Is Sup Forums better than reddit?

Is Sup Forums better than reddit?

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Currently there's more amd shilling on Sup Forums than /r/amd.
Let that sink in.

Where's the option for "I dont care, and neither does anybody else with an IQ over 70. You fucking redditors ruined this board with your brand war bullshit and I wish you would all fucking die.".
I want to vote for that.

no one fucking cares, it's just shills shouting at each other

>is [insert whatever here] better than reddit

Is reddit better than reddit?

we should've been 2-3 generations ahead
I can't be down with Intel and their super kike tactics

I shit on everything

>no "I'm CIA " option

[citation needed]

r/amd bitter user want amd destroy nvidia or intel.
r/nvidia hey look my new 1080ti,game, some nvidia new, I should buy x
r/intel intel is cool.

>a company wants to make money for its investors and employees

I approve of this guy

There was never NOT brandwar bullshit on Sup Forums newfag. Goes all the way back to WMP vs Real player a decade ago

There were never 9 threads all screaming about WMP vs Real Player simultaneously. I can put up with three brand war threads about different topics. I can’t put up with 60% of the front page being about literally the exact same benchmark showing a 4% lead by Intel.

consumers lose and overall progress slows down
Intel should've followed the 10 year contract OR shouldn't have bribed the shit out of everyone to only sell their stuff for all those years

>consumers lose and overall progress slows down
Yes, but you can't blame intel for that

is the only decent place to go imho

not him but you should blame both amd and intel if you are going to play the blame game, competition drives progress and innovation

>if you are going to play the blame game
yeah, no

>Intel & AMD improving on one-anothers architectures for the full 10 years

>not progress
>we wouldn't have been more advanced

But intel's job isn't to make your video games or prime search faster

fuck capitalism desu

>venezuelan CPUs

fuck socialism as well

Intel loses too. Imagine if Haswell had been 6c/12t at i7, Haswell i5 6c/6t, Skylake at 8c/12t at i7, Skylake i5 8c/8t. Do you think AMD could have waited so long to release Ryzen? Ryzen would only be competitive on the price/performance and performance/watt comparisons, assuming Ryzen was released at the same time. If Ryzen was released sooner with competition like I described, Ryzen would likely be dead on arrival like Bulldozer. Intel could have done upped core count before Coffee Lake, but, this didn't happen because Intel could have more profits with pseudoinnovation instead of real innovation.

Tell me it's not Intel's fault their business practices prefer monetary gains to innovative gains.

I suppose Intel "won" in the short term, but now they are obviously in damage control mode because of Ryzen. Does anyone honestly think Coffee Lake was slated to be 6c/12t at i7, or more than 12c/24t for their HEDT platform? Intel had the technology but preferred profits to innovation.

Consumers lost because we didn't get innovation which was intentionally not released. Intel lost because they could have driven the nails in AMD's coffin.

>omani CPUs

>Intel loses too
>neet on Sup Forums knows billion dollar company better than themselves

What if it's just pure shitposting with no purpose or allegiance?

I just went from R7 worse than r5 in gaming. Until they fixed it. So I switched to Sky-X housfire memes, and now have moved on to RX Vega.

There are very few billion dollar companies which care more about the profits in 10 years than the profits in next quarter. Intel is not one of them.

You didn't even provide any kind of justification I was wrong.

There's nothing more pathetic than Pajeets and AMDrones.

>You should of desotied AMD when you had a shot

stupid idoit. destorying your only compeditive player is the dumbest idea on earth
if that where to happen and AMD failed.

Intel would of been split up.
fuck no, no bussiness is going to do that to them selves.

How about you stop being poor, if you want the top dog shit?

>You didn't even provide any kind of justification I was wrong.
The fact that you're a neet on Sup Forums that thinks he knows billion dollar company better than themselves, clearly shows arguing with you is pointless

>I'm not a fanboy, AMD is objectively better
>they don't realize this is a joke option

How new are you? The Nvidia vs AMD and AMD vs Intel bullshit is literally Sup Forums's old """""console wars""""", played by the retarded kids that Sup Forums laughed about in 2009

you took the bait or are trying baitception?

Of course it was a joke, even AMD stockholders know Intel is better

t.butthurt intel shill

>I know you're a neet
>I know you think you know a billion dollar company better than themselves
>I know arguing with you is pointless
>So I won't provide any reasons

I'm not a neet. I'm not going to post anymore because you're more concerned with ME than with the conversation at hand.

t. butthurt amdrone

>I know you think you know a billion dollar company better than themselves
Yes retard. The entire point of your posts were that you know better than them and they should have listened to you instead

>top dog shit
Lol, it depends on your definition of "top dog shit".
AMD is clearly the superior choice for streaming and gaming, or productivity workloads like Blender.
Intel is the superior choice for gaymen. Of course, that's only really applicable for the i3-7350k and the i7-7700k.