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what is the point of life?
and why do we have to die?
if the universe is deterministic, how can free will possibly exist?
With google results turned off I presume? But then you get shit results. Startpage isn't botnet, though it still "feeds" google
Can I setup some kind of https everywhere on the router?
Besides DNScrypt and some basic firewall iptables, what other packages should I install if I want to improve my routers' security?
Sup Forums always talk about "companies spying and stealing your data", I don't doubt about that but what exactly do they steal?
Because, I'm not famous, important, a hacker or a cyber-criminal, I'm just a regular guy who just use pc to work and shitpost here. So why I have to protect myself? why you protect yourself against them? What data they want and what they do with datas?
How do I format my hard drive in Xubuntu?
i want to into cs courses but i want to skip the intro classes, what if i just teach myself java until next semester and take network + systems administration and dream for a remote sysadmin job
Something bizarre has started happening and I can't figure out why. Google has had some people with the same problem but few getting fixes and those aren't working for me
When I'm zoomed to something so that I can scroll left/right, it automatically starts to scroll to the right in discrete steps. It's kinda annoying
I suppose one is protecting themself from having an internet profile.
When an individual is targeted their wealth is learned. What they do for a living is learned. Their likes dislikes and what their current thoughts are, are all targeted. Every last dollar in your pocket I'll try and be magnitiesed by companies that know your every thought. Marketing tailored to your brain knowing how to suck every dollar out of you. Even those with large amounts of will power can be abused for cash because marketing companies know how to break you. I do not wish for them to have this ability to know that I will break when I see a 8 tb hard drive at a "discount" or other tech goodies that my consumerist soul may desire.
google it
Need a new storage and (temp) backup HDD. Two of them to manually mirror my files. Dont want a raid 1 because less redundant (if the file gets fucked, its fucked on both).
What is/are some reliable HDDs? Doesnt have to be fast and doesnt have to be TOO big, just not die to fast. 3.5" and external. I'm okay with buying case and HDD seperatly.
Can you run an OS from esata efficiently as from the mobo? Or is it better to plug it in the mobo?
What are some decent network analysis tools to install on a gateway firewall to monitor traffic usage, bandwidth utilization, etc...
wait, s/*/what can i expect from a network and systems administration course
>dns crypt on pihole
The pihole was easy to install but this dnscrypt stuff seems much more complicated
What is the router alternative? dd wrt?
People are bored and if you don't protect your shit you will get hacked and the hacker will restream your webcams and screens to humiliate you. You don't need to be important.
So you don't mind if a person was over your shoulder, watching everything you do and taking notes?
That's what "companies spying and stealing your data" is referring to. They don't literally "steal" anything. But it's obvious that some advertisers are unscrupulous and implant malware or adware or spyware on your PC.
LEDE/Openwrt. It's not complicated to setup there really. Just follow the guide on the Openwrt wiki step by step.
Any reason why this script can't pick up any signals from the 433.92MHz controller I have for controlling outlets?
This is the rf receiver I have connected to my raspberry pi.
Why do dates still say something like 18 august 2017 or August 18 2007.
I don't care if it's august I want the fucking number.
A number is universal and word isn't
is it possible to somehow transfer a version of Microsoft office that came with my windows 10 pc to a VM installation of windows on a linux host
My fonts are all fucky since a firefox update apparently I can change it by changing back to English regional settings but I don't want to... Should I just wait and hope for a fix or will it be broken forever?
in a lot of places i see 07/12/2017 or something like that
Is it worth learning to read Japanese so I can play porn games or will we have sentient AI translators within the next 4-5 years so it won't matter anyway??
Any alternatives which let me do an image from a larger source hdd to a smaller target disk? Clonezilla seems to lack support for this completely
I need help covering F1CB FC33 A90E 3D97 DC03 to a string that is 8 characters long and consisting of R,L,U and D's. Pic related.
Each line's result will fit the above parameters.
Any help at all would be appreciated!
Shrink the partition down to have no free space then image it over to the smaller hdd.
Note that the data to be copied itself would still be way below the target disk's capacity, it's basically just the partition itself that would be too large - I suppose i could downsize it via diskmgmt before attempting to clone or something though
Is it possible to install Windows 7 using a 3.5" floppy drive? The computer I want to install it on doesn't have a USB or DVD drive
Can i deshrink it again without causing any problems once it's cloned to the smaller target hdd? God i hope there's some detailed guides for this somewhere
Can those two coexist with dnscrypt? I tho the way dnscrypt works it ignores (not sure if this is the right word) any other dns configurations to prevent mitm attacks.
They work with dnscrypt
Shrink it to the size of your smaller hdd
You can resize it to be bigger as well
go to disk management and right click the patition and hit shrink, then shrink it down
that easy
No. Try to do a network install.
Probably not. It would be simpler to crack it and soothe your conscience by uninstalling it from the PC.
Because there are two common date arrangements which, when the date is on or before the 12th, can cause confusion.
I agree that the month name is bad because they vary by language. If you go with YYYY-MM-DD the confusion disappears and you can use your pure numbers. Filenames also sort better this way.
What is the best storage service for online storage? No meme answers please and preferably no privacy issues
Is there a way to recover a hacked Facebook account where the login email was changed and there is no phone number? It keeps saying they can't help because I can't prove I own the account even though the only way to prove it is through the email, which was changed.
Why brave it's working like crap lately when it was just fine a week ago?
What is the generally accepted browser most of Sup Forums is using?
does Sup Forums has it's own discord channel?
Heh that actually sounds easy enough yeah, thanks guy
Can you be more specific with what you're looking for? There is no single best for everything.
I am trying PaleMoon at the moment and my old popup block addon isn't compatible, anyone knows a good alternative?
whats better, alt+tab or window+tab?
Just an all around good file storage service, that doesn't have privacy issues like people leaking photos
Is that the entire text of the problem?
Is there a known sequence that makes the RDULRULL example?
You'd probably do well with Amazon.
People have probably set some up in its name but check the Install Gentoo wiki.
Yes, that is the entire text. No, there is no example and that's what is killing me. I feel like if I had something to go off of, I could possibly figure it out.
>check the Install Gentoo wiki.
nothing up there, just /csg/ discord
Then no, seems there isn't.
How do I make the wallpaper on my zuk z2 pro not blurry?
i had a wallpaper once
I cant find the setting where it makes my wallpaper blurry as fuck
I don't know what a zuk z2 pro is though
ublock origin.
Can someone recommend me a laptop.
Need something cheap, thin and portable to bring to school. Will also be using for electronic simulation software or circuit analysis, shit like that.
Is $225 a good price for a gtx 980 4GB sc?
I'm working on a semi budget build, with this GPU I'll have spent $400
im thinking of making a file server which ill access through smb on my home network and figure something else out if i wanna connect through the internet, my main question is what kinda specs will affect performance? itll mainly be streaming tv shows from it, would an i3-4130 be ok for streaming 1080p and sometimes 4k video from it? would 8gb ram be ok or is 16 recommended and does amount of ram affect streaming and transfer rate? i have a gigabit subnet set up for my devices in my house and my family use a different router
If that's not to your liking, keep browsing that site.
How do I wipe my hdd so that when I sell it along with my laptop, no one can retrieve the data that was once there?
Sure? So good but not great?
Dban it.
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
Lots of people use random but I think zeroes are enough.
shred it with a live cd
I mean you always ask as cheap as you can within reason, but if you're okay with that price then go for it.
Youll want to do minimum 3 passes using dban
So I killdisk'd an old hdd to and now opened it up in disk management and it's split into 2048GB and 746GB unallocated partitions. How I just make one big drive again?
Delete the partitions and reform them into one using a file system that supports more than 2TB partitions.
nvmd fix'd it
I just clicked the "convert to GPT" option
Bear in mind that you can only use a GPT boot disk with UEFI support enable.
I already use it but there are redirects It won't block which is why I used the extra addon
what is the poorfag solution if I wanted a desktop amp/mixer for listening to music on a daily basis and doing internet radio every now and then (what I mean is that I want it to take mic input)
Of course, thats the lowest he can, with the box and everything, also apparently only a few weeks of use
Will the 980 be able to handle 1440p gaming well?
c'mon nu/g/ i know im not asking about windows or 'how do i backup a hard drive' but im hoping you guys could at least suggest a decent FOSS gateway network analysis tool
Can i connect my geubunda ARX70 to a calcificion hyper Q with usb 3.0 at the cork sockets ?
Few weeks is always a lie. I really hope you're getting a chance to test this thing.
No. The geubunda does not support 3.0 cork
MY router doesn't have wireless support on the openwrt website, because of a broadcom chip. Can you recommend one for me to buy on ebay? Preferably under 50 bucks.
How about a 980 ti hybrid for $300? $75 for the difference, is it a big enough improvement?
Storage for what? How much data?
No, that's too much.
The poorfag solution is don't get any extra hardware, just use your computer.
XLR mic? Because the poorfag solution is to use USB.
Really? The 980 ti outperforms the 1070, and those are like $450 new
Really. Open with $250 and see what you can get. Maybe you accept $270s. But this is splitting hairs when you're already buying last gen. I'd sooner just take the 980, live with its performance and spend the $50 elsewhere.
did that so far and found it to be a lackluster solution
no, although I'd like to have the option
I'd rather avoid a USB mic
Wait so that's a no to XLR and you'd rather avoid USB...are you using a piece of garbage on the end of a 3.5mm plug? I'm confused because literally a webcam microphone would be an upgrade to that. Or are you saying that this mic is all just hypothetical at the moment?
Mainly photos and videos maybe about 2 GB in total right now
I have an AM2 processor lying around
>AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5000+
would this work on an AM3 board?
I have an under 50$ microphone that has a 3.5 plug and it worked so far since I only had to plug it into the PC
I'd need an amp anyway so I'd rather get that first and probably upgrade the microphone as well at my earliest convenience
How do I either prove someone on my lan is monitoring my traffic for malicious reasons or otherwise make it so they can't see it?