTQAP+ flag is displayed.
This city is so progressive that you can't even hear German any more when you are on the train.
Only vibrant Arabic diversity.
Seriously, fuck that guy.
(((peaceful))) Antifa
>Since fascism is so hateful it can NOT be left wing.
>Fuck the patriarchy
>Fuck men
>Fuck whites
>Fuck colonialism
>Fuck the west
>Fuck Europe
>Fuck Christianity
>Fuck religion (except Islam)
>Fuck racism, homophobia, islamophobia, sexism... and bigotry
Your side is the epitome of tolerance and peace, am I right?
Fascism must be opposed. Not loosing fascism is by definition hateful
Is this Ted Kaczynski's address book?
Nice strawman.
And yes you are right, unlike the conservative bigots and the alt right fascist the left wants the best for EVERYONE.
We are the only option if you want a life free of hate.
yes. As much as i like smartphones and digital cameras as much do I hate all of this.
I just want to fuck my gf at the lake and not have to worry about seeing myself on the internet later that night.
There's too much animeposters.
They ruin everything.
That has nothing to do with anything
Should we tell him?
"National SOCIALISM German Workers Party"
The SA were quite left-leaning, in a bolshevik-revolution way. But then, the Night of the Long Knives came about, most likely because the traditional right was afraid of them and wanted order, which Hitler accorded reluctantly. The SS on the other hand were quite happy with the emasculation of the SA.
It's just that most people mistake the economical position (socialism vs for example capitalism) with the power distribution of the state (as in dictatorship vs democracy).
Usually leftist economies seem to be the most fascists (Hitler, Stalin, Mao...) but I'm sore there are a lot of examples against.