Sublime Text Packages

What are the best packages/plugins for Sublime text? I only installed emmet so far

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Stop using that proprietory shit.
Also, in my experience it's even less stable than electron-based text editors.
Kate or Notepad++ are the way to go.

Nome as soon as you install any fucking packages the start up time goes through the roof

>its proprietary
>therefore it is bad
nice meme


Best package :
- uninstall sublime text
- install vim



>electron-based text editors
lol get out of here poorfag

Notepad++ is still comfy as fuck
Vim is a pain in the ass when you need to work with more than one language (writing code in latin; making comments in slav) also GUI implementation is not great.

My essentials are

>Chain of Command



AceJump or EasyMotion for jumping to any character on the screen in 3-4 key presses
ColorPicker to get a color chooser when your cursor is on a hex color e.g. #ffffff
Evaluate to run the selected text as Python
File Rename to rename currently opened file in-place
InsertDate (Notepad.exe also does this with F6, the more you know)
MarkdownPreview to render Github style Markdown and preview in your browser with a key command
PathTools to paste current path, etc.
SublimeAStyleFormatter to call `astyle` with configurable settings
Theme - Spacegray
TrailingSpaces to highlight spare spaces at the end of lines, and a key command to remove them all

git gutter

check them out, fags

> TrailingSpaces to highlight spare spaces at the end of lines, and a key command to remove them all
you can change a setting to automatically trim them out when you save the file

Yes, TrailingSpaces can do that too. However, there is an annoyance when "save_on_focus_lost" is true. When I switch to another window and back, I expect the whitespace behind my cursor to remain, but it removes that too. So I keep it disabled.

Okay, give me some real good alternatives.

I tried atom before but it wasn't really what I looked for.
Everyone at my uni uses sublime. Also kate is bloatware, pic related.

atom plus about 8 of these works pretty well:

gsc so u cen maek black cock 3 mods.


Nobody forces you to be similar with normalfriends so it's not a reason to use Sublime because they did.

Is there any C Complete Plugin (like ClangComplete) that actually works?

Watch some emacs video on YouTube, be amazed. Try to find the equivalent plugins to your editor. You'll probably find something similar.