What's the best offline, cross platform password manager?
What's the best offline, cross platform password manager?
encrypted text file
I'm using keepass2 for a few years now and I like it. You don't need to install mono on GNU/Linux to read your kdbx files, just grab keepassx.
Encrypted with?
Hand-written XOR block cipher with hardcoded key but no comments, inconsistent indentation (yes, mix tabs and spaces), and obfuscated variable names.
truecrypt file containing plaintext files, stored on my dropbox
>Trusting something else with your passwords
Yeah nah I'll just stick to not being a retard.
Why don't use paper and a pen?
postgresql server
I can't tell which group of posters is more misinformed.
A piece of paper.
An offline app on my phone. (I count it as cross-platform since I usually have my phone handy and can look up the password and type it into whatever other computer or device I happen to be using.)
As back-up, a small notebook at home in a locked desk drawer with passwords written in a made-up alphabet I cooked up in grade school. Yes, letter replacement can be cracked by someone who knows what they're doing, but no one cares enough about me or any account I have to bother.
An offline phone containing your password on an encrypted file. I use plaintext because there are no niggers in my country.
>tfw to smart too use more than 1 password for everything xD
>lmao @ brainlets
>offline anything with an encrypted file
Then just use a password manager lmao
KeePass KeePassX KeePassXC KeePass*
>lose all of your passwords if your hardware starts failing/gets replaced
how so?
I sync my keepass database across my devices with google drive
>haha botnet!
Sure, if I was just using a password to unlock it.
And even then, assume some worst cases
>computers fail
Up to if I can salvage the drive it's on.
>my phone starts to fail
>google up and vanishes
I still have locally cached versions on my computers/phone.
I don't really feel at risk at losing it.
Use bitwarden
Common Sense 2017
anyone who uses a password manager within his browser is retarded. its like you want your passwords to be stolen.
That's why I set firefox to not even prompt to save passwords.
I allow websites to store login cookies though.
Someone in lainchan said that they use floppys to store passwords because "nobody would bother to steal a floppy"
I got a chuckle out of it
I've been using LastPass for the past 2 years and never once had an incident of identity theft or stolen accounts.
> tfw blissfully and intentionally retarded and never punished for it
GNU 4 life
Cheers for this. Just took a look and it's a great replacement to neo/g/.
I only stick around for the /cyb/ gen.
Create a hash with the name of the service and a master password. No need for device sync, impossible to lose passwords file because there is none.
Don't you know bigger numbers means more security? The current ROT standard is ROT676
The /sec/ board is really great too, check it out
pass: the standard unix password manager
I just save my file onto a Imation F200 flash drive once per week, and put the flash drive into a safe. The chances of both failing at the same time are effectively nil.
Pen & paper
>works offline
>avaliable on all systems
>syncs your passwords over Google Drive or other clouds
Pen and paper
I wrote something that hashes 3 variables to generate username and password combos.
>has a cli version
>just werks
password store
It encrypts all your passwords via GPG, and you can use it anywhere
>4 matches
Sup Forums giving sound advice for once!
Certainly not for any practical use.
GPL hasnt let me down yet!
it's synced between my desktop and laptop, which each have local copies in case i ever lose connection
backups, like you do for any important file, right?
nice meme
fifth post best post
>I have never used it, but I sure will opine on it xDDDDD
Bonafide retard.
CIA niggers can get to that
Here's a deterministic password script.
Input any of your weak ass passwords and receive a relatively strong 12 char password. This is obviously security through obscurity, so don't let anyone see your seed.
example, with the given seed.
4chanisgay = k!Q3gJN53&^z
#change the seed
read -s -p "Key: " key; echo
rawkey=$(echo -n $seed$key | openssl dgst -sha512 -binary | xxd -ps -u -c2 | while read i; do echo $i | openssl dgst -sha512 -binary; done | openssl aes-256-cbc -nosalt -k $seed)
upr=$(echo -n $rawkey | tr -cd [:upper:] | head -c3)
low=$(echo -n $rawkey | tr -cd [:lower:] | head -c3)
spc=$(echo -n $rawkey | tr -cd \!\@\#\$\%\^\&\+\/\~ | head -c3)
num=$(echo -n $rawkey | tr -cd [:digit:] | head -c3)
echo -n $upr$low$spc$num | fold -w1 | shuf --random-source=
Apple Key Chain (iCloud)