Approved Sup Forums music players?
Approved Sup Forums music players?
> private beta
Looks cool though.
Musicbee (^;
Should have noted that I'm on Wangblows.
I'll try it out, thx.
foobar2000 on windows, deadbeef on ganoo/loonix, jetAudio on android
no other options
poweramp beta on android
>giving into the Google jew
Tried it
Seemed to bloated
Just works.
Vanilla music. It's on fdroid. Unfortunately, the devs won't add .cue file support.
>No Winamp
Winamp on Windows
foobar2000 on Android
Still haven't found anything great for loonix though, lately just use it at work with the default music player (Banshee, horrible).
As long as you have new pipe
Cmus on Linux (I tried a lot and it is without memeing the best I ever used. That it is terminal based is only irritating for the first 5 mins)
Vanilla Music or Phonograph on Android
Wish that more programs were like this, minimalism is comfy af.
Timber on Android
I use to just use itunes until I just started using the default Windows Media Player, however I know of someone who uses Fedora and he just uses the console. I can't verify that the audio codecs come prepackaged with Fedora though.
I showed my dad that moon face and he immediately sang Mac Tonight. Lol
neutron player on android
headless SBC connected to stereo + mpd + mpdroid is the patrician setup
I like gmusicbrowser
and neutron for Android.
Spotify if I don't have it downloaded
PC : mpd + ncmpcpp
Smartphone : PowerAMP
winamp my man
I lol'e'd harder than I should have.
am i the only one using this?
>Still haven't found anything great for loonix though
QMMP. It's literally made by the same people. Don't believe me? Try using Winamp skins with it.
I tend to use it on Windows where some of the Free players don't have solid ports, but I prefer mpd on *x.
I use lollypop (
And it has a milkdrop plugin.
I can't figure out how to get it to list album in the playlist view too though.
>closed source
Why everyone jerk of to MPD i dont get it.
>using new pipe when thread related exists
It just work
Linux: Deadbeef
Windows: Foobar2000
I used to use CMUS but it lacks an equalizer.
Vanilla Music
SicMu Player
I'm using it too.
You would have to incredibly autistic to avoid streaming. There's no reason to waste hard disk space on lossless, even if it's compressed. Spotify uses 320kbps, which is more than anybody needs.
Came to post this -- foobar just doesn't do it for me anymore
Surprised no one has said Blackplayer on Android.
Its minimalistic, has a tag editor, and supports FLACs.
i just use WMP
>just stream it
>just watch it online
>why put anything on your terabytes of storage
>Eventually: X got taken down/went out of business/stopped offering Y/price hikes, where will we get our Y now?
Every time.
flac support shouldn't be advertised as a feature. It is expected to be there.
Just stop with this already.
Foobar is the one and only.
Store shit locally and use NFS/Samba or stream over LAN.
Amarok for windows
MusicBee > Poobar2000
>indulging into hedonism
Don't really see a reason to switch off of foobar in the years I've had it.
This is slightly underrated post.
What music format do you guys use?
For conventional listening, mostly opus. I keep a full archive of lossless files regardless.
FLAC at home; 128kbps opus for my phone.
moc player, clutterless, lightweigt, easy to use and no graphic interface to annoy you or eat resources uselessly
Opus for listening, FLAC for archival.
What skin is that?
>mostly opus
Opus is for voice streaming. You are ignorant of the technology.
Any RoxBox compatible DAP
>Opus is for voice streaming
No, it's for everything senpai.
winamp or foobar on windows
mpd+ncmpcpp on GNU/Linux
vanilla music, shuttle, or poweramp on Android
all you'll ever need
Yes but its surprising how many players don't have it.
thats good too
Extremely poor taste in naming, players, operating systems and cartoons.
iTunes :)
Everything which plays Opus ;)
Opus just rocks. With a bitrate of 512 you are unable/almost unable to find a difference to the uncompressed source.
If there is still a difference, it is most likely a little bit larger hall/echo effect of an uncompressed song, but as said, hardly noticeable.
If you convert Opus 256 - the difference can be heard more easily.
Tomahawk, you double niggers.
And to be a little heretic... As Opus 512 is only in a minor way less quality consisting as compared to an uncompressed source file - you could even make ONE SINGLE lossy to lossy conversion - with the result that the created file still is WAY better than most of source to MP3 conversions :P
Deal with it, tried it, works nice.
Of course... it is NOT recommended, as you still lose a part of the quality!
This is just a theoretical possibility - for example if you do not want FLAC because they can be HUGE - and are happy with Opus 512 for archiving.
Dude at 512kbit you're near the typical efficiency of flac, why fucking bother with lossy if you're gonna use lossless bitrate?
Few years ago everyone on NSA/Windows was recommending foobar.
What changed since then? Why is it no longer the meme player?
Because it's freeware. Which means either the dev is an autist or the app is malicious.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the statement
Because 512 Opus is tons smaller than Flac and the sound difference is hardly recognizable.
That is the beauty of Opus fully maxed out :)
File comparison:
Source Flac with Bitrate around 800-1000=55 MB
Opus with bitrate 512=less than 30 MB
Depending on music style, flac can go as low as 200-500kbps average
Lossless is sometimes smaller than lossy, just as in png VS jpg
Experimented with tons of songs to have a good comparison.
With every song i tried, Flac is beaten in smaller filesize by Opus :)