Post, r8, h8
Terminal Ricing
Simple is beautiful
autism, kys
don't bully the cute girls pls
> Simple
Terminal color, window border + buttons, your type at the end of the line because there is a fucking long useless string before you type.
Yeah, your t-terminal is s-simple
What is that zsh? I was looking for something better than bash (for actually useful completions mostly) and nothing really stuck out. Plus I think fish is the only one to support `!!`
shell for karlie koders
How do I into xfce ricing?
n-no it's bash sorry
>trip boy cat anime
patrician taste my friend
this combined with mpv configs actually makes this place viable sometimes
Nothing says "I do no work in terminals" than your rainbow colored terminal promopts over 80 columns and 10 rows
ty, user.
not if you're autistic like the rest of us
I bet you don't even have a collar/leash fetish, plebian
I started using this zsh theme called geometry recently, it's pretty neat because you can customize the prompt to whatever icon you like and you can hash your hostname so it changes the color of the icon depending on which computer you're on, it also does the git stuff asynchronously so it's really fast.
>I bet you don't even have a collar/leash fetish, plebian
Bingo. I prefer to be the owner.
Are you using Qutebrowser? Update the blocklist so those ads don't assault my eyes anymore.
yeah I mean as an owner
/virtual internet highfive
luakit, and I support 4chins
it's not riced yet since I'm switching from seamonkey
the true patrician's choice
have you seen aidan's branch? he recently got a merge into luakit/luakit and it's being updated on most linux repos
it's been updated to use webkit2 and is significantly less shit than it was before, it's actually usable as a main browser now
my only issue now is media doesn't seem to work, but I think that's a webkit2 port issue.
your prompt string is much too big. Seriously, make it smoller you will like it more
It makes a lot more sense when I use it in iterm quake mode
it's all right, does what I want - provides clear delineation between commands, tells me who, what and where I am along with time for rough measuring and showing timezones.
I can understand why people use, say, powerline, but what the actual fuck is with all those symbols?
What DE/WM?
yeah, it's pretty great
too bad it doesn't have a snazzy logo yet
it looks like blackbox/fluxbox or some derivative
You're all fucking useless
no u
how do you get your terminal like that?
>openbox + lxterminal = maximum simplicity
That's mighty cuggly cute!
fuck I give up
Putting a \! on the front of your PS1 is actually useful.
>bash substitutions and expansions
>the fc builtin
If you want good completions, then zsh is without a doubt what you're looking for. It also supports '!!' but I'm pretty sure bash does as well.
man history
>event designators
Bullet-train for Zsh is god tier
user how does one get rid of konsole and get zsh?
like what
su root
pacman -S zsh
First you need to install zsh, it's not terminal by itself, it's a virtual machine that converts to bash.
path=(`{cat /etc/paths})
!! #run previous command
!235 #run command # 235 from history
!23:s/more/less # run line 23 from history but substitute 'less' for 'more'
!?derp.txt #run most recent command line that contained "derp.txt"
fc -l -10 # list the last 10 commands
fc -l 1 20 # list lines 1 through 20
fc -e gedit 23 # open bash_history line 23 in gedit. edit. save. close. it runs in terminal.
fc 3 6 # open bash_history lines 3 to 6 in $FCEDIT
Zsh is a replacement for bash. It's not a terminal emulator. If you're on Debian based systems
sudo apt-get install zsh
sh -c "$(wget
cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes
Then change your .zshrc config to say the theme is bullet-train
the terminal is a tool, not something to play dress-up with
hi grandpa
Can openSuSE get some love?
just try it
>that fucking font for your time
Why should I trust anything from someone that can't even install ChanX and StyleChan?
w-what's the problem with it?
I'll have to ddg that
Always know I could trust Sup Forums, thanks senpai
Does the nice filepicker work only on KDE?
I just fullscreen mine and pretend it's just a TTY with better mouse/copy-paste support.
I also do the same thing with my editor, although I don't run it in a terminal, for the same reasons (better mouse/copy-paste supprot)