>roughly the same performance as the $500 1080 with worse power consumption
This launch is a disaster.
Other urls found in this thread:
this is what i dont get. just like butterflylabs a couple of years ago, why amd doesn't just hoard all the cards themselves, or just start developing their own asics for mining.
just stop pretending you give a shit about gaymen already
Wait, but Sup Forums told me that AMD is our friend and that it isn't a jewish company with jewish practices.
Sup Forums told me that AMD doesn't lie and doesn't engage in shady practices.
Sup Forums also said that AMD provides top tier performance for extremely cheap prices, unlike NVIDIA supposedly.
What happened?
These $600 packs still have the two games with them?
Ryzen is a botnet and Vega is BIOS-locked. AMD aren't as open as they used to be.
looks like a Ryzen+GTX setup does not sound that bad or heretical now since amd has fallen on their fucking face with vega.
AMD didn't change any prices. They just aren't forcing retailers to sell at MSRP after the first batch, which they probably couldn't do legally anyway.
From what I can gather, they were providing rebates to retailers and those are now gone, so retailers are expected to start jacking up the price beyond the initial MSRP to make some money. Also, the packs are going to get more stock.
As a side question what does Sup Forums think about these guys?
I've watched a handful of their videos and they seem to have a pretty good understanding of how to do a proper in depth review.
>Wait, but Sup Forums told me that AMD is our friend and that it isn't a jewish company with jewish practices
Sup Forums didn't tell you this. Sup Forums has always said that amd will try to fuck you whenever they get a chance to. Intel/amd/nvidia are businesses, and they need to pump you out of as much money as they can to remain one.
I consider them pretty good, or actually way better than average for what their target is (gaming). They try to cover as much as possible on a given subject, and they'll correct a mistake that they might have made, or try to correct a misunderstanding.
They're biased for intel, amd, and nvidia.
the fucking hack shills.
Deosn't seem like that, especially with the recent influx of amd shills defending turd like vega.
Even with all this wailing and gnashing of teeth over pricing, MSRPs and bundles, it's still going to sell out as soon as it's back in stock, and Vega 56 is going to sell even faster.
The GPU market is so fucked right now, you could put out anything at any price and it'd sell. As evidenced by Vega 64.
>cheering for company putting literal shit on the market
consider suicide
>amd shills
This isn't Sup Forums.
>We reached out to AMD for comment on August 15 and have received no response.
Who cares? The whole market is fucked anyway.
Steve Burke is not even an intel or nvidia shill.
he's just anti-AMD.
He shills against AMD harder than Anand's ~2010 and current year TH; probably for free.
>AMD can't increase the price on absurdly high demand and low supply products.
that's just intelectual dishonesty.
He just look jarred all the time, that's it. AMD fans are so fucking emotional it's not even funny, maybe because many of them are literal shareholders
Nvidia are loving AMD right now. I bet their sales have never been so high. Especially at the high end.
I can't believe he thinks he looks presentable
This, even Linus mocks AMD fanboys and LinusTechTips has been shilling AMD pretty hard this year. I think most people are just turned off from AMD due to how emotionally invested people get in the company.
of course fanboys will lash out on him. But it's his own doing. He works way harder than the average youtuber simply to dig up dirt on AMD products. Arguably he finds some most of the time. When he doesn't he just click bait it out of proportion and relies on ensuing natural flame wars; he's not stupid, he knows the internet simply won't let the topic fade before a nice big shitstorm.
he's either a masochist or an anti-AMD guy (that's semanticaly different than being an intel or nvidia shill).
If he cut his hair, shaved more, and started wearing button downs, he would be gold.
>I think most people are just turned off from AMD due to how emotionally invested people get in the company
That's exactly what I was thinking, it looks like they chose their words carefully specifically when talking about AMD products just so they don't spite the fans. Steve don't seem to give a fuck about that though so that's why he gets so much shit
Steve from Hardware Unboxed loves AMD and even he's pissed at AMD, he made a video about the pricing of Vega but took it down since he couldn't get a straight answer from AMD. He's mentioned on Twitter he's talked to AMD multiple times and still has no clue what AMD's pricing change is yet. This whole launch is making AMD look bad, consumers and reviewers are confused and rumors are flying everywhere.
He doesn't look THAT pissed, to be honest. Also his excuse for not putting GTA V on Vega's benchmark test was poor
>1 year later
down under steve >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>fabulous boi hair steve
I wish autist hair would ditch the latter for the first. besides, down under steve is way richer than homo steve, So buildzoid would be moving up on the society ladder.
which is funny, since buildzoid is unabashedly an AMD fanboy.
maybe they have a tough love relationship and simply can't have enough of making rough sex after heated internal fanboy wars.
But he doesn't.
>he made a video about the pricing of Vega but took it down
wew it's true
I watched and he talked about how it's the same as price hikes with nvidia and intel post launches because of D&S. Apparently the case with amd isn't the same if he took it down.
>one retailer posting on his own forum laying out the grounds for a nice fat price gouging for himself
>internet reads too much into it, looks at someone to lay the blame and everyone points at AMD
>fucker limey buys another fleet of gold wrapped bentley for each day of week and laughs at the retards.
wew lad. it's such a mistery.
>AMD is innocent guise
please drone
> RTG is slowly setting itself apart from AMD
> Years behind schedule
> House fire power usage
> Performance worse than competition
> Driver support nowhere near as polished
> Highly advertised Features not even working HBCC/FP16
> Underdog yet pricing your shit above the polished competition
> Lying to your loyal consumer base even after they waited for years on your cards the day before launch
> Pulling amateur hour price shenanigans thinking it wont get out to the public
> Being this fucking dumb
> compute stack is amateur hour for deep learning
I have never bought a Radeon card and was dumb enough to delay my purchase of a card waiting for the launch.. Then they delivered this shit show and turd.
Last night, i had enough of this shit and ordered a 1070 for $100 over MSRP ($499). It arrives next week. I'm not waiting for Vega 56 because its clear to be a shit show and a half.
Nvidia was right :
Fuck Radeon.
The guy seems like he should be fronting a power metal band desu
>Last night, i had enough of this shit and ordered a 1070 for $100 over MSRP ($499)
Uh, you realize 1080's are also around $500-550, right? 1070's and 1080's are around the same price due to mining fuckery.
>dat deuchebag hair
this is just like when you see chad and hotties playing d&d after they watched one episode of criticalrole, or when normies self declare themselves otakus because they tots luv avatar* and dbz.
*yeah, exactly.
> Radeon has fallen on their fucking face w/ Vega
> AMD is fine
> Nvidya is fine
AMD + Nvidya
> twitter.com
i'm not sure if you understand that this is going to hurt AMD in the long run. it seems like AMDs new audience for gpus is miners, no rational person without bias is going to choose to buy an AMD gpu when they cost more to both buy and power.
i've been riding the AMD train for well over a year but i think it's time to hop off and just accept that nvidia is now the one fucking gamers over the least.
you could offset the extra cost of a gsync monitor with the amount of money you'd pay on electricity on a vega gpu.
It's not like Nvidia does any different with the 970 fiasco and rebrands everywhere and excessive tesselations and Gameworks. They just have the better product now. Where were all the gamers when AND had a competitive product with their 5xxx and 7xxx and 2xx cards? People brought Nvidia blindly so now we're stuck with paying out of the arse for graphics cards with effectively a monopoly. Thankfully, CUDA isn't a monopoly and OpenCL is a thing.
But in all honesty I don't blame AMD for chasing higher margins in the non gaming markets to survive.
I also realize the idiosyncratic differences between GDDR5 and GDDR5X and what a technical regression is.
I also don't like the power utilization on the 1080.
Also, the AIB card flavor I purchased is $599 for the 1080.
IMO Vega clearly has a rough start and was delayed, but eventually once the dust clears up it'll be alright. Similar to Ryzen launch.
reading comprehension
>So what exactly is going on with Vega’s pricing? We got in touch with Andrew Gibson at Overclockers UK who gave us the full breakdown:
>“Launch price was $499 with NO games for the Black card, as outlined to us by AMD as a launch only price. AMD allowed us to sell a set amount at this price, which was several hundred, clearly not enough as they were sold out in approximately 15 minutes. After this the regular price was $599 with FREE games for both the black and silver cards, $699 for the aqua card plus taxes.”
bundle prices =/= standalone prices
everybody has been begging for some measure against miner's hoards, when they come up with one; they all hate it.
AMD proper knows what they're doing with the CPU market and more towards their ultimate roadmap. ATI was acquired to grease the skids and compel the market. They've served their purpose. AMD has a compelling APU offering that can't be countered and the mid/high end is cornened by Nvidia. AMD opens up infinity fabric down the line to 3rd party vendors and welcomes Nvidia into the bedroom. ATI then has to put up or shut up ....
AMD proper (CPU division) isn't hurt in the slightest. They're compelling the GPU market and will open the Radeon group to full on competition down the road.
As for the remainder of your commentary, yeah man. Hop on the Nvidya train and pair it with a ryzen. I was set on investing in Vega and waiting for the fine wine to procure but they fucked themselves. Doubled up on my 2016 1070. Setup feels comfy af at the moment. Have the wraith spire sporting red w/ the chipset block sporting green underneath my nvidya
>everybody has been begging for some measure against miner's hoards, when they come up with one; they all hate it.
AMD should drop the packs, relist all the cards at MSRP with no bundles and cut off any reseller that refuses to sell as many cards per customer as they want so miners can buy 100% of them.
I agree, since the people who are whining about the price and the inavaliability of the cards are the same that are whining that Vega is a piece of shit that they wouldn't buy anyway.
pretty much this probably will happen next week, nobody able to buy these cards for gaming anyway
That fat fuck is so nasty and disgusting I just want to mail him some soap and clippers for that revolting hair.
well, to be fair buying 64 for more than 499 is stupid and 56 is not out yet
I actually wonder why a man would ever want long hair, not like it looks any good on a male but hassle to keep it is tenfold.
That's all
>fight the miners
>release driver to improve hash rates
Putting some hurdles to avoid hoarding isn't the same as declaring war against miners. There's a balance to be met here -- which they're failing in favor of the miners; who will probably fuck even wolfenstein sales as simple colateral damage.
or actually, inflate the numbers and make it the best selling game of the century; when taken out of the strict context.
>JUST hair
Are miners the adult equivalent of >That kid?
>tfw even /r/amd are shitting on vega but shills on Sup Forums continue to defend it
>Also, the AIB card flavor I purchased is $599 for the 1080.
A cheap 1080 will still have no problem outperforming an OC'd 1070, no?
All AMD needed to do to deter miners was to make a BIOS that was resistant to miners. Once most people had a card in their hands (a year maybe) allow miners to download an updated BIOS unlocking it. Instead they are fucking assisting them with a miners beta driver update that improves the hash rate.
They don't give a flying fuck about gaymen and just want to shift as many GPU's as they can. Miners or not.
I hope this comes back and bites them on the ass. AiB partners will be pissed when they start getting all those burned out cards under warranty.
AMD wants to make money in any way possible like any company. This time they just went full jew mode.
1070 handily beats the 1080 at mining. If you ran Nicehash every night you could make up the difference in $/gaming perf in a couple of months, making the 1070 worth it.
That's cool and all. But I bought a 1080 and 6700k last year. Seems like all this new AMD shit is a side gride/down grade or tradinig blows in games at best.
I would have sold my 1080 and bought a vega 64 in a heart beat for freesync but not after hearing that they're BIOS locked. I didn't know pascal was when I bought my 1080 and god was I pissed after I put an AIO on it and found out it's OC potential is artifically limtied. Not falling for that again.
You know what kills the Radeon?
1070: $350 1080: $450 1080ti $600 and adopt freesync but still offer gsync as the premium alternative.
Oh and Coffee Lake is 11% faster single core at the same frequency as Kaby so gg
>Seems like all this new AMD shit is a side gride/down grade or tradinig blows in games at best.
Point isn't that it's the best in games, it's that it's way better in everything else that isn't games.
>Oh and Coffee Lake is 11% faster single core at the same frequency as Kaby so gg
According to Intel's bullshit marketing slides, which are always based on doctored Sysmark results .. it would have to be running 5 GHz to get 11% over 4.5 GHz.
>Point isn't that it's the best in games, it's that it's way better in everything else that isn't games.
Vega FE isn't exactly flying off of shelves, and good luck fighting miners for consumer Vega. Raven Ridge has an uphill battle as their mobile marketshare is terrible. Lack of supply hurts AMD since they spent so much time and money investing into Crimson and Freesync and now Freesync 2.0, only for no one to be able to take advantage of them. 1440p Freesync monitors sat in stores unsold for two years since all AMD had to drive them was the 390X, which is rarer than a fucking unicorn, and the Fury X, which was overpriced at launch and any remaining stock was also gobbled up by miners. Now you have Rx Vega, which is a year late, ok gaming performance but bad power consumption. But hey, at least you can finally use a Freesync monitor, right? Nope, miner grabbed all of the cards. Worst case scenario is this leads to a death spiral where game devs no longer optimize for AMD cards because no one uses them for gaming.
It's only '$499'! How can Nvidia ever recover???
Personally pretty excited for coffee lake. My PC is specifically built to be a high refresh machine so my CPU is delidded and overclocked as far as it can go and I have very expensive ddr4 3733 cl17.
If intel can really drop a 6/12 chip on ringbus, mesh would be too hot, with the old cache system(new one is bad for vidya) it would be wonderful.
Even with a high end GPU you need every little bit of performance you can squeeze out of your CPU and RAM to fill out those 144hz. It would be lovely to have Ryzen's smoothness with Intel's average FPS which is what coffee lakes promises.
On the other hand I was thinking there is probably a bunch of low hanging fruit for them to get an IPC uplift in Zen or maybe improved infinity fabric perf, cache, whatever. That combined with the new Global Foundies node(their marketing claims 5ghz) could give us some of the most incredible chips ever.
Imagine the modularity of zen with the single thread and frequency of kaby? I'm all over the Zen refresh if they pull it off. Would sell my Intel shit ASAP just to get away.
I agree that currently Zen is wonderful but for many people the only demanding thing they do is game. I spend more time in f2k, firefox, discord, and office than vidya but I still choose parts for vidya because it's the only demanding task.
>guy in a suit with a shitty haircut and a fucking earpiece
You can't make this shit up
That's the security guard.
He also said in the Youtube video he just put up that he doesn't think that AMD are making a dime on these cards, based on the bill of materials. It's better for AMD to raise the price and make at least some profit, rather than selling them at a loss. They're not in a financial position to be selling anything at a loss.
I was talking about their CPUs.
Zen 2 will certainly be interesting.
HBMeme2 was a mistake.
That wouldn't surprise me at all seeing as the die size is enormous.
>We are not sure of the impact on Vega 56.
He probably is/was a metal dude. I used to have super long hair down to my waist, although it looked much nicer than his jewy curls. It was a few years after I stopped caring about being a metal guy that I finally chopped it off.
oh hey thats the marietta microcenter
I started growing my hair out after I overdosed, when I'm happy with my life I'll cut it.
And who says it has to be a hassle, just let it get ratted fag
And the only way Vega will ever be a failure is when you find one for 200 bucks off because Newegg or Amazon is trying to move stock that isn't selling well.
Until that point, Vega is a success and a ton of people want it, AMD is making a tiny bit of profit, and online retailers are making a killing off of high demand. Sucks for us but we just need to be patient.
True. With Ryzen moving from 14nm to 7nm early next year, maybe Navi will do the same with the Vega chip in early 2019.
if he dropped 100 lbs too
They want people invested in their ecosystem and they don't want all the cards being flipped for cheap a months down the road in terrible condition. Hence the bundles.
I just built a ryzen build with a 1070. NGL, I would of rather gotten a vega56, save $300 on the CPU + a freesync monitor, sell the games to pay the premium. Not that I'd be able to actually buy one .
He's just the employee
The miner faggot is on his shoulder
>only the absolute hardcore amdcucks are trying to defend this
"Our present understanding is that Newegg received 60-70 units allocated for “packs” on their store, but a significantly lower number of standalone cards. "
What in the world kind of statement is this in the article?
They got 60-70 pack cards and a lower number of other cards so about 100 in total?
No wonder they are out of stock if that's true.
I don't know that much about retail and inventory for sites like Newegg but I'd guess and expect that they would have 1000+ of these at launch, not about 100.
The way I'm seeing this is you only get your moneys worth for Vega if you use everything in the bundle which a lot of us won't. The increased price of $599 gets you two games worth $60 each (providing that none of them will go on sale). Also if you use the $100 discount on CPU+MOBO as well as the $200 discount on monitor. You get really good value out of it provided you use everything in the bundle. However a lot of people don't need the extra stuff makes the deal super bad and not worth it.
So they ship standalone cards for $499 but they shipped them out in limited quantities, but they allocated a crap ton of cards to bundles only. This is just really stupid. I know they are thinking of preventing miners of getting them, but it's backfiring horribly.
The only cards available on the market here in Sweden are "bundles", you get two games for free if you buy the card. I just see that as something you get for free if you buy the card, it's not like a choice. And I've bought things that came with a free mousepad or some crap before.
As for $600 price-tag, there's no cards available below $700.
Btw, the value of those games is zero since I'm a GNU/Linux user.
And I think the value of Vega is zero to you too? Because there is little usable software to do undervolting and overclocking and shit on Vega in Linux, unlike NVIDIA's driver?
When is this cunt going to get a fucking haircut lazy ass looking slob
true true, the fat fuck
>Our initial launch quantities included standalone Radeon RX Vega 64 at SEP of $499 [...] We are working with our partners to restock all SKUs of Radeon RX Vega 64 including the standalone cards
>standalone Radeon RX Vega 64 at SEP of $499
>SEP of $499
MSRP hasn't changed, stop lying.
Nothing says the next standalone batches are at 499. Just confirmes the inital batch.
Steve is a MESS