/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

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What's the easiest way to remove "#43" from all folder names recursively in a folder? the 43 can be any number

I am using 2 monitors, one tv and one computer monitor.

my computer monitor is connected hdmi to hdmi and works great

my tv is connected display port to hdmi.

I can get video but I get no sound.

If i connect display port to hdmi to my monitor I get no video and no sound.

When I go into my sound playback I can see my monitor when connected via hdmi. but my TV does not come up through the display port

It says nothing is plugged in for any of my display ports.

How do I get sound, I updated my graphics card drivers but i can't get the display ports to work.

Also not quite as important but the display on my tv won't pick up unless I have my tv on first. When I had my old computer I could turn my computer on and turn on the tv when I needed it as a second monitor. (this was hdmi to hdmi though)

I'm assuming I need drivers but I can't find any and I updated my graphics card drivers but nothing is working.

How do I modify a u-boot bootloader to change the init demon? Im trying to tell it to boot using sysvinit instead of systemd.

cant find anything online that is relevant and
cd /boot
grep -ir systemd

returns no matches

So the Brave browser on my iPad is acting stupid, when I click on a board on Sup Forums and try to open a thread in a new tab, it opens the tab omitting the board in the URL causing the page to 404. This doesn't happen when I use the catalog. How do I fix this weird bug?

In firefox 55 they added this "Search for ____ with: list of search engines" when you try to search something in the address bar. There is something in about:config to get rid of it, but I forgot what it was. anyone know?

I'm using Linux, how can I completely disable an internal Bluetooth adapter to just use a USB one?

which distro

Antergos w/ KDE Plasma 5

>download movie
>intro sequence incudes music which is fine stereo
>normal 'talking' sequence afterward is all the voices on only a single channel

like, the person who ripped this thing couldn't have deliberately have made the music stereo but the voices mono could they?

im not familiar with your specific distro, and the DE doesnt matter this is mostly a kernel thing. ill give you kind of a generic walkthru, should work on most distros

first, identify the module name for the hardware device using lspci -k or lsmod

find the module name for your bluetooth device.

next, you need to blacklist the device in your kernel.

find a file named /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist or /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf or something similar. this should be in your modprobe.d directory.

add an entry to the file like this:
blacklist mod_name

and reboot.

you can also
rmmod module_name

to delete it permanently

if that doesnt work i suggest googling it for your distro

Are there actually fucking free unlock codes for phones that aren't connected with some shitty fucking phishing program
No search engine seems to want to show me them if they exist

Yes, and they come from the carrier. Call them and make up a good story about traveling internationally or something.

I can't seem to find anything labeled as a bluetooth adapter using lspci -k. What would it look like? Also Antergos is basically just Arch Linux with an installer menu.

How do you remove a kernel driver with DevCon in x64 Win10? I've tried using PnPutil, and it lets me delete OEMs, but doesn't remove the kernel driver from the driver list. I can confirm this if I perform a driver query in CMD.

Pic-related, some pictures of the problem. Any help would be appreciated.


Is towel.blinkenlights.nl down? I alwys get 'Connection closed by foreign host'.

also I don't have a blacklist.conf file in /etc/modprobe.d/

I just spent 3 hours trying to register on weibo, but I can't get past the phone verification part. My country is not in the supported number list.

Are there any good sms sites/apps for receiving verification codes? Nothing is working for me. I'm at the point where I'm looking into paying for help.

I would much appreciate some help.

Any way to change the titlebar text color in Windumb 10?

My 70-year-old Dad bought a cheap BLU phone to learn how to Smartphone even despite me telling him not to (he´s stubborn like that).

I was pretty surprised at how well it worked for nearly a year, but today he was telling me he couldn´t receive any calls, and it´s true: The phone LITERALLY reboots whenever someone calls it.

Does anyone know what could be causing this?

According to Speccy my SSD runs at 50C/122F

Pretty sure this shouldn't be happening but how damaging could it actually be?

I have the SSD in this little pocket almost on the outside of the main inside of the case where there's no fiddling to try and plug stuff in and it is very easy access, but then this obviously doesn't get much airflow so I could move it to a tray if this is bad for it?

Pic related kinda shows where the SSD is, it is kinda hard to explain in both words and pictures

How do I into Assembly? Prof said we'll be using MIPS

downfor.me to check if a site down.
I get this, though.

I never thought I would be asking this, but here it goes: Will buying trap/waifu merch fill the emotional void of my life?
I need serious answers.

Download the mars interpreter and look at some simple example programs together with a list of the operations. MIPS is super simple and it should be pretty obvious what's happening.

i assume he's referring to the telnet server

I don't think so user

Recently bought this: dell.com/en-us/shop/productdetails/inspiron-15-7567-laptop/fncwf514s

Talked to a Dell rep, said the laptop has an empty slot for another harddrive, but didnt tell me it was an M.2 slot, only for SSD's, which a TB would be like $300.

Can anyone here recommend a good/cheaper maybe 500gb M.2 SSD?

Or, would it be possible to download and run steam games from a USB3.0 external harddrive well enough? So I could then put the bulk of my games on that and the more intensive stuff like FO4, etc, on the machine's SSD? Thanks for any help

Yes, I meant telnet. That thing was running for like 20 years and now it looks like it doesn't work any more.

How can i test if my bitcoin wallet is connected and acutally working?

So I tried to look something up on tvtropes, and if I use ublock it completely disables the entire page. I can't use block element on the white page because it isn't some shitty fake white square they put over everything; the entire page turns blank. Is there any way I can fix this? I don't even go there that often. It's just kinda the principle of it at this point.

If you're going to have a waifu, you're better off lifting for said waifu. You want to be good to your bride, don't you? If you can't do even that, you don't deserve your waifu.

Also, trap != waifu. Just get a proper waifu (female) and lift big weights.

send me the bitcoins and I'll tell you

i dont have coins, i wanna know if the wallet works before i load up

Can anyone tell me what this "Program" is in my Startup?

Right click and properties.

How do I make my GPU shut the fuck up? It's got a passive mode and when I set it to kick in around 65C, when playing light games it constantly ramps up and down like a fucking retard from 0% to 25%, even with a relatively high hysteresis. It normally wouldn't bother me, but it doesn't have any smoothing on the ramp, so when it goes from 0% to 25% it sounds like a plane taking off for a split second, then is silent again.

If I set a stupidly high hysteresis of like 10C, it means when I'm playing an intensive game it will get to its highest fan speed then never ever shut the fuck up. If I set it to come out of passive mode at a lower temperature, it does the same thing when idling at the desktop. I can't win.

Is there any way with Afterburner to have the hysteresis be different at different points in the graph? Or do I need to just disable the passive mode completely?

M.2 drives aren't exactly cheap, unless you want to buy a used one. But an external hard drive is good enough for just about anything.

Time for suicide.

I'd go with a find -type d thingie with some -exec sed stuff on the end.

It's grayed out, I can only disable it or search online and that gives me nothing except opening shitty BING and searching "Program Program" in the browser.

Bumping for this. It´s the first time i´ve ever seen this happening. If it helps at all, he IS getting reception. It´s just that the phone crashes exactly when the call is coming in.


Thanks, CCleaner worked, apparently it was my logitech webcam tray manager.

Got my first personal computer in over a year what are your essential browser addons?

Trying out vivaldi, iridium, and waterfox at the moment, so either chrome or firefox based.

EasyList and EasyPrivacy for Tracking Protection in IE11

Does anybody know what type of connector is this I've been trying to get a replacement and I don't know if I should go to my local hardware store and find a replacement for it

what does it go to?

anyone else having trouble posting new threads?
everytime I try i get a minute long load time and then a failure to establish a secure connection

If you value your privacy and security don't use any forks.

Ublock Origin is the only extension you need.

How low can I undervolt an FX-8350 locked at 4.0GHz?

Add 'tvtropes.org * inline-script block' to your rules list.
You might have to enable advanced mode for that to work.

IE6 for Linux when

Until your silicon gives out


How will I know when that is? Will it damage my CPU?

It wont turn on

Worked like a charm! Thanks buddy.

so for some reason fstab prevented my NAS from booting when the drive failed, even though the drive was unplugged, forcing me to reinstall and reconfigure from scratch (which was a pain in the dick)
is this normal behavior or is it safe to add the new drive to fstab?

Can anyone explain how the 1800X and 5960X are both 8 cores, the 1800X wins in multi-threaded applications even though they both have the same amount of cores and the 5960X has better single-core scores? Is it because AMDs SMT is better than HT?

Need to buy luggage. Can get a very good model for only $50 in a neon blue, or a regular black in $62. both are free shipping.

I am genuinely paranoid after years of this website (as well as having actually been in really shitty life experiences) and I try to be as discreet/low key as possible in everything I do.

Would you all agree that a black bag is easily forgotten, compared to a blue one?

It goes to a juggernaut mini fridge

Get the blue one, because you need to start saving up some money for therapy.

I just completed survey's on an android app for 2 hours to get a free number and it didn't work. Not sure what I expected.

It seems my theme is the culprit here, as it only works for my browser.

What PDF viewer should I use on Linux? Perferably one that lets me change to a dark theme.

Black bag is more easily forgotten, but also more difficult to spot if lost/stolen.

Why isn't there a TempleOS thread? What happened to Terry? I found this and wanted to shitpost in the Terry thread.

trying lineage os without gapps this time. need suggestion for a free VPN app without google play services dependency. I just need VPN to browse torrent sites as its blocked by my network provider.

What the fuck am I doing wrong? The usb will work perfectly fine on my main machine but when I put it in the VM, it is unable to get drivers.

Guest addons has been download and installed, and i have rebooted.

Where can I find an ISO for Windows 10 Enterprise 1703 (Redstone 2 - Creators Update)? I can't find one anywhere that isn't the weird evaluation edition that you can't activate.

Could i run games well enough off of it?

I bought a TYAN S3992 and 16GB of ddr2 ecc FB ram. It doesn't fit in the slot. What should I buy that will fit and work?

I only have 2 USB ports. If I use a USB splitter and plug in a mouse and keyboard in one usb port will they interfere with each other?

I downloaded the emacs swift-mode package from MELPA, but when I try to use the command M-x swift-mode, or other commands that should work, I get an error saying that Emacs cannot open the load file because "there's no such file or directory". What did I do wrong? This is the first time I've tried to install a package on emacs and I'm pretty new to it in general. I'm pretty sure the package is installed, there's a folder for it in my emacs.d file.


I finished purging systemd from this embedded linux device and successfully modified the u-bootloader to use sysvinit as its bootloader.

I feel like a champ.

My systemd holocaust is almost done, but there are two survivors:

what are my options? what replacement for these are available?

I'm new to working with android SDK and i'm running into some issues trying to sync clover.
following the guide here: github.com/Floens/Clover/wiki/Building-Clover
gets an error
>a problem occurred starting process 'command 'git''
I've updated my SDK tools to 25.0.2
and my SDK platform is android 7.1.1
I've included my proper git filepath.
My error log states 'Gradle sync failed: CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified' but I'm using the latest code from the main repo so I don't know what could be missing. Can anyone provide some insight?

Of course. An external drive is pretty much the same as an internal one. With USB 3.0 you can get transfer rates of around 600 MB/s, so no need to worry about loading times and such.

Is it possible for an *adapter* to affect the performance (such as read/write speeds) of a microSD card?

Why does this mic pick up audio despite me pressing that green button to "turn it off"? I see the audio levels bouncing ever so slightly in OBS, still. If I blow into it really close, it records that shit, too! Do I really gotta disconnect the device to not have my life recorded by hackers?

Kek. It depends only on what's inserted into adaptor.

Im pretty sure sd card adaptors like shown are a layer 1 device. so no, you should have no noticable change in performance

on what basis should i pick a hard drive other than GB / € ?
pic related are the best one ive seen so far.

also how do i manage big hard drive partitions, over 2TB? is it complicated on windows? what do i need to know about GPT and MBR?

>'command 'git''
Did you install git?

Yeah i have git installed at
and the project has it included to reflect this

if i get a good gpu and have a shitty cpu, will the bottleneck cause my cpu to overheat since it'll be at 100% all the time?

stock fx 6300 and 1060 3gb to be specific.

How does one into wifi?
How do you get it? Are there waves of it in the air? How the fuck do I not know how this basic thing work even after endless googling and reading?

In C++, I want to make a class System such that you initialize it like this:
System test = new System();
How do you overload the ?
I might have typed something else hence the compiler giving errors.

here's the screenshot for it

Cool. Is there anything specific I should look for like rpm's or anything?

What commands were you issuing when the error popped up?

2,4 GHz is more common and easily goes through walls but its also very saturated and can have interferences with other non-wifi waves
5 GHz has much more range but isnt supported in most phones and has a harder time going through walls
you don't really need to know much more

Does anyone know if Windows (10) will allow you to mix hz/framerates on dual monitors in extended display mode? For example, one at 60hz and one at 144hz?

build menu -> clean project, because right click + synchronize app wasn't working. Thanks for the help, by the way.

Just mute it in your audio control panel.

yes, i actually have that exact same setup with one 60 Hz and one at 144 Hz. it works in every version of windows since windows XP, probably older ones too.
why wouldnt it work?

Why can't I make my own way to get wifi? What am I paying for when I pay for internet service?

Not really, as long as it has USB 3.0 you're good to go. WD My Passport and Seagate Expansion are two good drives you should take a look at.

WiFi is not the internet. WiFi is how you talk to your internet connection.

Think of the internet like a bunch of people in a country club who can talk to each other. Membership is limited and expensive so you can't get in. But you can pay someone who is in that country club and he'll pass your messages along. He's your internet service provider. Now how do you talk to him? Well you have to call him on his phone. Maybe your phone is a house phone with a wire. (Wired connection between computer and internet provider.) Maybe your phone is a cell phone. (WiFi connection).