What is the best distro and why is it Xubuntu?

What is the best distro and why is it Xubuntu?

because xfce fedora is superior.

Kind of offtopic, but I don't want to start a fresh thread.
I'm about to try dual booting linux with my current W10 setup. Should I just use Mint if I'm a newbie to Linux or something else?


Mint isn't bad but it does not have a good security track record. What desktop environment are you looking for?

Go back to your containment board

It's the best indeed to get shit done

Idk, I've pretty much always used Windows.
I'm just curious about Linux, so I just wanted to ease my way into it. Like I doubt I'd know what to do on Gentoo

>babies first distro

I think you are in the wrong thread.
I recommend you look into the more casual distros that are based on Ubuntu (or regular Ubuntu). Mint is based on Ubuntu. There's also Ubuntu MATE and Xubuntu is also a variant of Ubuntu. Kubuntu is also a variant of Ubuntu.

First, and after trying all the shit distros like arch, the last one too.

That makes no fucking sense

>What is the best distro and why is it Solus?

Depends on your level of tech literecy and why you need to use Linux in the first place.
Everybody suggests Ubuntu based distros because they have non-free software installed out of the box (video codecs, drivers, etc). Also, Ubuntu distros have a good release cycle, so you won't get unstable softwate in a base system but still can get latest versions of commonly-used software like Firefox.
So yeah, just choose Ubuntu based distro with a desktop enviroment that you like.
Mint is ok. But I can't find the reason why people use it over Ubuntu.
The truth is - you can get pretty comfy with any Linux distro in just a couple of days and start make some operations with your system withiut even using GUI.
Just stay away from meme distros like Arch, Gentoo, etc. It's better to tinker with them when you have at least some experience with Linux. Though, I would argue that these distros are waste of time and are for thoose who used to like Skyrim modding and decided to level up.

Elementary OS

Ok thanks, I'll just start out with Ubuntu then

Debian 9 with XFCE on my workstation. Whatever the fuck I need/want on the rest of the machines.

Truth be told, I'm looking into Devuan as systemd isn't my cup of tea.

>Truth be told, I'm looking into Devuan as systemd isn't my cup of tea.
So many threads and I still can't undestand why systemd is bad. If you stay away from memes like it's monolithic (which isn't true) and muh unix philoshophy (just use Slackware then) there is just no reason to hate systemd. And yeah, the main dev is an asshole.

ubuntu site hacked twice.

ISOs from Ubuntu have never been hacked.

isos from mint have never been hacked.
a download link was hacked.
checksums did not match.

A fellow intellectual, I see.

>postulating an initial open ended question then changing the question to one that seeks validation for your own opinionated answer to the initial question disregarding that the initial question is open ended and has no definitive correct answer

arch is L I T E R A L L Y one single step away from other edge fedora-tip tier distros like kali and you all know it

Why would someone use Ubuntu rather than Debian?

Doesn't Ubuntu have a history of doing some sketchy stuff with telemetry and injected ads?

>Doesn't Ubuntu have a history of doing some sketchy stuff with telemetry and injected ads?
It does. The biggest mistake was when they've decided that showing amazon ads instead of your files in the menu search is a good idea. It's disabled know but you can still have Amazon shortcut in your app menu.
I mean, I understand that they was trying to earn some money on free software but that's not how it works.
>Why would someone use Ubuntu rather than Debian?
Because it's faster to setup and easier to use.

xubuntu shits the bed when I install dropbox on it. the tray icon is a mess.

on the other hand, on mint xfce it works flawlessly.

So my conclusion is: Ubuntu + Xfce is a great idea, just don't get it through Xubuntu.


I really haven't found the perfect distro yet, but so far I've managed to eliminate anything that ends in buntu.

Ubuntu minimal is nice.

You know what's NOT nice.
Lying on the internet. That's what.

ok. Care to share your thoughts on why it's not nice? It has just the right amount of base packages + all the goodies of regular Ubuntu like a huge official repo, sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras, etc/

install gentoo

it's max comfy, and for a linux noob like me, it jus werkz

This is quite correct. Ubuntu is the ultimate redpill distro.

I miss Xubuntu. Almost 10 years of Mac and I want to go back.

I've been using Xubuntu for 10 years. But I'll also say that everyone who uses a Ubuntu distribution should disable multiverse and restricted repos and install the GNU/Linux-libre kernel.

Why not just use something like gNewSense then?

Because it's not very well supported. I'd rather make a "libre" version of Xubuntu that has descent support.

Ubuntu mini command line only

All I see is plebians

You mean Trisquel. It just works. I have a few gripes though. I can't seem to figure out how to burn ISOs to a USB drive successfully. I keep getting a stupid pop up. Otherwise pretty smooth and simple.

I am going to try parabola once I get around to getting grabbing another usb stick.

I still havent found anything superior to just using Tails OS for everything and just storing files to a removable drive....

Kali is pretty cool to play with.

Manjaro was a fucking annoyance but that may just be because I updated the kernel.

Can confirm

so damn /comfy/

stuntin on y'all w/ the devil meme os cause I'm bored

>best distro
does it really matter in the end of the day unless you are a complete beginner and have a DE preference?
Once you become familiar enough with the OS you could install your DE of choice on any distro.

Think some may have distro and flavour confused

botnet os i see

Xfce + compton
God tier

wrong, they did. also the password for the forum was "upmint". i'm not fucking kidding.

>anything ubuntu based

Does ubuntu still have the comfy gui for installing like xfce
I decided to install arch for my first linux it was fucking hell

*like xbuntu

Xubuntu is really the best it gets, with maybe only Debian being able to compete, on the desktop. Pajeet manchild tier timesink "operating systems" are worth shit, and everybody who needs to get shit done will leave them after a short time.

At least Gentoo has a nice userbase. Arch is used only by Pakistani wannabe hacker kids and edgy faggots.

Run Linux in a VM first.


>using linux for anything but a server

Why would you need to loose time on installing something manually if there is a distro that has everything that you need installed out of the box?
Why is it not good?
Yep. It's retarded proof and does almost everything for you (still have to do your particioning carefully if dual booting).

well if you're not at least dabbling in that kind of stuff then why are you even on Sup Forums?

Trying out a new distro. So far it's pretty gud, but I'll probably move on to arch, or gentoo soon.

Because it has so much shit that isn't typical of an init package and suffers from mission creep.

Clover vs gentoo? Should I just go clover since that's what my end result be when installing gentoo?

>Truth be told, I'm looking into Devuan as systemd isn't my cup of tea.
Try MXlinux. It's deb based, rolling without systemd, and is updated more often.

Definitely a Ubuntu flavor. There's just so much documentation out there for it. Spend some time breaking things and trying to fix them, that's the best way to get a handle on Linux.

even this piece of shit is better then ubuntu

Why not lubuntu?

Because Stallman says so.

This, srsly. Isnt xfce about to be discontinued?

I would like to know this, new to linux and went with lubuntu as my first distro.

was actually interested in trying it too.
it's different kind of shit
LXDE and LXQT is worse than XFCE is every way.

it's xubuntu because it just werks

Why all the arch hate?

If you're using lxde/lxqt you should be using just openbox.

check that!

you gonna need a bigger RAM

linux sucks but arch sucks the least

>not just using ubuntu mate

Why do people not like arch on here?

idk, maybe they like the garbage that is apt based distros

yep, thats true, we currently run some vm's for work, but we haven't yet decided where to run them on metal.

I've finished an arch install, are there any recommended DEs? (I know people don't like unity and there is some controversy with gnome or something)

Also whats a good WM?

idk I just used openbox


disable everything in lxqt-config -> session settings except Power management (if laptop)
swap openbox with i3
pacman -S/yaourt qt5-styleplugins and qt5ct lxappearance
set gtk as style in qt5ct ( i like Vertex)
change styles with lxappearance - now they affect qt5 applications as well

>we test packages and trying to make our system as stable and comfortable to use as possible
>we invent some great tools for additional testing (openPEPE) so that no bugs would ever poison the system
No, fuck all that we just want packages...muh AUR...
Arch is a step backwards compared to any other modern distro.

sour grapes

Arch is objectively the best distro. The wiki is amazing for information, the AUR makes it easier than any other distro to get packages you need, and it's just generally very flexible and stable. The only people hating on Arch are the idiots who can't understand it.

Why are arch users so obnoxious?

They are young and dumb, and they mistakenly think installing arch is some sort of accomplishment, simply because they found it hard to do. Inexperience mixed with a false sense of accomplishment leads to the obnoxious retardation that is prevalent in the arch community. The best thing to do is ignore them, they will grow up some day.

We all grow up don't we?

Installing Arch is easy. It's the best distro because it's actually good and easy to work with. Ubuntu is a nightmare and extremely unstable, for example.

Arch's forum spergs are usually useful. It just happens to be popular with ricer kids.
Debian's community is notorious for being an insufferable bureaucratic clusterfuck in comparison.

yes, but that bureaucratic clusterfuck works well, we have debian for a long time, to see how stable and productive it is.

now that's shitposting

don't get me wrong, we tried Arch back in the day, but you cannot call it stable enough for production/workstation

The having nothing to a fully functional shit posting machine is much faster

Depends on what you mean by stable. If you mean stable as in old, out of date packages that never change, then yeah it's unstable. If you mean stable as in it runs smoothly and doesn't crash or glitch out, then it's perfectly stable for me. Definitely way more stable than Ubuntu.

Switch the edgy X for a comfy and cute K for best results.

Debian isn't stable, it's predictable.

Nice meme

Wallpaper plz

>Definitely way more stable than Ubuntu.