Exactly, what's so bad about systemd?
"Do one thing and do it better." It won't.
Before we start discussing whether systemd is good or bad, I'd like someone to tell me WHAT systemd is.
Exactly. It needs a fucking wikipedia page for the definition. You can't just tell me in one sentence what it does.
For example, if you ask me what runit is I'd tell you it's an init system and services supervisor.
You know those tentacle porn videos? Imagine GNU/Linux being a 5000 year old cute little loli and systemd being a devious plant that first acts all nice by simply rubbing your pussy gently but then out of fucking nowhere another tentacle spawns and starts fucking your tight ass. As you're about to cry for help another one appears and starts fucking your mouth and when you think it can't get any worse it discovers there are more holes to be filled so it starts to spawn more and more tentacles and fuck you in ways you never imagined to be fucked in.
systemd wants GNU/Linux to be Windows.
It's a project by soulless German meat-robots who unironically believe that real world markets are meritocratic.
1.) scope creep/bloat. Why does an init system need a DNS resolver?
2.) Lennart is an arrogant dickweed, even by free software project standards.
Those are bad and annoying, but its blown rather out of proportion by the anti-systemd crowd.
Systemd is the cancer that is killing linux. This is why all the linux fags are migrating to BSD and there will never be a year of linnox on the desktop.
Shill harder.
The sad thing is at first, a lot of systemd criticism was neckbeard paranoia. Poettering is such an assclown that he somehow ended up proving them correct.
Pretty much. The concept isn't nearly as retarded as it sounds, but it's headed by such a caricature of postmodern arrogance that it's doomed to become worse than the critics imagine. Anyone who takes a moment to examine Lennart's body of work knows this. It's like putting a pedo in charge of a daycare.
>GNU/Linux being a 5000 year old cute little loli
>systemd being a devious plant
>first acts all nice by simply rubbing your pussy gently
>another tentacle spawns and starts fucking your tight ass
>another one appears and starts fucking your mouth
>there are more holes to be filled so it starts to spawn more and more tentacles and fuck you in ways you never imagined to be fucked in.
Found "I am never wrong / not a bug" Pottering
It's a mess of scope creep and a massive security vulnerability. It keeps adding more and more crap (http server, qr code generator, dns resolver, network daemon, udev, an rm replacement, etc) thus adding a wider and wider attack surface all while running as the most privileged process (pid 1) and doing a terrible job at the things it adds (have you seen the network interface names you get with systemd?). Lennart and the rest of the systemd team don't just want to build an init/supervision system, they want to build what they call the "plumbing" layer of GNU/Linux and they want all modern applications to rely on their apis so that you are locked into systemd like with GNOME or udev. Also Lennart thinks that CVEs are some sort of currency to security researchers and that there's no point in issueing them when there are "minor bugs" in systemd even though it's the most privileged program running on your system.
So much this. Spot on.
gentoo is like the last bastion of hope
Systemd might be the reason gentoo is so popular, as gentoo can just use OpenRc
There's not one particular thing. It's a list.
- immaturity [not developed enough and sits underneath older, more reliable systems]
- against UNIX philosophy [too many processes, more change of breakage]
- owned by Red Hat and an attempt to morph every distro into systemdOS and make as much $$$ as possible
- approved by NSA
- Poettering's WONTFIX / NOTABUG shit attitude
In short, systemd has been forced on the Linux world in an attempt to take over Linux and direct everything upstream to Red Hat so that distros become little else but RH derivations. Any distro that has swapped over is beyond help, it's turning Linux slowly into one big lucrative botnet for RHEL and the US gov.
I am thinking of swapping to a non systemd distro but, at the moment, I really don't know if I can be bothered. I use GNOME and I love it, but GNOME is tied to systemd. Meh.
I'm at the point of wondering whether I should swap to another distro or just get on with other shit, and I'll probably do the latter.
Poettering did nothing wrong
Try a systemd-free distro and use MATE to get that GNOME-like experience, Void would be a great option if it had more documentation.
its a layer below the Linux kernel that manages the interactions with the rest of programs and devices on your computer, yes very deceiving to call it a init system
not Gentoo.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>its a layer below the Linux kernel
You meant on top right?
Is there such as something that runs below the kernel?
cpu instructions?
Well you can always read the first lines if you want that kind of information
Is this the true power of summer?
Wake the fuck up shitlords.
Every distro can choose to implement or not. Guess what fatasses MOST HAVE DONE SO.
If its so fucking bad as you neckbeards say why implement it in first place? Get rekt bitches all you faggots do here is to repeat same old memes without knowing shit about anything.
Why can't you just remove systemd and install whatever init you want?
what the fuck I love systemd now
It doesn't work
here are a couple
When programs are DEPENDING on systemd,thats not so easy anymore
>what's so bad about systemd?
It doesn't work, pic related, screenshot from today
When I first started building stuff on top of Linux I was on some old debian version and naively assumed the operating system would be able to handle in an elegant way like run & manage a service. Turns out it wasn't so much an operating system as a taped together bundle of shell scripts.
Then I discovered systemd and things were good a lot better. I guess solving problems is a lot more valuable than bitching endlessly about how they get solved??
TPTB always get their way. Best post ITT.
works on MY machine bicth
Poettering is the kind of idiot to say 'lol no one tests this' for production code
The absolute state of free software
Nah we have an ok selection to work with for now
fyi, on Gentoo it's easy to use Gnome without systemd thanks to Dantrell B. You just add his git repo (or use layman), change the profile and emerge away. Really impressive as pretty nuch everything just werks
> He forgot that the bootloader grabs da kernel
For what purpose?
It's ok b/c your computer forgot too xD
It's a choice. Many people like Gnome but don't need or want systemd's features and complexity.
Nothing, it's great. It has brought amazing new features to GNU/Linux that it has never had before. Like the capability of having multiple root users. All you have to do is give users a name starting with a number and they automatically become root! Isn't that awesome?
hmmmmmmm. But what do you do, with the computer that you couldn't do?
Imagine a giant cock flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it, and you're like "oh man, I'm going to have to suck this thing". You brace yourself to suck this giant cock. But then, at the last moment, it changes trajectory and hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "well, at least I got that out of the way". However, the giant cock rears its ugly head, and stabs your eye again, and again, and again. Eventually, this cock is penetrating your grey matter, and you begin to lose control of your motor functions. Then, the giant cock slaps you across the cheek and knocks you out of your chair. Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant cock finally lodges itself in your anus, where it rests comfortably for 4, maybe 5 hours.
That's what SyndromeD feels like.
Just get gud and catch it with your anus in the first place mang. Systemd is pure pleasure
It was b8 and switch. SunnyD started out as a good idea, and Red Hat started throwing money at it, so people signed on. Now it's a bug ridden over-engineered mess with way more responsibilities than it should have.
It's still a better init, but everything else it tries to be, it fails at. Worse, devs are beginning to take it for granted (because it's a siren song of convenience), which fractures portability between distros. SystemD has become a cancer. That much is pretty obvious.
Idk about most distros but I know for a fact that Void Linux's gnome 3 doesn't depend on systemD