This thread is for those who are interested in Void Linux, use it, need help with it or want to try it.
Benefits of using void: >no systemd >xbps package manager >just works >rolling release >libreSSL instead of openSSL >over 5000 packages and growing daily >musl or glibc
>No systemd Void Linux uses the runit init system and services supervision. It has the benefits of fast boot and shutdown times as well as simple and easy to write init scripts (in addition to having hundreds of pre-written ones).
>xbps Powerful package manager with dependency resolution. If your desired software isn't in the repository, build it with xbps-src and consider adding it.
>IRC ( #voidlinux - general chat and help channel #xbps - development and package maintenance
>Contribute Contribute packages, wiki entries, guides, &c. It already has a logo but there's plenty more to do as the distro is still in its early stages.
>If your desired software isn't in the repository, build it with xbps-src and consider adding it. How secure is its repos?
Liam Davis
not secure enough against the clintons
Daniel Sullivan
>rolling release you mean cancer?
Brody Carter
yeah this, rolling release just means that it constantly breaks
Joseph Ward
install libreboot
Chase Garcia
Whats the point of Linux if I don't need to constantly fix it?
Julian Collins
>repos not secure >install bios replacement, that oughta help you smoke pot?
Eli Diaz
I tried to install it and when I tried to connect my laptop to the internet I kept on getting errors. So I just gave up and installed a fresh arch install.
Jace Collins
> >libreSSL instead of openSSL Into the trash. LibreSSL can't handle OpenVPN users creation.
Benjamin Russell
gtfo systemD shill. I hope op can answer me. I am seriously considering to switch to void.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Kevin Roberts
Every package is signed and checksum'd.
You can check the template file of each package and see the configure options, build instructions, where it pulls the source from (the developer website usually). Basically the repo builds the packages from source. You can do the same on your computer with xbps-src and bypass the repo and vet each package yourself, if security is your concern.
Each package is built by Travis CI and checked for errors. Only after the packages build without errors do the void maintainers merge the packages into the main repo. This ensures that the distro and packages rarely break. I haven't had a package or distro break for me yet.
What errors? You should have asked for help in the IRC. Now you have this general to ask questions. :)
Connor Russell
>t. someone who gets paid to copy paste this pre written shit
Adam Thomas
I fucking love void, it's so good to escape the systemD botnet. Meme apart, void is what Arch Linux should be with the KISS philosophy.
Hunter Murphy
>he thinks Void linux is backed by a corporation and can afford marketing I'm just a regular void user, user. I'd like to see more people use it because that means more and more up to date packages, more support, etc.
This. I like that it it's as close to a 'pure' Linux system as you can get without building LFS yourself. Arch and gentoo wikis apply to it and so do most linux guides.
Tyler Thompson
Not FSF-approved, sorry, but I ain't using (((proprietary software)))
Christian Robinson
>I'm just a regular void user, user. I'd like to see more people use it because that means more and more up to date packages, more support, etc. >t. someone who gets paid to copy paste this pre written shit
Jace Brown
OK, I am live booting on void right now and it has default xfce session. How do I install it? I thought it has a GUI installer?
Justin Harris
always wanted to give it a try now that i've built a new pc i can virtualize it, thanks for reminding me op
Dominic Ramirez
Who hurt you? :(
It has a TUI installer. Run void-installer as root from the terminal emulator.
Levi Johnson
Also, >pre-written I'm flattered. I wrote it just now. I will take that as a compliment. Thank you. :)
Elijah Taylor
I made this post in /fglt/ earlier can anyone here help me?
Nicholas Taylor
I guess it must be for similar reasons to Debian. Void has all free software out of the box, but I think it also has a non-free repo. Personally, I'm all good with the free software.
Austin Jones
Also, to expand on the alsa issue. I keep running into things without sound now. Just found a twitter video without working sound. Refreshing made the sound work, but then I scrolled too far, making twitter stop the video, and when I went to hit play again, I got no sound. Not sure what's happening there.
Oliver Moore
>freedom >shipping kernel blobs Pick one
Brody Diaz
Nice to see. Hoping that disgust with systemd is sufficient to sustain a few non systemd distros. inb4 make one yourself. Thank you, that is all.
Jordan Cooper
Better than Mint.
Brody Gutierrez
What do you guys think of ReactOS?
Jeremiah Edwards
Not every distro with a rolling model is unstable. Arch is just really retarded with the rate at which they roll out new shit. Most maintainers test to see if their stuff works before packaging it.
Michael Richardson
You don't need to use the official liveCD to install it. Just do a chroot install.
Gabriel Harris
Or maybe he just likes the distro and wants to be nice and help educate other people?
Thomas Sanders
>t. someone who gets paid by Microsoft to shit on GNU/Linux distros I can do that too, user. Who needs proof, anyways?
Hudson Lee
Void is for commoners. Use Source Mage if you want to join the elite.
Ayden Ward
You have to explicitly add the nonfree repository to use proprietary software. Don't worry, user, you won't be steered to use proprietary software. Although you may have to build the kernel yourself.
Easton Peterson
They're two totally different distros for totally different purposes. Tell me how to cross-compile with sorcery, and I might consider it.
Brody Russell
Why would I use this instead of Arch?
Isaiah Evans
>xbps package manager how is it better than pacman?
Juan Young
I can't help with xrandr because I don't use it and my alsa works out of the box. Right now I'm on vacation and away from my FiiO e10k usb amp/dac so I can't test USB audio right now. Although if you open alsamixer you can do F6 and then choose the soundcard you wish to control, maybe the output is muted.
I think I can help with your mpd problem. To have mpd run as a particular user you have to set the option in mpd.conf. How I set mine up is that I have mpd run as my user, rather than the default mpd user.
Relevant lines from my mpd.conf: music_directory "/home/user/Music" playlist_directory "/home/user/.mpd/playlists" db_file "/home/user/.mpd/mpd.db" pid_file "/home/user/.mpd/" state_file "/home/user/.mpd/mpdstate" user "user"
Where user is your username. You also need to create the ~/.mpd/ directory and create the files. mkdir -p ~/.mpd touch ~/.mpd/{playlists,mpd.db,,mpdstate}
You probably don't *need* to touch the files, but I've been doing it anyway and I haven't had problems.
To have it run at startup link the runit script into the /var/service directory. ln -s /etc/sv/mpd /var/service/mpd
Zachary White
does it have dpkg in it's repos? my uni forces me to install .deb packages
Gabriel Cruz
join my void linux community discord server : discord*gg/FPcmby
>Github Jesus, can't they at least set up their own bug/git site for packages
Owen Ramirez
you should feel bad for spreading that botnet cancer here
Josiah Thompson
>building the kernel >on ARM
Think I'll stick to FSF-endorsed distros.
Landon Jackson
go fuck yourself gnu shill That's not even what I wanted to point out. There are 2 maintainers working on this, no more. They both barely do any work. This is my favourite example, Void has Plasma 5 fully ported to XBPS but the pull request for it is from February. Half a year and they haven't even commented on it.
They're taking to long to pull the port that it's already outdated by 2 versions.
John Young
>no replies who woulda thunk
Hudson Baker
>go fuck yourself gnu shill why are you here faggot? if you don't like gnu, you should be using alpine or freebsd
Isaiah Ramirez
>nobody uses Gabario yall are fucked
Bentley Gray
Void has official MUSL support, and Linux is an operating system by itself and GNU has nothing to do with it. GNU is replaceable, Linux isn't.
Jaxson Russell
It looks as though he forgot a template file for plasma-workspace-devel.
>Void has Plasma 5 fully ported to XBPS but the pull request for it is from February. Half a year and they haven't even commented on it. >They're taking to long to pull the port that it's already outdated by 2 versions. Most void users use a WM, rather than a DE. So having KDE5 isn't a priority. If more KDE users started using void it would get updated quicker.
Awesome wm, on the other hand, is the latest version (4.2).
>building the kernel >on ARM That's why xbps-src allows cross-compilation, so you can compile the kernel on your amd64 machine for ARM CPUs.
Do you see anything in the OP about xbps being better than other package managers? It's a good package manager that has dependency resolution, can remove orphaned packages, can build from source, watches out for conflicts, etc. Is it better or worse than pacman, who cares? The important thing is that it works.
Carson Miller
>impying you can't use GNU with different kernels >what is Debian GNU/kFreeBSD Linux is replaceable, GNU isn't >Linux is an operating system >a kernel is an operating system
Eli Reyes
>Do you see anything in the OP about xbps being better than other package managers? It's a good package manager that has dependency resolution, can remove orphaned packages, can build from source, watches out for conflicts, etc. Is it better or worse than pacman, who cares? The important thing is that it works. so it has no advantages over pacman why would I use void instead of arch then?
Eli Diaz
>why would I use void instead of arch then? I guess the lack of systemd is a selling point for a lot of people, me included. Other reasons would be its philosophy of simplicity, the runit init system and stability.
Carter Wright
>It looks as though he forgot a template file for plasma-workspace-devel. No comments suggesting that and he did it in 3 separate PRs and linked them to the KDE5 issue. This makes it as complete as it can be.
>Most void users use a WM, rather than a DE. So having KDE5 isn't a priority. If more KDE users started using void it would get updated quicker. Sure, use that excuse for your lazy maintainers who ignore any PR they aren't interested in. What about this perfectly fine PR for japanese emacs users also from february?
Matthew Allen
>compiling on botnet CPU to remove botnets
Void Linux users! So fucking genius!
Aiden Allen
> Linux is replaceable, GNU isn't > What is FreeBSD > What is MacOS
Noah Young
>what is haiku >what is plan 9 >what is minix 3
Jordan Wood
Systems without GNU coreutils.
Joshua Price
>2017 >using a meme OS
Daniel Jenkins
who says the native ones can't be replaced?
Christian Long
You don't know what compiling means, do you?
>No comments suggesting that You can click on the "Details" next to the travis ci report and then check the log: => ERROR: xbps-src: unexistent file: /void-packages/srcpkgs/plasma-work
Luis Sanchez
>what is windows
Mason Price
Oops, butchered the paste: => ERROR: xbps-src: unexistent file: /void-packages/srcpkgs/plasma-workspace-devel/templatspace-devel/template => ERROR: kdeplasma-addons5-5.8.4_1: failed to transform dependency plasma-workspace-devel
Kevin Ward
Yes, Linux is an operating system by the definition of an operating system. If you were to put GNU on FreeBSD, then you'd be using FreeBSD. There was one GNU operating system and it now has exactly a single dev. It doesn't have sound support and it might or might not fall in an endless loop on shutdown. system American Heritage: >Software designed to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to make use of it. Collins: >(Computer Science) the set of software that controls the overall operation of a computer system, typically by performing such tasks as memory allocation, job scheduling, and input/output control The kernel isn't enough when you're talking about microkernels, obviously. Userspace filesystems would also be part of the operating system on Linux. But GNU libraries and applications sure as hell aren't.
Also GNU is an SJW piece of shit just trying to stay relevant with its shitty software by hurting other open source projects like llvm. It's controlled by a manchild.
Eli Taylor
I do know, hence why I won't compile stuff on my own unless I can compare the output with others, that way insuring that no backdoors could sneak any unwanted instructions.
I see shilling FUD is actually a good job nowadays, eh? Keep sucking that corporate cock, shill.
Liam Cruz
Because "muh hipster distro"
Austin Morgan
What's wrong with systemd? Most distros use it, so I assume it's popular for a reason.
Aiden Turner
>controlled by a manchild You're unironically acting like one >hurting other... How hard did rms bully you user? Be honest
Matthew Foster
>Does Void support the required packages for PCI passthrough via OVMF? >For reference > You can follow that guide pretty much to the letter, I don't see why it wouldn't work on Void as it uses kernel modules.
>limiting yourself based on ideals I'm all for free software user, but including non-free packages in your repository and allowing your users to install what they want is the type of choice Linux users have come to expect.
You're free to compile your own kernel without any non-free blobs and you don't have to enable the non-free repo. But to make your distro that much more difficult to use for many users only alienates people.
Jaxon Phillips
What the fuck is this post even trying to convey?
GNU doesn't need Linux to run. It was simply ported to Linux a long time ago. Linux is interchangeable in the context of GNU.
That doesn't mean there aren't other operating systems out there.
Nolan Sanchez
Jesus Christ dude. This is the Void general. Why are you shoving your bullshit down our throats?
Go and harass /fglt/ if you really have to shitpost about the GNU/Linux dichotomy. Not us.
Connor James
we are in charge
Isaac Richardson
Is Void easy to install? I'm coming from Mint and want something a bit different but I'm also a brainlet
William Garcia
Then I'd have no reason to switch from Arch/Parabola if the lack of Systemd is the only improvement.
Aiden Richardson
Arch is for brainlets the rest is explained in this post
Jayden Allen
Once you boot and log in just type void-installer then go through the menu, it's no harder to install then any other distro.
To each their own. :)
Aaron Roberts
Shit! I just installed arch and almost finished restoring my home folder.
Jose Lewis
Just make a tarball and unpack that into the new install, if you must.
You could even install void from your arch install and just enter tar cvpf - . | (cd /mnt/void/home/user/; tar xpf -) to make things quick.
Jackson Williams
Void can't have /home/ mounted on a separated partition?