Which language is set to replace C++?
Which language is set to replace C++?
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thanks doc
Sadly, C++ will be around for at least 20 more years and likely even more than that.
>this triggers the brainlets
Why is that a bad thing?
C++ allows you to do way too many things and in very unobvious way too.
Basically too much rope to hang yourself with.
The fact that there are like 20 different "auto pointers" that all work very slightly differently, waiting to bite you in the ass if you aren't hyper-aware of the minor differences, is indicative of the problems with the overall design of C++.
Look in to your heart, you know it's true.
Gayest shit I've herd
Swift and Rust
C++++ obviously
Nothing because they'll just keep tacking on features that newer alternatives have
i assume the old smart pointers will throw a deprecation warning
Does it really need to be replaced?
C+=, shitlord.
it doesnt do shit, modules wont make it and its the only thing that cold make it not c++ like
C#, once .Net Core propagates
>C Hashtag
>not C Number Sign
Anybody who calls it that is ignorant millenial scum.
>modules wont make it
Why not?
have you read whats the status on them? only ms has a working implementation, and its very, very strict, clang's doesnt really work, and gcc's doesnt even exists. i approve what ms did and would really want modules to like like their implementation but that would require most of the code a complete rewrite and c++ committee probably wont go that way
You mean dotnet Standard
You mean botnet Standard
dotnet isn't botnet. You're making a fallacy by association. If you want to evade botnet don't use Visual Studio, simple.
> fallacy by associating
You mean if a botnet company puts out a botnet product which tightly integrates with a botnet ecosystem that we should let connections between softwares and companies behavior in other areas to inform our opinions?
Sounds like you are butthurt because everyone said mean things about your favorite project so you tried to dismiss them with an irrelevant rhetorical device.
no one will be stupid enough to make another language that wants a programmer to shoot himself in the foot, so none
You should probably insert some real names if you want to form a statement to debate over. Post dimissed.
there is 3 types of smart pointers and two of them are really obvious about what they do, weak_ptr being the other one.
don't forget deprecated auto_ptr
what upsets me about smart pointers is that they don't implicitly convert to regular pointers
javascript, probably.
Sooner or later everything will be replaced by javascript, sitting on 6000 layers of abstraction.
but why would they?
you got the get() method for a reason.
It's very common to pass non-owning pointers to other functions.
We laugh but it's true.
We're all going to be replaced by Karlie Kloss Koders, plugging in half-assed pajeet JS libraries and nodding our heads in satisfaction because "it just works! lets treat ourselves to Avocado toast!".
I'm already seeing chromium on linuxfb's on embedded devices running some electron app.
I want off of this horrible timeline
Never ever.
We've hit the ceiling of Moore's law a little while ago and processing power shrinkage is already starting to require more optimization than in the golden age of managed languages where we thought Java would overtake everything ever and we'd never have to program for a physical machine again.
Most of the performance inconsequential work is going to become JS though.
>mfw a brainlet non-programmer sees the word "microsoft" and reacts the way he's been indoctrinated to
This is actually very true. I fell for this meme myself.
Avoided C# like the plague for years because ">Microsoft", believing all the stuff about "freedoms", "evil company, evil language" and "spyware".
Then a time came when I had to use C# because a project required it, and I reluctantly installed Evil Studio, even going so far as to run it in a VM because it was obviously made by Satan and was going to vacuum all my private information, etc.
What I found was that it was a great language, with a great IDE, offering great debugging and great performance.
Basically Java with all the things I hate about Java removed, and all the things I wish Java had added.
So yeah, don't believe Sup Forums memes, they turn you into a retarded autist with zero critical thinking who religiously rejects actually decent things simply because of religious indoctrination of literal memes chanted by peers.
as much as Sup Forums like to circlejerk against Rust, it's true.
They still need to get support for a good GUI framework though. Qt would be ideal.
Why don't they just write their own :>
Man,I need to know about this but I am not going to make a new thread.
I have exactly a year left with me at this point till I graduate,how the fuck should I land up with a job in a year? I am right now moving on with Web dev,but I guess I should go on with C++ as well,what could go wrong?
thing is, there's gonna be a handful of good programmers making hardware access very fast and the rest will work with slow scripting languages that just talk to the fast libraries, like python does
When will we be able to program FPGAs with javascript?
Rust you dipshit. Anyone saying Go or Swift needs to off themselves.
>mfw a brainlet psuedo-programmer sees the word "microsoft" and reacts the way he's been indoctrinated to by this shit board
kys. there's no hope for you, you myopic fuck.
Are C++, C#, and F# the holy trinity of software development?
It's not sadly, C++ is a beast of a language. You're likely some fuckin web "developer"
C# was cancer, but then people did the mono thing and saved it.
Don't know about F#, since I never use it and never had to.
Also I don't have a trinity, I have more of a quad, but it's slowly turning into a trinity.
> C++
When you need speed, or are developing a game or some other DX/OGL interactive application.
GUI is possible but a waste of time compared to C#, unless you ABSOLUTELY need something multiplatform with a GUI.
I know some people will be like "Why not C", but the simple answer is... C is great for small things in small spaces, for big projects it's a nightmare, and usually ends up with you having to write a lot of the libraries yourself because they don't play nice with C.
> C#
Great for general use when you don't need to worry too much about performance, or when you want a really great and flashy GUI.
Development speed is rapid, great debugging makes it even faster, and you can be assured that the application will simply "just werk" everywhere you run it, unless you intentionally use some really wonky platform-specific code.
> Java
Can be very verbose, but also treats you really well if you treat it well. Has decent performance, especially if you tweak the GC enough (you can make a living off that shit), but also has a tendency to be an absolute catastrophe if you involve the wrong kind of people (Eg. poo in the loos and kids straight outta school).
Great if you need a GUI application (or just a command line one) that "just werks" no matter where you run it, on what platform from what year. Will look like shit, but most enterprises don't give a fuck.
Thankfully it's seems to be slowly phased out in favor of C#. Thank you .NET Core.
> Javascript
Literally the one language you just cannot escape. There will always someone somewhere wanting your project to include something web-related, and then you will most definitely have to deal with Javascript to some regard, whether it's websockets or plain API requests. There is no hope. There is no escape. Ever.
icazaware is worse than poetteringware
>whats coming through is a lie
>whats holding up is a mirror
>whats singing songs is a snake
>looking to turn my piss to wine
M-maybe you grow the fuck up and learn to instead control the """botnet""" instead of fearing it.
GO language
If the best of the best are using it, soon everyone will be.
C++ is such a piece of shit that it doesn't do what it could easily be doing to make programmer's lives easier
Go already is, at least some parts
It provides power while demanding some knowledge which is actually well versed. Fuck off you brainlet retard.
i heard u like function pointer everywhere
It doesn't need a replacement, there're plethora of alternative technologies out there you can use whatever you want if you don't like C++.
C++ will still be around when all of you are dead from old age.
>implying it will get replaced until quantum computers are working or aliens reveal themselves.
The right answer.
Keep yourself safe too =)
Fortran, it is the fastest language, it is a highly safe and secure language, its highly optimizable. The fact that C took over systems programming is just an accident of nature caused by unix taking over everything, Fortran was the defacto systems programming language before C, then unix took over and destroyed all the work that was done on operating systems, this resulting in that now almost every OS in existence now is a fork of unix except for windows. The reason computers are so insecure and easy to crash is because C became the defacto systems programming language. Going back to Fortran, which has all the modern OO and pointer features now, would fix everything.
kiss myself? you think im that pretty? thanks
Why is this thing so bloated and packed full of shit?
i know this is a retarded question but can't rust be used with gtk?
It can, but GTK is garbage and it's a huge pain in the ass to interface with through rust.
I cant believe the C++ speed myth has gone on this long. All it would take is one AAA game studio to make a game in Rust or Swift and everyone would see C++ for what it is which is a huge waste of programmer resources and time. Garbage collection in C++ is usually done with some kind of automated reference counting, Swift uses fool proof automated reference counting.
>All it would take is one AAA game studio to make a game in Rust or Swift
And all it would take to prove that huts made out of feces are better than brick houses is for one skilled feces mudhut builder to build one.
this is the mentality of every C++ programmer, someone doesnt buy into their myth-language, start flinging shit
>implying they aren't fucking awesome and in 90% of cases do the job better than any silly oop construct
Is your name, by any chance, Michael Kingsford Gray?
Thanks doc
Huge C++ projects take decades to compile.
Rust projects take millennia.
good luck rewritting OpenGL/Vulkan/Direct3d API, aswell as another 5 years for the game engine.
TrinityCore (A world of warcraft server emulator) has the same feature for its scripts.
You just save the file in your text editor of choice and it automatically recompiles, loads the new library, discards the old one and resets the NPCs.
Pretty brilliant stuff.
pain in the dick to use though
these are apis. if you mean rewriting implementations then that wouldn't be a problem if we're talking vulkan and dx12 as they're relatively simple.
on the other hand, "good" implementations of opengl and dx
I remember seeing a guy flip out over C# getting called "C Sharp".
What exactly is wrong with it?