Wats the highest quality image format

wats the highest quality image format

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PNG is the FLAC of image file formats

That's tiff and bmp shithead

shutup bitch you don't know what you're talking about. you probably think FLAC is true lossless

What's archival grade audio then fuckboi
Flac can range in compression just like PNG bmp and tiff do

tiff and png can both be lossy. BMP is the only one that can't be lossy. Big as fuck, though.

Note: CAN BE
If you're not retarded then this isn't an issue

WAV ? You tell me mr know it all


But do PNG and BMP support 12-bit color depth?

Get off Sup Forums

FLAC can be lossy as well
Ever tried converting lossy like mp3 back to lossless?

quit stealing reaction images from imgur transplant



BMP can be lossy as well
Ever tried converting lossy like jpg back to lossless?

ITT: People don't know that difference between lossy and lossless compression.

this thread is confusing

.jpg but just set it to 100% quality, dumbasses

This because i can basically retake the photo of the lighting is off. Its the digital negative

You're retarded. Aren't you?
You made a lossless copy of a lossy file

BMP is great and all, as is RAW, but if we're going for quality here and not features or much else, there's a reason astronomers use FIT/FITS. Each pixel isn't restricted to integer values. If you divide out flats, far less is lost as the values are floating point. It's a format literally designed for astronomy, for people whose livelihood depends on quality in their image format. Surely not practical for most use, and it certainly isn't practical for use with a monitor, but it is definitely better than those two when it comes to quality.

>This scanner sucks it wont fix and make a perfect copy of this crumpled up ripped picture

H.265, AV1 or Daala intra would be the best lossy image format.

Is there an image format that can only be posted on Sup Forums?


Are you retarded? You rip audio as a .wav and then convert it to FLAC you mong.

ICCv4 compatible and RAW~some decent and latest img format

or you could just rip directly to flac

>wants perfect rips
>rips directly to a compressed format

>not FLIF

>listens to anything but WAV
enjoy your lost data


This guy gets it.

Had no idea about FLIF. The compression ratio... Woah. The progressive decoding beats the living shit out of adam7. That's impressive.

flif. \free lossless image format.

>JPEG-XR will never get traction even though it is open sores for ages.
Literally the only good format microsoft made in ages and we still use fucking jpeg to everything, It is pretty amazing to compress images with 4:4:4 colors at very small sizes.

I can't tell who's meming who at this point.