What's the best text editor?

Decided to ditch this failing piece of garbage after it started deleting the content of my files on save after some shitty package update. Tried Sublime, VS Code and all of them suck. I just want an editor that highlights syntax and reindents on save. Please help me Sup Forums.

Is Vim a meme?

Vim is not a meme, Vim shortkeys are fucking smart

use acme or sam

Vim is amazing but the learning curve is steep


VIM keybindings are made for US keyboards though, anyone else in the world is fucked.

vscode and vim

I find Vim and Emacs to be memes.
Even after I beat the learning curve they are still not comfortable enough for some heavy work. I use Atom (which has it's problems) and find it ti be superior that these ancient editors.
That being said - I still enjoy working with Vi when editing some configs in CLI.
This. You have to rebind all your buttons or find some other workarounds (same with emacs)

thats pretty cool user

imagine using a web browser engine to edit text

Sublime 3 is quite nice, but Vim is more efficient.
Vim is hard-ish to learn, but if you put the effort into customizing it and learning all the hotkeys it's arguably the most efficient editor out there.

>Vim is hard-ish to learn
stop with this meme

It's not a meme. If all you've ever used are visual editors it will take some time to learn how to use a command-based one.

Vim or Sublime. Vanilla. Everything else is so fucking slow or dumb.

Heard of lmap?

vim is a visual editor

vim stands for vi improved
vi stands for visual

Have to agree it's vim. And when I say vim, I mean neovim

what is that disgusting language

Just learn Emacs.

Emacs has been going strong for more than 40 years. It's just that good.

>Heard of lmap?

No... Is that similar to xmod? But even if you remap the buttons it's still a pain in the ass to figure out where the "]" button for example is on US keyboards to find out where it makes sense and all tutorials and documentation does not refer to the remapped buttons so you need to remember them. And any other software with "VIM-mode" don't work correctly so you are not going to get the benefits of learning vim, it's a waste of time.

Why not just get a US keyboard? Or an international English one


vscode with vim hotkeys is unquestionably the best text editor

vscode is sluggish and has a bad ui.

>get an editor where you need to buy and learn a foreign keyboard layout and where you can't write in your normal language because it has fewer keys.

yeah, sounds like a great idea rather than using a text editor that works without buying lots of extra shit to put on your desk.

Dane here, I use the US keyboard with a userscript that binds the Danish characters to right alt + the keys.

US keyboard is confy as fuck

Actually, vi bindings were made for old terminal keyboards like pic related (ADM-3A). Notice the arrows on HJKL and how comfy returning to normal mode was with [Esc]. On modern keyboard layouts it's the least ergonomic thing you could imagine, and yet it's kept as the default for some retarded reason.

perfect description

rebind caps lock to escape and it's just as comfy

You wanted to know what the best text editor is, not what the best text editor is without having to possibly acquire any additional hardware.

You should be able to get by without a script if you set your keyboard to the US (International) layout, although the keys will be in slightly different locations.

As says, or you can use Ctrl+[ which is more comfortable than reaching for the standard Esc key.
