So is she Asian or white?
Also, take that Google!
So is she Asian or white?
It's a very amateurish article on two fronts.
1) Even if she pushes her daughter to git gud with programming before giving up, innate enthusiasm won't suddenly appear. She'll learn up to her mom's expectations and then never touch it again. Certainly not professionally. So in the context of what the dude wrote in his memo, what the fuck is she accomplishing?
2) Her conclusion is that we need to push women into tech in college so that the applicant pool has some truly qualified women. That way we're not compromising our expectations of skill just to scrape women off the barrel bottom. Except her own daughter demonstrates that the aversion might develop way, way earlier than college time. Why does she not see that it might already be too late by then? And again that's even if what's his face wasn't right about biological dispositions in the first place.
>not using an archive link
Oh, wait, something I agree with.
>not turning off adblock and clicking on all the ads on this piece take that sjw xd
>woman tech leader
>So is she Asian or white?
Dude, her name is Vidya Narayanan
by her name she's a street shitter
Every girl I've met named Vidya is an indian girl.
In the picture she's clearly indian.
>get pizza delivery to a person named "Vidya"
>thinking I'm going to be delivering to a guy and telling him vidya gayms are shit
>it's just some brown girl with a unibrow
But they advertise the article with a large picture of some white Apple whore and tiny brown person in the bubble next to the fake name. How is this not racist?
Pajeet girl
>Also, take that Google!
> proudly bipolar
mental illness is now wholly supported by these tech companies.
You mean, it's intentional? She didn't want to write "bigender" or "bisexual"?
>in a few years you're going to be required to list your preferred pronouns everywhere so that the 0,5% that actually need to list them don't get offended
does this work
as a fellow woman in tech I cant be asked to read articles that were clearly formatted for consumption through mobile.
>gluten free bagels
so people want their joints to be fucked up really badly in the future, don't they?
God Emperor/Mister Doctor Professor.
why does everyone think that we're Sup Forums now
fuck off guys time to return to your board
Redpill me on gluten-free bullshit
Forcing her daughter is a good way to make sure she can still approach problems logically.
She sounds like she wants to avoid having her daughter grow up into another super SJW
Former Sup Forumslack and /new/sman here. I apologize, i regret feeding the beast.
It's time to go back to just anime boards, /f/ and a few hobby boards including this one.
What really gets me about this shit has nothing to do with what everybody else is probably triggered by, but it's that they write these bios to be unique, original, witty and funny but their job is literally to just be a cog in a corporate machine.
All of their careers at Google except one of them are just to make sure web pages are served properly and the last one who isn't just makes a meme programming language.
It seems really fucking stupid and pointless. It's like they want to be unique and special individuals but they can't because they are hopelessly boring and unambitious, but in the end that is what going into corporate means. You don't get to be a super cool special snowflake if you maintain shit at the worlds largest tech company.
It's literally just a sugar chain that comes from wheat plants that we've eaten for forever.
Gluten free shit lacks this so I suppose it's a more sugar free diet. You still need energy though. Some people might legitimately be allergic but a lot of people are just being hippie faggots.
It's literally a protein complex. You got it wrong from the fifth word.
I went and double checked I'm wrong, I confused it for the starch that it comes with.
Either way the rest of it makes sense but yeah it's not my area of expertise so take it with a grain of salt
I think the likelihood of being gluten allergic is something in the 1/10000 range?
>LinkedIn shows the team working under her was a bunch of pajeets
Like every single other food component on the market, there are a small group of crazies who believe it causes obesity, cancer, autism and alt-right views. If you listened to all these people, starving to death would be the safest way to go.
>forces her kids to code just because she's a programmer
>makes a point to mention that she and her husband both scored high on the GRE analytics section so her children are almost certainly on the spectrum as well
>don't poo in the loo
I feel bad for the kids.
Why? They're going to grow up wealthy and probably end up marrying white people. They'll have plenty of years to get over their overbearing parents.
>Mother is celiac
>Have to pay 2-3x for the same foodstuff that tastes slightly different.
The price is the same as if the fad weren't around but at least it gives her a wider variety.
some people are celiac which is a legitimate problem
hipsters started hating on it because a few had that problem and others latched on because it's something they can blame instead of actually fixing up their lives. The reason they were so bloated by it is simply because fatasses and retards eating unbalanced meals, not because it's some evil component
it's not bad for you but at the same time doesn't mean you should just and only eat grains
>they write these bios to be unique, original, witty and funny but their job is literally to just be a cog in a corporate machine.
The only thing I have a problem with in this list is the furry.
>gay communist
>working for the capitalist conglomerate google
>She didn't want to write "bigender" or "bisexual"?
>that bulge
>Mods ban people from Sup Forums for their views
>They go to other boards
Really makes you go hmm.
i wonder if she can understand what do{}while() loops are supposed to do
How long did it take for them to diagnose it as celiac?
If by since forever you mean since agriculture. We never touched grains for tens of thousands of years.
>hipsters started hating on it
I knew a guy who went gluten free back in 2009. We made fun of him. Now its fucking everywhere
>It's like they want to be unique and special individuals but they can't because they are hopelessly boring and unambitious
>likes to build clocks
I believe she does but afaik 'coding' is always null.
That's just a fat pussy. Uma delicia.
>We are not being Marxist enough
This. The guy is retarded because its not exactly gluten thats the problem its the way wheat is processed but I really hate all these hipster faggots who made this trendy; I dont eat it because im allergic to it but If i tell anyone about I now look like that faggot
On the flip side, all the hippies are making it cheaper by way of scale of manufacturing for those that legitimately need it.
Why did you publicly post this internal conversation?
Can't agree with that.
Logical problem solving isn't something that comes just from learning programming. You should be learning it all through your life, from when you're working out what shape block to stick through which hole onwards.
Programming is probably more of an abstract logical problem, you need to think about the problem in terms of code to make a solution.
Or just import the library that handles it.
Honestly if you were a woman why the fuck would you want to do any of this at all. Just focus on finding a good man and never work a day of your life again.
south asian is still asian
fukkin saved
Well, is she 2D or 3D then?
If lived in one of the communist hellholes back in the day, he would be one of the first to be lynched.
This, fuck Medium. Niggas stealing ad revenue and sheeeit
>their joints to be fucked up really badly in the future, don't they?
>It's literally just a sugar chain that comes from wheat
i still dont get what you (or the other user) meant by screwing up yoyur joints by not ingesting gluten
I've heard that gluten is bad for you, but not immediately bad and not bad enough for people to care and that you should stop eating grains altogether because they're sugar and wheat has gluten and other bad shits from being part grass.
See's not quite red pilled. Maybe pink pilled.
>You still need energy though
I'm on a ketogenic diet where my body actually uses its stored fat for energy.
It fucking sucks getting into it at first though, because you feel like dying when you're depriving yourself of carbohydrates. Then after you get over that, your body starts to build the infrastructure to build ketone bodies from fat and use ketone bodies for energy.
The diet is like 80% fat intake. But because you're using stored fat for energy, you fucking lose weight by snacking on sticks of butter. I've gone from 90kg to 75kg in four months with the only effort being the initial few weeks of acclimation.
Honorary Aryan
left-leaning liberals can't be racist
they dictate it
If she's northern indian, she's literally aryan. Dunno why stormfaggots want to be pooloos though.
lmAO Indians and rest of the other races are racist as fuck. Only whities are beta cucks who "respect" other races because of their guilt. Faggot whites. LOL
I'm the one you replied to
If you are allergic to avocados, they are bad for you
if you are allergic to peanuts, they are bad for you
if you have celiac disease, gluten is bad for you
otherwise all that shit is good for you.
idk how there was some meme of it being bad or where it came from, probably like the anti vaccine shit
anyway gluten is a major boost in joint health, lots of people with joint problems should take gluten supplements and there's a noticeable difference (tested on several older female family members)
Because a good man wont take a freeloader.