What does Sup Forums think of The Coding Train?

What does Sup Forums think of The Coding Train?

I've gone through some of his tutorials. They're pretty enjoyable. Like recreational programming where you can maintain or learn programming skills.

He does his tutorials in JavaScript and Java. Getting into the JavaScript ones are pretty easy, you just need to download the p5 library file and can follow along with him. Most tutorials I've found haven't gone into very interesting subjects but coding train gets into really useful algorithms and subjects.

Here are some decent tutorials he has done (IMO):

Other urls found in this thread:


>white male

Annoying person

Here are a few more tutorials I like:



Fuck off, shill.

What a weak ass presenter.
I bet I could kick his ass.

He's alright, kinda.. ya know. Really really really gay. If you can get past that, he's ok.


Stopped reading right there

are you sure?

Why not just use Processing?

quite honestly that does not really matter
you can follow the videos perfectly fine and write the things yourself in a sane language
he doesn't use language specific things that have no alternatives

Same. Doesn't mean that his tutorials aren't useful and entertaining.

>the snake game
>same tuts like 20 years ago

wow we truly progressed

The right is relatively recent considering the statue you take as a reference point on the left.

>21 minute video on how to graph the Lorenz attractor
>can be done in 1-2 minutes in Python/Matlab

Link to tutorial?

A* is trash, try to program this:
great exercise if you have algo fetish

I didn't learn it from a tutorial.

Made this based off of one of his tutorials.

Can zoom in fairly reasonably (though it's JS so frame rendering takes a long time).

C++ Asteroids tutorial

I think I wrote something similar to this for a class 2 years ago

>Game programming tutorial
>2 minute video doesn't even go over the logic

How would I program this curve?

x = sin(i) * i;
y = cos(i) * i;

Doesn't seem to work.

Actually it does.

Okay, how would I do the triangular, square, and hexagonal lines?

Not a function. Plot x and y vs time instead. At any one time.

It seems more circular than the golden ratio curve.

>Okay, how would I do the triangular, square, and hexagonal lines?
bumping for this.

I don't know what you're using. But from the looks of it, you evaluate the function at intersections between the curve and a line with whatever argument you're looking for.

So each point would be a solution to the equation of the line and the curve.

Then draw straight lines between points.

this is why math is a required subject in computer science

you can't do anything interesting with graphics without at least a solid understanding of trig

Solved the golden curve. Just need to figure out how to do the triangular spiral.

var spiralO;
var spiralT;
var spiralVertexCount = 400;
var iterator = 0;
var iteratorRate = (spiralVertexCount/60) / 2; // 2 seconds @ 60fps
var doFrames = true;

function setup() {
createCanvas(700, 500);
spiralO = [];
spiralT = [];
// Golden spiral has the form
// radius = phi ^ (Theta * 2 / pi)
// phi = Golden raio ~= 1.6
// Spiral O has polar coordinates that iterate from
// theta = 0 .. 6pi
// Spiral T has the same equation but rotated clockwise by pi
phi = 1.61803398875;

for (var i = 0; i = spiralT.length) { doFrames = false; }
iterator += iteratorRate;

even then to get anything remotely interesting done you have to learn shit yourself anyways
you don't learn the trig you need unless you look into it yourself


Use spiral vertex increments of PI * 2 / 3

for (var i = 0; i



Anyone able to report if it (the video I made) worked?

oh wow
a screensaver

Learn Logo.

>not coding your own screensavers.

It's fun and the guy is really into it.
At first I thought he's obnoxious and doing tuts on ecstasy, but then I started liking his way of presenting. Dan is actually a pretty cool guy.

>I can't translate JS code to whatever low-level hipster language I'm using


Fuxk this shit its interesante. Ill give ir a try at home

I had to increase the step-rate towards the end because there appears to be significant computational speed limits in js on my machine.

This is a pretty decent tutorial to create a tetris game.



Of course it had to be a numale.

i like to keep his videos running in the background as I do real work. it helps me stay more motivated.


He did videotutorials for Processing covering his book, "The Nature of Code", some years ago, on vimeo. Quite good altough quite weird at first, but I guess that's just his way of explaining things.