Is raspberry pi worth it ?

Is raspberry pi worth it ?

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sjw-ridden cuck toxic garbage

It's a meme.

On a more serious note: there are some use cases where it is a viable option. However 95% of the people who bought one either don't know what to do with it or would've been better off with some other device.

No. Buy an orangePi

I just need a retro gaming machine to play on tv.
There is a distro called retro pi.

What should I use as a home server, instead of a pi, and would a change worth it?
I don't need much, torrent server, plex server, dlna, smb & ftp server and a webserver. Preferably with OMV or other easily configurable software

omv runs well on a pi, plex wil struggle doing any kind of encodes or high bitrate playback though. Look at getting a nuc or similar device for that.

something with sata and gbit ethernet would be better for that

Just buy an old Optiplex that a business or school is rotating out on craigslist. Pi for /vr/ is a meme

You'll get way better performance and can do a lot more with it

If you dont have better hardware yes. I find that anything I do with it ends up being done better by a jail on my freenas machine or a virtual machine on a home baby server.

Still using one at work to loop saftey videos on a tv in the lunch room.

Thats whaat im using mine for, im looking into hyperpie at the moment. just got one of these cases today too.

I have one and use it as a seedbox and file server. Works breddy gud.

I use mine as pi-hole. Not much else that I found it useful for.

I use mine as a local media player for my Blu-ray quality files. Better than Plex or anything similar due to bit rate limitations and lack of support for HD audio codecs.

Not when odroid and more powerful devices exist for literally the same money.

>same money
Yeah, about that.

>literally the same money.


>muh 10$ difference is not worth 2x performance

Been using it as a media center for a while, right now it's just a low power WiFi to Ethernet bridge after it got replaced by an android box.

I guess it works

>Is raspberry pi worth it ?
Yeah if you start in arm boards
If you dont it have cheapers ones
I use mine as retro gaming console
Mostly libreelec kodi to see films
And little computer to mess with since all the micro sd cards are little harddrives i copy the iso with and voila

you know you have to scatter to get that difference and most people just isn't willing to take the time to do so.

>you know you have to scatter to get that difference and most people just isn't willing to take the time to do so.
Yeah for 10$ you can get your dick sucked in a trucker stop in AMERIKKKA

odroid is objectively much better

Not OP and no offense but the point of a PI is that they barely use power. 1W at the most. The most efficient laptop I seen was the Dell Mini 9 and even that used 12W

I am thinking about getting a PI for retro gaming and low intensity uses as opposed to having my old laptop here which uses a good 30W of power.

>power consumption

>Not OP and no offense but the point of a PI is that they barely use power.
umm no?

Ive purchased many pi's in my time and not once did I think 'oh gee, i better purchase it beacuse it barely uses power'

the point of a rpi is they are cheap as dick, can run embedded distributions and have gpio pinouts

>1W at the most
Required power input: 5V 2.5A

There are a lot better options on the market.

If you want one, get one. It's cheap, like the budgie. As long as you have a solid idea of what you're going to use it for then get one.

Don't let the sniffy, basement dwelling, fat cunts on here put you off.

>Ive purchased many pi's in my time and not once did I think 'oh gee, i better purchase it beacuse it barely uses power'

Everyone is different, to me power consumption is kind of a big deal, call it my aspie obcession if you want. I don't have light bulbs on I don't need, TV "on for the sound" or any shit I would consider energy hogs for no reason. RPI consumes less power than most computers out there specially for the price. If the price is all it matters to you, you could buy a much more powerful than RPI for same money used.

>RPI consumes less power than most computers out there specially for the price
I agree with this but get outta here with you 1W bs.
I have never seen an RPi that has a recommended power supply of [email protected]

RPi's consume about 10x as much power as you stated

>prolonged battery life
>less heat
Not sure what you're complaining about.

>RPi's consume about 10x as much power as you stated

in that case disregard, they're useless to me. I can just use a netbook for the same use considering they use that power for the entire setup no additional power for screen

are you sure your laptop actually runs on the 30w you stated? many are charged with 12v power and that means its running at about 2.5 amps which seems a little low to me.

my laptop is [email protected] which is about 45 watts

I've read guides about all these things that can be done with the pi, but why bother? It always something along the lines of remaking something else that exists already. Bastard-ized laptops, tablets, WiFi crackers, etc.

Yet they always hinge on buying close to $150 worth of stuff. Special camera if you're looking to make a security camera, special screens that are stupid money for what they offer. And anything pen testing related always hinge on a specialty USB or internal WiFi card that could be used on any other machine.

The absolute only thing I can see the pi being good for is a cheap desktop type PC for stuff like public schools or libraries to buy en masse for standard use. I.e. word processing, internet browsing. Even then it barely edges out how chromeboxes and Chromebooks that are coming down in price.

embedded devices like these have their uses.

I got an odriod xu4 and turned it into a gateway firewall, much better than any residential level firewall I could buy for 5x the price because I have a fully configurable linux kernel to work with and not some stripped-down idiot-proof interface

Also used RPi's as embedded devices that function as DNS, smtp and IDS appliances for my domain

they are also neat for media streamers. I've turned RPi 3's into wireless media streamers for home and once again less expensive and more configurable than buying commercial hardware that does the same thing


first off, the $35 price tag is a classic bait and switch. You get literally nothing but the board and odds are you don't have spare AC adapters, housing, heatsinks, sd cards (ok maybe this one but still) etc. to operate it. There's also shipping too.

And when you finally get it, you'll try out all the things it can do, and only find yourself disappointed.

haha, no. Can't decode HEVC worth a damn. What's the fucking point, especially considering the future of encoding?

one, if you go this route, you should get the zero, but even then, you shouldn't get one, because any DIY shit will pale in comparison to just using a PSP with CFW. retropi is more for the assembly and tinkering than actually playing games

This thing is just too damn weak to do anything worthwhile. Crash-prone, chokes up with tasks that a 2010 smartphone can do like youtube videos, and the OS options are buggy trash. Even if you don't find it crashing within 24 hours of uptime, expect graphical glitches everywhere

If you could leave for a weekend and come back to find it still on, sure, but you can't reliably expect this PoS to stay on, one because of software, but more likely because the hardware itself

if you have a use that's not one of the above, go ahead and get one (although you're probably better off with one of the pi clones or an arduino or something). The only thing they are good for is their intended purpose: teaching african kids how to code.

it depends on the model, I had a killawatt and I measured my T4400 and my Mini 9 at the time. the mini9 was between 11 and 14 w/h the other consumed between 29 and 37 w/h. Power supply output is not necessarily the consumption you're going to have its just the rated output. theres other people who have measured the usage of RPI and claim under 5w/h consumptions, but I don't have neither the killawatt now nor the RPI to test.

t. total layman in electricity with a kill a watt

Closed source bootloader. Avoid it

this is why i switched to odriod

>odds are you don't have spare AC adapters
Yeah, I really don't have like 10 microUSB cables.
You don't need it.
>sd cards
You are Apple faggot, aren't you?
>There's also shipping
Yeah, like with everything...

It's not a great piece of hardware, but what do you expect for $35?

>supporting broadscum
Please don't.

Got a XU 4 recently, it's awesome, 1Gbps Ethernet, 2x USB 3.0 and eMMC flash storage. A fucking rp3 wouldn't even stature my home 1Gbps connection, plus limited to USB 2.0 speeds, on top of that the rp3 shares USB and Ethernet bus together so it's another bottleneck.

This, kek

But all the hardware components are open source? Or there are propietary blobs for thing like wifi or bluetooth.

it used das u-boot loader, quite open source

all of the hardware on the xu4 has open source drivers

How is the build quality?
Will it last >2 years?

Ive only had mine a few months but in my own opinion it seems to be far superior to the pi. heatsink and fan is included with the product and the case from the manufacturer is much more durable than any rpi case ive used. it screws together instead of using cheap snap parts

An old c2d (or even core i3 first gen) running 24/7 consumes much more power than a RPi

Obviously if you have a use for it, yes
If you don't need it, then no...

Kristina is a good girl.

There's a lot of fun stuff to do with a raspberry. but the best use cases are for a pi zero/zero g operating headless. If you want a retro gaming console, why not just use a handheld? Way more convenient than having to use a tiny box with a tv and cables going everywhere.

I did that, it's super slow and the distro is shit

>Got a XU 4 recently, it's awesome

how's the support? I might want to buy some new toy

No but Odroid C2 is

yeah it would run best with 5.1V 2.5A power supplies, but I've run raspberries with 5V 1A. I run two irc clients on two separate raspberries right now with 5V 1A without probs

They can crash, slow down or stutter if run with less than optimal psu's, but it can be done.

I have one and half of the distros designed for it are awful.
>The biggest section in the application menu is "Education"on Ubuntu MATE
>firefox crashed and chromium doesnt run

>Special camera if you're looking to make a security camera
This is one area where it shines really, you can build an IP camera with complete control over what it does and how it works.

I've run RPi 1 for half a year without a crash on 500mA charger just fine, thunderstorm later and the SD became corrupted. 2.5A is required if you are going to feed HDD of it, not if you are going to run it with single USB stick headless.

Can anybody tell me how to stream games from Arch to RPi3? I don't use an NVidia card and I don't want to support Valve and buy their steam link box.

Couldn't you just do it like how you use X on TFT screens? Framebuffer.

This, pis are trash for this reason alone.
