Currently, more than 50k unconfirmed transactions and blocks are getting confirmed very slowly. What the hell is happening?
Is BTC network stuck in something?
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maybe it's just too much transactions?
My transaction is stuck for around two days
MasterCard doesn't have this problem Satan.
Hopefully the network crashes so we can get these prices down
The transaction component of bitcoin is holding it back and should be removed
It's been like that for half a year at least, one of the reasons bitscoin is a joke.
No one is mining it since it makes 0 money.
No miners = no transactions.
that's just plain not true, it's because the block sizes are still small as fuck...
that's the entire reason bitcoin cash exists you retards. Bitcoin has been like this for months.
It's been like this because it stopped making money and people stopped mining it, preferring to mine other currencies.
Were you under some impression that the transactions were handled by a third party?
you're retarded, do you even have any idea how many miners are mining bitcoin right now? i can tell you it's a ridiculous amount. There are entire datacenters dedicated to just mining bitcoins. The reason transactions are slow is because each block is only 1mb right now and you can only fit so many transactions into a single block and each block can only be mined by the network at a certain speed. Not to mention bitcoin shot up to 4k USD recently making anyone who was mining it when it was
Sure buddy.
Ponzi scheme has to halt someday
Looks like a ddos attack. Someone flooding with nodes.
t. Running a full node right now
Maximum # of transactions per block is around 3k.
Each block is calibrated to take about 10 minutes to complete.
Somebody could be trying to overload the service by creating a large number of transactions.
something something blocksize too small something bitcoin cash.....
>each block is only 1mb right now
> right now
Are you implying that block size can easily be increased?
It's already been done
It's a DDOS via many small transactions to get reactionaries to hedge BCC since it's in the trash
Well they need to increase it again ASAP obviously. Theres a continual backlog of about 60k transactions.
>what's a pump-and-dump scam
they're working on something called segwit which will increase the block size to 1.8mb as a side effect, it also doesn't require a hard fork so that should help with this shit.
Each block gets around 12.5 BTC
>what is unstable currency
it spikes and drops every other week user
there was a hard fork a few weeks ago and part of the BTC network migrated to the hard fork, part didnt
there is simply less processing power on it than there was a few weeks ago.
How much compute power needed to get the hash?
>what is a trendline
>what is fiat money has never worked before once in history
>From Article II, Section 10 of the US Constitution: No state shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;
>BitCoen: cryptocurrency marketed towards Jews
really makes those neurons activate
its a probability, not a deterministic answer.
the more computing power, the higher chances of getting a hash.
literally just go to google and search for 'btc mining calculator' and you can get an idea of how many hashes/sec vs btc production etc...
Bitcoin has Hyperdeflation designed into its currency model. If it keeps on gaining popularity, it is very quickly going to be very valuable. Its absolutely NOT suitable as a national currency.
>what is unstable currency
USD? final answer.
quite this
im not saying its sutiable for a national currency. my point was more of that our current currency is unsuitable as a national currency. I have simply chosen an alternative and the more unsuitable our current currency becomes, the more profit I make
Segwit is a scam created by the Jews to make none block chain transactions.
>ANOTHER contentious hardfork (segwit2x) is planned to be pulled by a group trying to seize control of the bitcoin system by hook and crook around November, This tx congestion started not long after regular segwit locked in. The purpose is to fake a massive backlog and drum up support for the contentious 2x hardfork from stupids.
If BTC can't handle 60k transactions per 10 minutes, what good is it?
Time to get a transaction through:
60k / 2.5k * 10minutes = At least 4 hours.
Block size: 1MB
Block count: 481000
Therefore, the entire block chain requires 0.5TB just to store it. How do we have computers that are able to perform 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 hashes (7 million tera-hashes) over 0.5 TB of data per second?
This is the future. Instant payments down to the micro scale, no waiting for blocks, much lower fees, you settle up on the blockchain at the end of the week/month/year/whatever.
Bitcoins destiny is to become essentially a well distributed root of trust for other systems to operate on legitimately. Its beautiful.