>2017, ~In the year of our Lord~
>No minimaps for Terminals exist
How can this be Sup Forums?
>2017, ~In the year of our Lord~
>No minimaps for Terminals exist
How can this be Sup Forums?
what the fuck are you even talking about
Like in modern text-editing, but for terminal sessions. Pic related.
Did you use your phone to take a picture of your screen?
>does not know what the filename means
why the fuck would you want that for your scrollback? minimaps in general are pretty dubiously useful, but your terminal history is like... not something intended to be jumped back and forth through.
watch -n 1 -x cat /path/to/file
Then set that terms fontsize to 3 or for.
You whose life revolves around memes and their deep meaningfulness, could you please explain it to the rest of us?
I get what you're saying, and maybe its all the millennial ides'/editors out there now with this by default, but wouldn't it be comfy? Esp. after running scripts back to back and you want to review the output, a minimap (as called in sublime/atom/vscode/vim/emacs) feature on the terminal itself would be fucking sweet to toggle.
Am I alone in this feel? T.T
Adding to that UC, imagine it fixed at the bottom by default and scrolling upwards.
No, you are alone. Go write some shitty terminal in JS.
Minimaps are trash in IDEs, how could they possibly be good in a terminal?
Terminology has this feature builtin. Just right click and select miniview to enable.
I'm a millennial. I use sublime for LaTeX & python, & vim for python & pretty much anything else.
The first thing I do in sublime is turn off the minimap. It's dumb, not helpful (even for large, complex documents like my dissertation typeset in LaTeX), takes up horizontal space, and I never find myself actually *looking at it*.
I'm sure the aesthetics wear off for many others, too.
Awwwweeee sheeeeeit, for this profound generosity user you may have my unborn first daughter on the night of her 18th birthday.
Suck it gramps.
When I'm modifying something in the 3K+ LOC range I couldn't go back to not having one. I guess for a LaTeX document it wouldn't help, so I see your point there.
maxresdefault.jpg is the filename given to the video thumbnail files on YouTube.
>for the rest of us
are you aware of code folding? This one neat trick used since the dawn of text editing allows the editor to hide large sections of a function or class's interior scope and keep even the largest of files on screen and workable in a fast and simple way. Some editors even allow for arbitrary folding. What a neat idea!
I am shenshing shome sharcashm
Except for #region in the Patrician's language, C#, which I use, sometimes code folding from the editor sucks. Plus, I'm still using the minimap to go to that folded item.