I know this isn't tech support but I've scoured the whole internet and I couldn't find an answer

I know this isn't tech support but I've scoured the whole internet and I couldn't find an answer.

>be me
>get mugged
>no more phone for me
>get a 2nd gen MOTO E
>buy SD card
>plug phone, create folder called "Music" on SD card
>Drag my whole music folder (like 8 GiBs)
>Wait 2 hours
>Unplug the phone carefully
>95% of songs is corrupted, won't even play
>Half of the ones that DO play are cut short before the 30 seconds mark
>Try to play the files from the SD card on PC
>won't even detect

It just gets better

>Pass a few new songs, one by one to the sd card
>They don't corrupt
>Play them on my phone, all clear.
>Pass a few more songs
>Previous songs also corrupted now.

Any thoughts? I already formatted the SD card from Android, tried multiple USB cables, tried it over AirDroid to see if it was USB.

Always the same bullshit. Could it be that the phone itself is corrupting the files? Now I can play some songs but I only have a LOST.DIR folder on the SD card as far as Windows can tell.

Try putting the song on internal storage
Try using a different sd
If they play on above your sd is broken
If they play only on internal sd slot is broken
If they dont play phone is broken

Basic engineering senpai

That's what you get for adding unnecessary complexity. Why didn't you just copy straight to SD card in the first place?

Install Gentoo

This user is correct


h2testw your SD card.

>not streaming music or downloading them to storage

>buy SD card
was it a cheap chinese sd card?
the type that claims it's 16/32/64 gb but really is 2/4/8 gb?

Did what said and everything worked flawlessly. Trying to format the SD card as internal but got stuck at 30%

I don't think it is, though most 16 GiB cards and USB drives display 14,4 as max space, this one shows 15,07

The the card is defective, if you bought it from a retailer it should have a warranty, if not then just get a new, it happens

Download SD Formatter from the SD Association and format it from your computer.

Dare I say it, is some of your music copy protected?

get a better phone

Most of it is, though my old phone had no problem with it even on google play

Yup, Android finally killed it. Gave me a "Your card will now act as internal storage" but then when I check up it says "Damaged" and won't appear on windows.

Also, is it me or does Huawei have a way better version of 5.0 than Motorola?

My Y6 let me use SD card as internal memory without formatting and let me actually handle files, this shit is too locked up.

Look up your phone on xda, spend this sunday to teach yourself of rooting, custom roms, magisk and more
Will be well worth your time and you wont be looking at cimparing phone models as much as oses

lmao dumbtard bought a fake sd card, thats why you always buy them from official retailers dumbo and test it using a f3write/read type utility, I laugh at your suffering

Might I suggest, and bear with me, a shift to normyism with an install of Spotify


>get mugged
Found the unarmed faggot/victim waiting to happen.

*tips drumpf hat respectfully*

>"o-ok just let me get something from my pocket first heh heh"
>get shot immediately as you are now a deadly threat to the mugger
If someone has a gun in his hand you are going to be slower than him to get to the shooting position. If you're in an open carry state then the mugger wouldn't even take a chance while seeing you being armed, he would just shoot you in the back and then take your stuff. The better way would be reducing the change of a mugger having a gun in the first place.

I've seen many videos where people are able to pull their weapon and fire on someone who already has a weapon drawn. You've never carried a day in your life, and are a little faggot trying to rationalize not owning a firearm.

The trick is being aware of your surroundings and not letting anyone get the drop on you. Most muggers are quite stupid, so it's fairly easy to spot them approaching you. This applies to big cities and small towns, with the latter being even more obvious due to the usual lack of actual people.

Hand already ready to draw when some dude who looks sketched out on heroin approaches = win.

new sd card

>seen many videos
you'd likely shit yourself and cry like a whiny lil bitch you are if someone mugged you

Says the faggot that doesn't own, and has likely never even seen a real firearm in his life.


I have never carried since it's illegal where I live. The chances of a mugger having a gun are also very slim. I have used many different guns while in the army though and got a pin for it for acing the shooting range test. I have used pistols, sniper rifles, shotguns and assault rifles. I've also had to disasseble and clean them. I know how to handle a gun, it's easy. In fact it's so easy that I would hate the idea of some skinny crackhead being able to overpower me since I can't fight physically against a gun. I would take my chances against a knife since you can't just press a button and kill someone, you have to actually fight with one.

>I have never carried since it's illegal where I live.
Stopped reading here, you're a cuck living in a cucked nation and your opinion is invalid. Don't worry, if you ever need help the police are only several minutes away from you!

>if you ever need help
And I probably won't. Feels good.

I've also never been mugged or assaulted in the 29 years I've been on this planet. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy the comfort of having a weapon to defend myself if I ever need one. If you were in a life or death situation against a person with a firearm, you'd be fucked, don't even pretend otherwise. At least an American would have a chance.

I won't be in that situation since you can't just get a gun from Walmart's vending machines here. That means that every desperate crackhead won't have a gun unlike there. Now go get shot for daring to walk outside. Remember to tip the shooter while he's emptying the clip in you.

Not every but some will, cuckolded faggot. Remember to bin your butter knives and suck your daily quota of sandnigger cock.

Keep believing that, third-worlder fag. I have dozens of non-kitchen knives which I sharpen myself with a whetstone. I also carry a multitool with me but not for protection but because it's handy.

...And I bet my neighborhood is whiter than yours. You've just been eating your mandatory government issued blue pills to keep you thinking you are great and other countries suck.

both of you kys. marginally easier for the one with a gun.

Should've used rsync OP