So my GF will begin school next year and she wants to go into editing, and impulsively ordered a very powerful PC a couple of days ago. She has no clue about editing right now, but I said hey, since we'll have a lot of months until she goes to college and the PC soon, we should practice together so you don't get there knowing nothing.
Any good on-line free tutorials? I don't know anything either, but I'm willing to learn whatever I can.
Also, where can one get free footage for testing? Until her PC arrives I won't download any software, but I guess I can start by reading tutorials, watching tutorials, and downloading footage and music.
Self-taught editing
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 she takes the computer and dumps you
She paid for it, anyway.
A fun way to practice editing is to use movie trailers. Download a lengthy trailer and recut it to completely change the implied tone of the film. Rearrange shots, dub new music, add in some transitions and try to turn a children's comedy trailer into a horror film. Or a romance flick into an action movie.
Oh! Nice!
Sounds actually fun.
Here's an example:
>buying expensive gear as the first step
That's a sign that the person will give it up after 5 minutes. People with genuine interest in something just do it (using their current possibilities). They don't bikeshed and they don't first buy expensive gear.
Does anyone have that comic of the guy who bought a bunch of Apple stuff and prepare everything for work, but then didn't start working?
I didn't say her idea was bright, just that she did it.
In any case, worst case scenario I'll use for editing for fun. Also, definitely for games. She's like that, though. Impulsive.
Last night my brother came visit and he left with a new Zippo lighter and a scarf, because she spends her money on anything and then gives stuff away for no reason.
I kinda wanna see this comic now.
go to any mall this time of year and watch the train wreak unfold in person
All I remember is that it had panels where he bought the most expensive Apple gear, then spent time choosing the best desk layout, chose the best pens, the best chair, the best wallpaper for productivity, etc. At the end when he sat down and opened a document to work, it was just blank.
>tfw I'll never find it again and it was the perfect way to make fun of people that do that
I'm like that too, i still get shit done though. If she has the funds to do it, let her do it, thats not a problem.
As someone who actually studied media in school all I can say work with what you have and learn from trying new things.
Same as with programming - make a little project for yourself (a vlog, a trailer, a little moodfilm, maybe even try and write a script and film it with friends - thats actually a lot of fun), and just look up everything online you need to make your vision reality. Doesn't matter if the first few things you make are shit, no one's going to see it anyway. Just don't get discouraged because you're not Edgar wright from the get-go.
Greetings to your gf and good luck with learning how to edit, it's a fun hobby.
Also when it comes to software, Premiere Pro is probably your best bet.
Obviously you should use what your university is using, but with Adobe stuff being the professional standard and all that's what I would guess they use.
Well, at least she didn't buy an Apple, si as I said I'll be able to play with it, al least. A lot, probably.
But yes, I do think editing can be a fun thing to do.
She wants to do online porn bro.
As if anyone would complain about that.
I'd be OK with that, actually. The internet may not.
I won't post a pic of her, but you can look at this and get a good idea of her. Love to death, though. She wasn't like that when we met.
If she's still cute that's not a problem.
Chubby cute girls are a fetish of mine.
>not buying a Mac so you can use superior FCPX
It's not cuck if she does just lesbian stuff.
>implying FCPX can get anywhere near Premiere Pro
>my GF will begin school next year
>my GF will begin school next year
woah there buddy, why don't you take a seat here?
FCPX is faster and cheaper.
>GF will begin school next year
Yes, I got a much younger girl pregnant and we're legit in love, plus she has much more money than I do and her family loves me. I'll take a sit wherever I want.
And when I do, I'll do some editing.
Well shit, good on you user
>believing OP
This isn't /r9k/ faggot
What video editing software will she be using? On Arch I use KDEnlive and Lightworks. Lightworks is somewhat limited, KDEnlive is a hidden gem, it does 99% of what I need to do and its free.
Download videos from youtube and make edits.
I think someone did that after listening to the Junior episode "How Did This Get Made" where Jason asked for someone to make one. Pretty decent job.
what kind of programm is this? I've never heard this before.
post pic of her underwear or GTFO
No idea. I'm open to all suggestions.
Premiere pro for cutting, hybrid for transcoding. Anyone can learn Premiere in a day, it's not difficult. Editing just takes a lot of time, and the hard part is creating the footage to edit. Garbage in, garbage out. Also, you can edit 1080p video on a toaster these days.
Is Wondershare Filmora any good?
No, it's dog shit. I've tried over 20 different non linear editors, only Premiere is decent.
I'm a beginner and it has worked really nice for me, should I change to Premiere right now or wait?
Here. You can't see it well 'cause it's black, but the thing next to the GC is a bra.
How does this get me closer to free video tutorials?
Change, it's like using Gimp instead of Photoshop. Even if you swich, you can never quite get rid of the PTSD..
Ok. I'm satisfied. Since she became chubby anyways did you consider fucking her pregnant?
Make storyboards and do smartphone ultra short vids say 15-30secs. I would choose porn clips instead but Idk if your girl is into this.
You can also do some image editing to get some idea of possibilites of a still image
of course you need to edit them. 30s is too long anyways. The final edited clip should be 10 to 15 secs.
>Since she became chubby anyways
Right after the pregnancy, almost 3 years ago. She was a twig before that. She's eating right but can't excersise for now because of a mild back injury, but she loves to swim and run so she should lose all the extra weight as soon as her doctor says she can.
>did you consider fucking her pregnant?
All the time, man. Up until month nine. The baby could have been born with baby-shaking syndrome, or pregnant herself. We weren't even careful.
I guess editing short videos but a lot of them is a good idea. I mean, if it's just practice I don't need to make short films with an actual narrative at first.
Maybe music videos too?
>buying a bra and undies as "proof"
>purporting to have a "gf"
>believing him
Not sure if this is an actual term, I just use it to refer to videos that don't have any story or meaning beside just documenting a certain mood or feeling.
>being a jealous fag
>using Adobe software
>using Adobe software on a PC
fucking kek
What's wrong with it?
It's shit tbqh, just less so than everything else.
>Crashes often
>Doesn't support full chroma video
>Can't encode H264 properly
>Creative cloud
>Creative cloud
>Creative cloud
Any advanced shit turns into a christmas tree of a mess that takes forever to alter
I've written that I'm satisfied with that. If you need more proof then go for it sweetie
I was refering to coding m8
With fucking pregnant I meant make her pregnant but mission accomplished.
Why not Music videos. I think the best thing you can do is whatever you're kind of fluent with, learn some techniques so you become fluent in them in order to use them elswhere. What also works if lego figurines videos. It's kind of inbetween a single image and a video.
Oh, short videos with dolls and toys! Fun!
Very cool idea. Thanks.
>I was referring to coding m8
If you mean what I think you mean, when I was talking about writing a script I meant that in the media sense, not in the programming sense.
As in a script in which you write story and dialogues.
You're retarded. Ecc ram and xenons are best for rendering 3d, film, and audio. Windows is a slow turd that just hogs ram and cpu performing your lovely telemetry
Isn't me, but he's right on. I support everything in the Creative Cloud suite as a pretty big portion of my work clientele use them, it's a nightmare. They're awful on Macs and they're 10 times worse on Windows.
As much as I hate windows, if you have a machine that is powerful enough to do proper video editing, the amount of resources windows takes up doesn't make any difference.
That is if you're using windows 7, because why would you use anything else on a productivity workstation?
Windows 10 works great for games, though.
Should I install two OS in the thing? One for productivity and one for fun? Because I can do that much.
There's no reason to run two versions of Windows. Just pick one, they're all the same junk. Future is W10 whether Windows users like it or not. That's the deal with being a Windows user though, you're at Microsoft's mercy.
What are you running, bro?
OS X 10.11.6 on a 2006 Mac Pro I pulled out of the trash.
Also it has Windows 10 on it, but I forgot when posting due to how little I use it.
Oh, now that you mention it I have a MacBook Pro. Undusted it just now, posting from it right now.
2012 I think. Maybe I should check the specs.
You can torrent Final Cut Pro X if she wants to give editing a shot on the cheap, a 2012 MBP should be passable. The 5400RPM HDD will be the biggest bottleneck.
I guess I regret not having dome that before she paid for the new PC.
Knowing her, she would have wasted the cash in something else, though. She has no idea about how money really works.
>"her" existence
Just get an account on CGPeers and download some tutorials.
I shall
those are cool
I like it better when they take a horror thing and cut it into a fun cute family show.
Won't let me.
>my GF will begin school next year
How do you even get into editing professionally? I've been making shit in Adobe for years just to entertain my friends but have no clue how I could translate that into a career.
Most people study media production or something like that.
You could try to make a portfolio/showreel with the stuff you've done and try to apply somewhere with that.
That's actually how most media careers work - portfolios
>gbc mega man X game
Yeah you're my nigga!
Enjoy the sex bro, I got a chubby gf as well and it's the best!
Tbh, was bettee when she was a twig. Still un love, though.
Implying Windows OS takes up more resources than Mac OSX!! haha. Dude Windows takes up less than half the RAM that OSX uses when idle.
Become Jake Paul or other Youboob celebrity
Anyone have any free video editor reccs for Windows. I don't rip programs off torrent sites, running an executable from a random is super risky.
I have been using Windows Movie maker for editing some game footage but it doesnt handle many video file types and I get sound loss and washed out vids sometimes cause its shit.
>Become Jake Paul
No! Dude, seriously, don't even joke about something like that.
>believing op
Those old GB, GBC and GBA ganes are the only reason why I keep the Game Cube plugged still to the TV.
Make youtube poops. Dead fucking serious, it taught me everything I needed to know.
plz post more panties
get someone to teach you to edit.
online tutorials only goes that far, you really need a person by your side to learn to edit
experience is also crucial so edit a lot for the next few months. by a lot I mean 2hrs a day every day
For the life of me I cannot understand why some people find those funny.
Editing is pretty much just cutting. You need to understand how it works in movies and other stuff instead of learning how to click a button.
I'm willing to learn anything.
Then go watch movies, Premiere and DaVinci Resolve can wait.
>this thread still existing
There are chubby panties in it.
SameFaggin retard kys
Nice blog, how do I subscribe?
If you want some complete autismo level of guide and tips look at TaranVH videos on youtube. Some of his guides are 3 hours long though.