What Image Viewers Does Sup Forums Recommend?

I just upgraded to W10 (I know), and up until now, I've used Picasa as my image viewer (which was really quite fantastic), but unbeknownst to me apparently Google discontinued it in 2016.

Therefore I need a new image viewer, but all the information I can find is pretty useless or full of hungry adverts and stuff. What image viewer does Sup Forums recommend? Picasa was awesome, simple, and intuitive, but I want to use a product in active development and that can also play .gifs (Picasa couldn't). I'd prefer something that focuses on minimalism but

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Literally the default one on win10


>scrolling doesn't zoom
>fucks with your image quality when actually zooming
no thank you.
I'll check it out.

I've always used Irfanview, good image viewer but shitty UI and icon.

The default viewer in Win10 is absolutely horrible... like for obvious instance... if you zoom in on an image... you have to zoom back out before you can click to the next picture in the sequence... absolute stupidity.

Adobe bridge is not too terrible.

Honeyview is top tier.

you can use mpv with some extension profiles

profile-desc="profile for GIF files"

or just add


I've used ACDsee on windows for so many years, it's pretty good user, and very customizable.



After doing a review on all of these, I've decided to go with Nomacs, which seems to be working pretty well so far. Thanks for the suggestions.



use picasa, ninite can still install it for you


Go with ImageGlass. If you dont like it, then try Nomacs.

Acdsee been in production for over 20 years.
Only problem is the payware part of it.


Loads fast, supports most image files, and just werks

xnview + shell extension for easy conversions

it's based.



No 1:1 zoom, sluggish to open animations. If you keep a few images open, "Hehe, now I can shit post all evening" - it might randomly close them all because "app"

any decent linux alternatives to honeyview? love it but not on linux



Nomacs is pretty good, the only problems I have with it is that it takes a little longer to start up, and you get a splash if you start it in frameless mode, and it doesn't have a single instance mode, which is dumb considering it supports tabs.


I use Adobe Lightroom for when I want to check whole albums that I have organized, but for single instance things I use the default windows 10 viewer.

Just dl the one we had on win7

feh is literally the best choice, but its not available on windows

Just remove the ui and icons.

You can still find windows live essentials download links around the internet and that includes the windows 7 image viewer.


You all use firewalls, right? :^)

Makes no sense how this shit ran so damn good even on old machines.

because it was written in the win32 api. not in mfc, then not in uwp.

without bloat ontop of bloat ontop of bloat you can seem decent.

Acdsee classic

I really like viewnior.


Impression Eyes

Forgot picture.
