>you'll never invent general/strong AI from your basement and become recognized worldwide
You'll never invent general/strong AI from your basement and become recognized worldwide
Sorry, your NEETbox isn't powerful enough to do that in the first place.
It's unlikely that your hardware can run this anyhow.
Plus vast majority of shit that gets done isn't one person anyhow. Sometimes it all gets misattributed to one guy, but that too is a mistake.
>those assumptions
We have no idea how to make it right now, it could be a lot simpler than what we would expect
>Plus vast majority of shit that gets done isn't one person anyhow.
Breakthroughs can very well be done be one person, and this is what is being needed in the AI field since current technology like machine learning and shit is nowhere near AGI
> We have no idea how to make it right now
And we will likely only get there in many people's baby steps. I guess you can hail them all as "breakthroughs" but really, usually it's minor increments.
> the AI field since current technology like machine learning and shit
Progresses at a pretty decent pace if you ask me. Feel free to contribute if you feel it's not fast enough.
>What is AWS
>What is cloud computing
Why not? Just read papers from scihub or arxiv
Dude, machine learning is the shit.
It created an unbeatable solo mid bot in dota :^)
>Feel free to contribute if you feel it's not fast enough.
Like I said, I think a totally new technology will be needed for it, I really doubt we will get there with machine learning as the base technology, so a breakthrough would be needed, not just incremental improvement.
>accurate last hits and raze casting
Wow skynet is literally around the corner
Call me when they create an unbeatable 5v5 AI team
for the semantic AI
1) put multiple words together
2) draw lines between couples of words
3) use color as you wish, red is fast actions/uncertain, green is average, blue is stable and long
4) do this with lots of groups, teenagers, kids, adults, ect..
5) edit pages with said color tags
6) set settings hallowing to filters them
>assuming strong AI needs lots of computing power
>being this naive
you can then add white and balack for positivity and negativity
and edit A couple of colors as emergent from a system of colors (related to a post/page)
six families of couples of colors, six ways of cognitive mindsets
you may call it the chaos and harmony system (partial)
is this book Make Your Own Neural Network ok?
Need recommendations.
>run the model
>shit brix
Why would you ever want to do this, even if it were possible? Do you realize how quickly you would leave this planet via "suicide" or "tragic accident"?
Elon Musk was wrong, Gutemberg was right.
fucking auto-correct.
>replies to my post via world-wide tracking-device
BRB, purging all proxy proxy-IPs
In all seriousness, NO. Unless OP's goal is to create something glorious, only to die in a loony-bin/nameless & faceless think-tank building/via a comfy "accident", he would be wise to not pursue this any further. Or, you know, just STFU about it.
no but you can put bastard dumbed down implementation of strong ai in service of basic use cases and make a decent living out of it
the fuck are you on?
access to private info is something different than an evolved AI
I was joking about that; I wasn't even remotely joking about the implications of what would happen to a person who created a fully-functional strong A.I. without their government's backing.
>what would happen to a person who created a full-functional strong A.I.
If a single random nobody managed this they're obviously a genius, so the government would be wise to recruit them to work for them.
AIs are not "created" anymore.
they grow up
T. Dead man walking
WHen I think about all those wasted years, I wish I did not quit learning programming in 5th grade. I could write something useful today.
Those kind of vids where group of people is working on something ie. boston dynamic always makes me jelly.
Tfw you code the perfect girlfriend AI and you have to hide her from the rest of the world so they can't dissect her for the sake of science.
You don't write the single most complex self-learning self-motivating program in existence overnight via some anime "breakthrough". It's years and years of work.
It's artificial intelligence. Intelligence made by man. You either recreate all/most of human's brain neural interactions and make it self-sufficient and self-aware, or it's not a fucking artificial intelligence. No way around it.
What if we really aren't our brains but the brain is just an interface between the physical and the etherial plane? That and an organic memory module.
If you don't see electrons it doesn't mean they're "etherial", user. They're just really-really tiny :)
Yes but what if there is a finer level of organization, one that we're as yet unable to measure with scientific equipment. A "soul" if you will.