Does Sup Forums use RSS/Atom feeds? What reader do you use?
Does Sup Forums use RSS/Atom feeds? What reader do you use?
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+1, but mobile app is very difficult to read
Firefox Live Bookmarks
Not anymore. Nowadays I visit only one news site anyway.
Newsbeuter is really good. You can use tags. Makes it easy to sort.
I use them with KLWP to make a custom news widget
tt-rss for me too.
>but mobile app is very difficult to read
Which one? I have no problems with org.ttrssreader (is, can be found on f-droid) only search is lacking, but isn't needed that much so I can deal with it.
Bamboo on Firefox. I like it. The browser is open as long as the PC is on anyway.
this is exactly what I use, there is a bug in which old entries show up as new which is annoying but not to bad since it's free
with ff 57 hits, it's really going to fuck me up
>org.ttrssreader (is, can be found on f-droid)
that one's still based on the old code, the updated one (with material design, swipe-in sidebar etc.) is much more usable
SeaMonkey: Mail & Newsgroups
This desu. Too bad it's dead soon.
feedly has a 100/10 ui
Self-hosted CommaFeed instance.
Of course I use a newsreader, how else can you organize youtube channels AND read news?
I use Liferea for the time being, learning newsbeuter for the future.
dubs for currently liferea
If you have many or even just a large variety of feeds I would recommend avoiding newsbeuter.
Opera 12.16
do you not use tags?
anyway, i think it's great. but i have less than 200 total feeds. can manage that ez
Currently using canto-curses on arch.
Are there any other better terminal rss readers i can use
Of course I use tags, they're hardly a substitute for folders or other sorting methods though.
That comment relates to other flaws with newsbeuter too.
OK I'll bite, what are the flaws you feel there are?
probably won't make me change readers but it's interesting to see what others think.
I don't want you to change readers m8, you said you're happy, so stick with it.
Mozzilla Thunderbird
only correct answer
Digg Reader
The only thing newsbeuter needs is the tag screen by default, I hoard feeds and all sorting is done properly on newsbeuter.
Yes. Thunderbird. Mostly a few tech news websites, local news, and a handful of webcomics.
>Mozzilla Thunderbird
si there an addon to have this in a tab or something? I like the idea of having all my shit in my browser since it's the program I have open most of the time
SeaMonkey has Thunderbird built in
Alright, but I meant for firefox, I dont want to switch my browser
I know, I was just giving you a better option.
thanks for the suggestion
IE works well enough. I'm not a heavy user though.
I never bothered doing rss, someone give me a quick rundown on how useful it is and examples of how you use it in every day life
Instead of checking sites for content, the content comes to you.
This, also sharing big ass opml file
but in real scenario, how does it give you just the shit you want? I have no knowledge of how it works, is it like, you subscribe to a website's feed and then you just get an update every time they post a new article or something? And I assume there would be filters somehow to only get certain things but how good is it over just bookmarking and periodically checking in to said site?
Personalized newspaper, without the bullshit of Facebook or noise of Twitter.
I never forget when my favorite show, comic or manga chapter or podcast episode comes out
I never have to check numerous sites for news as it comes to me quickly
As for the shows part, you can automatically download them with RSS
how do you prevent things you want from slipping through the cracks? and downloading shows, do you have to leave your pc on 24/7 then?
depends on the client you use. personally i couldn't tell you about shows/downloading, although when i listened to podcasts (when i used thunderbird) it was a bit like getting an email with a description and link to click if i wanted to download the show.
my opinion is if you have some time to waste, pick a client, subscribe to some shit and give it a try.
The RSS reader keeps track of what you've read. So you don't have to even scan the page to determine if there's something new, it just tells you how many new articles there are.
Also, if the feed supports it, you can get the full text of the article. So you can read news from many sources using the same page style, without distractions.
I feel like notifications or whatever they are would just pile up and I'd never tackle any of the content anyway. I was just curious what the appeal was but I guess it's simply staying on the up and up
>how do you prevent things you want from slipping through the cracks?
What do you mean by this? depends on the feed you import
> do you have to leave your pc on 24/7 then?
I have a server that stays on, so yeah, but I'm sure if I turned it off, probably as soon as I turned it on, it would download
notifications can always be turned off, i personally check my feeds about twice a day.
>And I assume there would be filters somehow to only get certain things
depends on the client
>how good is it over just bookmarking and periodically checking in to said site?
if you are okay with doing this then fine, but I would forget occasionally and miss a show episode or something, I rather have my interests push to me
I meant like if you filtered say forbes to only tell you about tech related news, would that be dependent on the guy at forbes tagging the article properly? Is there a possibility that a big thing doesn't show up in your feed because of some guy's fuckup or the filtering not being that fine-tuned? Or am I completely misunderstanding how RSS gives you just the content you want? (as I envision it, I'm imagining it basically like an auto-dl irssi filter, is that more or less what it's like?)
>the very few times i care enough about a specific sites content to need an RSS feed to keep track of it
>to many times broken xml code shows up
fuck rss
Sounds to me like you enjoy shitty websites, user.
>would that be dependent on the guy at forbes tagging the article properly?
yeah, I dont have a forbes feed, but for tech stuff, I would assume that they have a tag for that and you would have the ability to have a feed for that specific tag
> Is there a possibility that a big thing doesn't show up in your feed
I guess? unlikely though, but if that does happen than get your news from a non shitty source
no its happened on major websites that are owned by major corporations
that's quite a bit, but thanks user, will harvest a few links for my feed.
stop repeating yourself
> the updated one
Open source one, or one available on play store for buying?
>no its happened on major websites that are owned by major corporations
Shitty websites. :3
>owned by major corporations
They do it on purpose, as usual
hey, i can haz moar opml files?
Just installed Feedbro on Firefox.
Gonna try it out.