ITT: Tech companies you hope soon go into major liquidation and/or Chapter 7 bankruptcy

ITT: Tech companies you hope soon go into major liquidation and/or Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

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>YET another Apple Hate thread
so unique

Not likely, Apple is the most influential, most valuable brand in the WORLD. They are over a decade ahead of the competition and it shows.

Lel keep dreaming fagoot

Microsoft and Google. They used to be awesome but they've turned into total cancer now

nice humour thread OP

>$200B """"""cash""""""" in jew tax dodge havens
>only $5B actual cash to run operations
>$100B+ and growing debt to pay for operations
>$100B+ in dodged taxes that governments ALWAYS collect on (try skipping out on your student loan)

Literally history's biggest bubble waiting to pop.

They are going to hold on to their spot until Steve and his ideology is forgotten. So maybe like 40 years or when Cook dies

you wish lmao

If we're already playing make-a-wish how about a Red Dead Redemption port for PC?

macrohard invested 150 million to spare them from chapter 7 in 1997

I think it has to do with interchangable operation systems

>(try skipping out on your student loan)
another day on Sup Forums where student loans are the exact same as Apple dodging taxes

Why would you want that, you fucking commie, I dont buy their products etc. I dont support their ideology and so on, but they are major factor for other companies to compete with.

All those employees have families they gotta feed man, gotta make sure their kids grow up to be dedicated apple customers who pledge their allegiance on top of steve's grave

>t. mactoddler



Nigga Apple is literally worth 1 Trillion dollars right now with about $400 billion cash on hand or some enormous amount.

Are you retarded?

another day on Sup Forums where mactoddlers think any entity can skip out on money owed to the US government

All of them.

>gov will hunt down a single individual for the rest of their life and garnish their wages to get back $50,000 loan
>thinks gov will just give up $100,000,000,000 in dodged taxes

The state of mactoddler delusion.

>he's so cucked that he unironically thinks taxation isn't theft
enjoy wasting your money with pic related

I don't think so cause actually most people still love that MAJOR stuffs

>that pic
I'd love to be a tabloid writer that shit's gotta be fucking glorious.

The ultimate bait article. It might be completely made up, who knows, but the website just made a bunch of cash because thousands of people with a foaming mouth just clicked it, and probably twice as many ready to defend the fat bitch. You literally can't lose.

>he's so cucked he thinks paying more tax or having public services like emergency/roads/etc funds cut because applel won't pay their share is good

The absolute state of mactoddlerism.

Property is theft. If you own land, you are a murderer.

Too bad I don't live in a third world shithole :^)

>he thinks applel doesnt dodge taxes in every country


all of them.

>he still finds reasons to support taxes
>he still doesn't realize how much of a cuck he is

>he still finds reasons to pay more taxes so his fruity megacorp religion doesn't have to
>he still doesn't realize how much of a cuck he is

>he thinks I give a fuck about Apple
>he doesn't just do the same as Apple does and stops being cucked by the government

Students don't pay for laws to be drafted in their favour, large mega corporations do.

t. user that doesn't know shit about finance