Sup Forums is this worth learning? I trying to set up Vim for LaTeX but I gave up. Is this better?
Sup Forums is this worth learning? I trying to set up Vim for LaTeX but I gave up. Is this better?
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If you like meme editors, then yes.
What editor is best then?
Yes, it is very worth learning if you don't care about it taking a minute to start. It has the power of vim keybindings and the usability of Emacs lisp (Emacs lisp is far better than vimscript)
>if you don't care about it taking a minute to start
This is basically the only reason I use neovim.
I want to open and close my editor all the fucking time and not have to wait on a bunch of gui loading dammit.
Well spacemacs takes me about 2.6 seconds to load with an ssd. Sublime loads instantly.
>set up Vim for LaTeX
Take a look at that!
We got a Luke Smith subscriber here.
Yep, especially with spacebar being your leader key for a lot of function and commands. You don't have to chord Ctrl/Alt with another key for a lot of command. You just type it all out.
e.g. (C = Control, M = Meta/alt key, SPC = space bar)
to save with normal emacs
C-x C-f
With spacemacs
SPC f s
To create a split horizontal window in emacs
C-x 2
SPC w -
You also have layers with spacemacs, which gives you multiple packages and configurations to work better with spacemacs.
e.g. the Latex layer includes Auctex (environment for writing LaTex documents in emacs) and keybindings to take advantage of the spacebar leader key.
You can run it as a background daemon and use emacsclient to summon a buffer when needed.
How do I install this layer shit?
are you guys aware that emacs can start as a daemon?
do emacsd
then whenever you want to instantiate emacs, run:
then proceed to add that daemon to your init enabled programs, less than a second.
Guys how do I install de latex layer
Obviously not, Acme is far superior than that dinosaur editor
>Guys how do I install de latex layer
Mate if you can't figure this out in either vim or spacemacs maybe these aren't for you.
In spacemacs, edit the dot spacemacs file and uncomment the latex layer. In vim just install vim-latex-suite and edit the texrc file.
Already did it. Thank you anyway
it's better but you'd be better off just setting up your own configuration of Emacs
I STRONGLY discourage anybody from using spacemacs. Don't get me wrong, spacemacs is really solid, and I copy spacemacs functionality that I like into my own config.
But here's the problem: Spacemacs has it's own configuration system (layers). This means you have to learn how they do things, and use their system for setting up your environment.
What happens when you have a problem with spacemacs? You will have to learn more about emacs to debug the issue. Debugging will be hard, since you're debugging not only your own config, but also spacemacs' custom layers. What if you want to add a new package? Instead of doing it the standard way, you'll have to create and configure your own "layer", which is wasted effort.
Basically, spacemacs is great if you plan on never, ever configuring emacs to specifically suit your needs, which is the entire purpose of emacs. It's worth the time to set up your own init.el file. Debugging will be easier, you can configure anything you want without spacemacs' "layers" bureaucracy, and you will learn more about emacs in the process.
To get vim bindings, all you really need is evil-mode. Everything from there is up to you. Here are some of my relevant packages:
if you already know vim its very easy. just press space and it will show you what your options are.
the latex layer is good. if want it specifically to compile and launch viewer from emacs thats fine in linux. it was too much effort to get working on windows for me, but i still use it for the editing of latex files.
Spacemacs is slow, but is emacs faster?
I don't use vim because fuck vimscript and I want my text editor to be an IDE when I want it to.
Yeah Spacemacs is a bloated slow entry-level piece of shit build, that's why it's slow. Emacs is faster, but it can be slow if you make it run external processes, still not nearly as slow as some other modern IDE like Jetbrains or Atom.
I use it pretty much daily, after spending some time configuring it, it can become a very powerful tool that can almost compete with IDEs in terms of ease of use, not even mentioning how comfy the keybinding is, though I personally prefer the emacs keybinding (the vim keybinding isn’t quite comfortable in my opinion with the bépo keyboard layout).
The only time I use an IDE (CLion mostly), it is when I want to have an easier interface for debugging, and to see the occasional suggestions of CLion. And for bigger/larger projects.
It's really fucking hard to get the same interface/visual theme as spacemacs by tinkering your init.el though.
>that's why it's slow
How about a lightweight install and using Ivy instead of Helm?
>can almost compete with IDEs
Why almost? How is it inferior when dealing with debugging or larger projects?
You can easily use gdb with emacs, and organize your projects efficiently, can't you?
this guy seems to do fine with vim and latex. what do you mean 'set up vim for latex'? are you hoping it'll do some of the work for you or something?
What's there to set up if you want to write LaTeX in vim? You literally just enable smart indent if you like, maybe fuck around with the automatic color scheme a bit and you're good to go. One fullscreen terminal window for the editor, another workspace with a terminal where you compile & open the pdf in evince, that's all you need.
>Why almost? How is it inferior when dealing with debugging or larger projects?
>You can easily use gdb with emacs, and organize your projects efficiently, can't you?
truth be told, I’m not quite comfortable with gdb, and I prefer the easiness of CLion’s debugger.
As for the project management, I agree it is quite the same between CLion and Spacemacs
I had to use it for a class I took. It's kind of a dumpster fire. When everything's working it's really cool, but right now it's just a hodgepodge of emacs packages and it broke all the time. VIM mode din't work right, as is usual with every vim emulation layer. It'd get confused about what mode I was in. The spacebar being a leader key was really cool, as was it showing you a menu when you pressed it and started hitting keys, but that's easily done in VIM.
Can you install spacemacs without the vi mode?
I don't understand why you would want to use emacs when vim exists aside from elisp.
Emacs is much heavier while vim provides, or can provide, the exact same features.
So why? Emacs isn't an IDE, vim isn't either. No competent programmer works on a professional project with vim/emacs, they'll use actually specialized software for that.
They're both text editors and vim just seems superior.
>install spacemacs without the unnecessary shit (vi mode, helm being the main contenders)
>enjoy an improved version of emacs that works ootb and doesn't take five years to start up
>unnecessary shit ... helm
Anybody tried this?
Why use helm when ivy exists? This is not a rhetorical question
Why is Ivy better than Helm?
t. noob
counsel-gtags isn't good enough yet to replace helm-gtags, that's one of the only reasons I stick with helm.
Besides, changing some of helm's default behavior makes it pretty tolerable
It's much lighter.
Yes, just install AUCTeX and enable the toolbar (M-x tool-bar-mode)
Don't bother using vim for everything unless you intend to use vim for absolutely everything
I think you meant emacs.
vim is a text editor.
>why you would want to use emacs when vim exists
Because I prefer emacs?
I already knew vim, but I find it very wortwhile. No editor is perfect, but spacemacs get a lot of things right I find
Yeah but why, what does it have over vim?
Email, tetris, lisp integration, teledildonics (
Just use regular emacs with evil mode
org-mode legitimately changed my workflow.
Plus I've become addicted to org-mode for writing Beamer presentations, latex reports, etc.
Acceptable answer.
Obviously not unless the brainlet can't follow Luke's basic-ass directions to get it to work.
>you don't care about it taking a minute to start
What are you doing that makes it take a minute to start? Opening a 1GB file?
>set up Vim for LaTeX
literally just use vim-plug to install vimtex and type \ll to compile the document automatically on change.