Why do iMacs get so much hate here?

Why do iMacs get so much hate here?

>You can still run Gentoo.
>You can still hoard anime on 17 8TB drives.
>You can still play video games.
>You can still shitpost.
>You can still use mechanical keyboards.
>You can still use Windows 7.

PLUS, you get a 27" best in class 5K display, and an automatically cleaner, quieter desktop for less money.

Other urls found in this thread:


But you can't do any of those things as easily as you could on a computer you build yourself for 1/3 the price.
A proper computer build should spend all of it's budget on quality parts, not a fucking brand name and a laptop ULV cpu that throttles down to 800MHz when watching youtube.

>you get a 27" best in class 5K display
5K is old hat.
If you aren't buying 8K now you're a poor loser.

Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?

Thermals blow. What good is a computer if you cannot use it at capacity for more than a few minutes?

>.10 shekels have been deposited into your account

Use it as a thin client, it's the best way to compute.
>use a computer built into a monitor as a desktop
>use your server as the workhorse

Contrary to popular belief the hardware is actually literal shit

my wife uses an imac, it's pretty nice i have to say, very aesthetic

> as you could on a computer you build yourself for 1/3 the price.


The cheapest 5K monitor out there costs $1299.

Entry 5K costs $1799

So after you buy the monitor, you have $500

How the fuck are you buying a:

i5-7500 ($200)
RX 570 4GB ($200)

And then with the $100 you are buying:

Motherboard (4 DIMM, USB 3.1 Gen 2, USB-C Thunderbolt 3.0)
8GB DDR4 2400Mhz
Legal Operating System

Tell us, motherfucker, or shut up!

This is for the SAME MONEY, how the fuck are you?

> build yourself for 1/3 the price.

Fucking retard!

How the thermals blow?

> you cannot use it at capacity for more than a few minutes?

This is simply untrue, fuck you

Or just don't buy an expensive ass monitor? Just use a fucking 1920x1080. Works fine.

No, it fucking doesn't work fine.

Or "works fine" for niggers like you.

>you can build one yourself for less
>no you can't
>sure, just fucking use inferior bullshit


>Or "works fine" for niggers like you.
"works fine" was correct

Typical iHater:

1080p is enough for a desktop 27" monitor

1080p is not enough for an iPhone 5.5" monitor.

>Just use a fucking 1920x1080
it's not 2005 anymore

>Drops $1300 for a bare minimum 5K monitor
>"Why don't I have enough for a decent computer?!"

you're one of those people who gets off on verbal abuse aren't you?

>my 15" laptop is 2880x1800 and I can still see the fucking pixels
>the human eye is about 55 mb resolution, until we get that its NOT GOOD ENOUGH

Tell that to Microsoft, still using Windows Vista icons in Windows 10.

>Tell that to Microsoft, still using Windows Vista icons in Windows 10.
Why would I bother? 

The point is iMac price vs. the price of an equivalent self-built computer. If it doesn't have a 5k display, it's not equivalent and an irrelevant comparison.

Thing is it's also a decent computer.

Does everything I want fast.

Nobody is complaining it's not a "decent computer" except people that don't have it, and have worse computers.

I still wouldn't buy a fucking mac, all that has to happen is a sensor malfunction and its stuck throttled.

Fuck you and your cucked lifestyle.

Dell's 5K monitor was far superior to Applels 5K display in the iMac.
It's a pity they stopped making it, but that's probably because 5K is an odd resolution that doesn't have a lot of traction behind it.
Meanwhile they jumped on 8K before anyone else, which is the next major format.

You can still pick up Dell's 5K monitor for $1299 second hand though, which leaves you with plenty of money to out do the iMac, especially if you go for a speced up version instead of the base model.

> Dell's 5K monitor was far superior to Applels 5K display in the iMac.

Because you say so.

Dell's monitor costed $2200+, more than the entire iMac 5k!

> It's a pity they stopped making it, but that's probably because 5K is an odd resolution that doesn't have a lot of traction behind it.

What sort of bullshit it's that? It's a COMPUTER MONITOR, has the resolution that anyone wants.

5K is 1440p @ 2x

> Meanwhile they jumped on 8K before anyone else, which is the next major format.

At $5000 for the monitor only?


> You can still pick up Dell's 5K monitor for $1299 second hand though, which leaves you with plenty of money to out do the iMac, especially if you go for a speced up version instead of the base model.

TF "second hand"

Did I buy a "second hand" iMac? Because you can also buy a second hand iMac and it's also cheaper than a new one.


> all that has to happen is a sensor malfunction and its stuck throttled.

Apple is the most reliable brand of computers.

Also, if that happens, I just go to the store, and they will find out the problem and give me a new one.

While you have to figure out the problem on your own, and the manufacturers will try to pass the hot potato between them. Never their fault.

Sage and report shill threads.

Also. Come back when you will have installed gentoo on it.

When will the shills learn to adapt? Holy fuck I can't stop laughing.

m00t works at Google and probably has a MBP.

Like any other REAL ENGINEER

>Apple is the most reliable brand of computers.
Funny man.

>tfw have the 13" MBP 2017

>if my computers broken, they'll give me a new one
Wrong, they will ask you for $750 for a tier 4 fix.

i bought an iMac after using an ultrawide and mac pro

reason being the display can't be matched right now in the market

the ultra wide wasn't being used to it's full potential, i often only used 2/3rds of the screen at a time, but on the rare occasions i would watch movies they looked amazing

the iMac has a great screen, and apple's built in mission control thing or whatever the fuck its called allows you to switch apps pretty easily without cluttering the shit out of your desktop

the one thing that fucking blows on the iMac is the piece of shit joke of a fan they put in the thing - its literally built to overheat

i'm waiting for iMacs 2018 redesign (as leakers have stated) which will probably feature the fan redesign the upcoming "iMac pro" will have
- aka the computer will be way fucking better after this redesign
- especially if they allow the back of the computer to be user accessible without all that stupid adhesive bullshit (i mean how are you supposed to clean dust out of the current models? - its bullshit)

Because it have notebook stub instead of CPU.

Winter is coming, and so coming iMac Pro with normal CPU (Xeon E5v4).

It is

>trying to shill apple products on a board fill with poorfag NEETs

>the display can't be matched
Still nor sure if it's spread by shills, retards or shitposters.
Has been debunked so many times by those fucks still keep posting it.

>Because you say so.
You can check the facts if you want. Dell's monitor is proper 10bit, not 8bit + dithered, and 99% AdobeRGB color space.

>What sort of bullshit it's that? It's a COMPUTER MONITOR, has the resolution that anyone wants.
And 8K isn't?
5K is not a standard resolution. It's like the 16:10 ratio panels which have much lower production runs than 16:9.
No one is producing 5K content. While 5K is nice in that you can have 4K content displayed with UI around it, that doesn't define what panels are actually popular and will actually sell in high quantities to justify the continued production line. 8K is where we are moving to, which is why they moved there.

Second hand is justifiable for these monitors because they are good monitors. You will pick them up as new and if they are still in their warranty period you will enjoy better warranty coverage than you get with Apple.

And remember, Applefags brag about the resale value of their products, so you won't enjoy the same sort of price reduction buying an iMac 5K second hand.

Fuck you, Louis Rossman.

Nobody is going to fall for your HATE VIDEOS here.

Not an argument, faggot.

> Because it have notebook stub instead of CPU.

No. It has a full desktop CPU, with desktop RAM, desktop SSD, desktop GPU. Nice try, idiot!

>Has been debunked so many times by those fucks still keep posting it.

ok well i should mention i'm not only talking about the display ITSELF

i mean that the computer has adjustable brightness immediately accessible through the keyboard (which you can't access through a 3rd party)
- it has an auto-brightness detection feature (same used on the phones)
- it has auto-retina scaling so you're not squinting at your 5120 x 2880 display while still keeping the clarity

again... i'm not talking about just the fucking screen itself

Apple hardware is fine. The displays are best-in-class, and the specifications are fine. They're marketed and price as a premium product, nobody complains about a maxed out Surface Pro costing a shitload.

Macs do suck, however, because macOS is a bag of dicks. It's designed for stability over speed, yet still experiences kernel panics more frequently than it should. Driver support is atrocious, especially display drivers.

The only redeeming thing about the OS is how it handled hiDPI scaling, which is something Windows Metro is designed to fix anyway.

In short; Macs for fine, macOS is for fags.

Just stop.

OS X is awesome though

"Just stop" is not an argument faggot, fuck you.

> 5K is not a standard resolution. It's like the 16:10 ratio panels which have much lower production runs than 16:9.

Yes, it's a "one of a kind" resolution, then...

Fucking idiot!

> 8K is where we are moving to, which is why they moved there.

Do you have a 8K monitor?

> Second hand is justifiable for these monitors because they are good monitors. You will pick them up as new and if they are still in their warranty period you will enjoy better warranty coverage than you get with Apple.

Fuck did I just read?

You like eating shit, don't you?

It's second hand food, better than new, right?

> And remember, Applefags brag about the resale value of their products, so you won't enjoy the same sort of price reduction buying an iMac 5K second hand.

Exactly, because people like you, sooner or later will have buyer's remorse, and buy second hand Apple, if they the money from food stamps.

>displays are best-in-class
When will the meme die.

Why didn't microshaft just build hiDPI in at the beginning like applel?

>Why do iMacs get so much hate here?
jealousy. lots of pajeets on here and people from all kinds of 3rd world shitholes who keep on sperging over things they cannot have.

He wasn't making an argument, faggot.

>Macs do suck, however, because macOS is a bag of dicks. It's designed for stability over speed, yet still experiences kernel panics more frequently than it should. Driver support is atrocious, especially display drivers.


Nice try!


The scaling 'argument' showed that I cannot expect any serious discussion from you, why should I even bother destroying all your points.

>i5 4260U
>desktop CPU
Nice try, Cook.

Nigger you could do the same with a cheap core 2 duo or pentium $60 pentium Pc you don't need a 1300 dollar I mac

It's a 65W CPU, motherfucker!

Enjoy Buyers Remorse

Sorry man, shilling on Sup Forums will never get you anywhere.

I do do the same with a Core2 Duo, one in an iMac.

Here's why one more reason Mac's are always cheaper than PC's!

lie all you want. CR is the most reputable study.

>At $5000 for the monitor only?
>appleshitters are too poor to afford a good screen yet still try to pass of their shit as status symbol

O rly?

Jesus really trying to justify buying that $2,200 iMac aren't you bitch?

>Legal Operating System
legal and free

Show your 8K monitor, timestamped.

DO IT, if you have it, or anyone wants to buy that crap!

That's not the iMac 5K CPU, motherfucker


Nope, it's paid with the computer.

>DO IT, if you have it, or anyone wants to buy that crap!
What did he mean by this?

CPU choices for the 5K iMac are i5 6500, i5 6600, and i7 6700K.

>best in class 5K display
Fuck off shill.

Nah man, I'm poor just like you, can't afford the best and I have to settle for shit.
I'm no delusional enough to pass my shit as something good though.


>i7 6700K.

C-Can you overclock an imac?


>>You can still run Gentoo.
>>You can still hoard anime on 17 8TB drives.
>>You can still play video games.
>>You can still shitpost.
>>You can still use mechanical keyboards.
>>You can still use Windows 7.
Yes, but you can do all that for 1/10th of the price, or for 1/2 of the price if you get a decent display.

Macs are overpriced. That is the problem, it is a luxury item for people who don't care about their money.

>You can still play video games
Not all of them, and at that point I'd just use linux

>since OS X has less games than Windows, I'd just use Linux, an OS with far less games than Windows or OS X

If I had to choose an OS that isn't windows in which case I wouldn't be playing games on, I wouldn't fucking use OSX is what I was getting at

Because Sup Forums are idiots.

Why not? It's certainly better than Windows and debatably better than Linux.

Not only does OSX have less games than Windows, it also runs them worse than Windows does AND the iMac has shitty GPUs too.

At least Linux has a proper OpenGL implementation.

>Not only does OSX have less games than Windows
But more than Linux
>it also runs them worse than Windows
Quit wanking to framerates and try enjoying the games.
>AND the iMac has shitty GPUs too
If only iMacs weren't the only way to run OS X.

Doesn't really matter when the games you'd use it for don't support the OS.

You're speaking to a Sup Forumsermin, so no it's not better than windows, and if I actually cared about muh botnet and muh productivity, I would rather use linux over OSX

>You're speaking to a Sup Forumsermin
then go back to your containment board. Also Sup Forumsermin or not OS X is better than Linux.

That's true for literally every CPU.

>>it also runs them worse than Windows
>Quit wanking to framerates and try enjoying the games.
>>AND the iMac has shitty GPUs too
>If only iMacs weren't the only way to run OS X.
Macbook Pros have shitty GPUs too. So do Mac Pros.

>make a hackintosh!
But then you suffer from
>it also runs them worse than Windows

There's no substitute for Windows for gaming.

So use an eGPU.

Currently high end GPUs are throttled over it.

Are they still better than the stock GPUs?

why would you use a $7000 machine with an off brand sourced display as a thin client instead of higher tier $2000 standalone displaye and a $50 thin client?

I spent $500 on mine 5 years ago, well worth it.

cool i have an original bondi blue imac in my closet

I've got an indigo one lying around

I like the OS, I don't like the iMac. I don't hate it either.

The problem is, it's really, really underpowered for the price. All for the sake of a display with a really high resolution and a more difficult way of dealing with repairs. I'd rather spend a bit more and get a nice PC and a similar display separately. I could build one that's pretty much close to perfectly compatible with hackintosh, like the one I'm using right now.

Your list of reasons is not going to convince anyone, because a fucking $200 chinkpad can do most of that (maybe except plug all of those 8TB drives? but why the fuck would people like that even exist?)

>gay virtual machine
>external hard drives I can plug into my t420
>irrelevant games
>facebook does not apply
>using shitty keyboards ever
>ifags still needing windows

It actually doesn't matter whether you use the same hardware or not with both OSes, Windows will still deal better with games.

In my case I don't really give two shits so I ended up with hackintosh because, ironic as it may really sound, it's the most headache free OS I've ever used, and I've been using it for about 2 years.

OSX is just not made for games. There is not a single game that runs better on it than it would on Windows, and at best, you could make it run at equal performance (and that's rare). Heck I even tested gzdoom. Over 1k FPS on both Windows and Linux, just over 300 on Sierra. Yeah, it's 300, perhaps 200 more than many people would ever need, but still hardware doesn't fix the problem alone.

All in all if you enjoy games just that much don't make a hackintosh. If you play games with low requirements, indie games and such (except for shit like Hollow Knight which is better to run native) I'd recommend using Parallels as silly as it sounds, I've played quite a few recent Windows exclusive indie games without framedrops and it's piss easy to set up.

Probably. I believe there are some caveats to running eGPU on OSX currently as well.

Like if you run it on a Macbook you can't accelerate the inbuilt display. I dunno if the same is true for iMacs.

>gay virtual machine
You don't need a VM
>external hard drives I can plug into my t420
Or internal HDDs you can use in a server
>irrelevant games
Valid point
>facebook does not apply
Sup Forums does though
>using shitty keyboards ever
>ifags still needing windows
He's not saying Windows is necessary, he's saying you can still run it. Just like you can still run Gentoo.

>It actually doesn't matter whether you use the same hardware or not with both OSes, Windows will still deal better with games.
I never said otherwise.