Who else is a file hoarder here?
>300GB of console roms for emulators that I don't ever use
>523GB of game installers for games i dont care much for
>760GB of films wich i mostly dont intend to see again
>370GB of series and TV shows
Who else is a file hoarder here?
You need to have over 20TiB of data to post on this board.
>300GB of console roms
Come back when you have all current PS2 redump isos for all regions.
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/sdf 59T 24T 27T 48% /share
I only keep things that can't be redownloaded. My deliberately have my main drive as 250GB and when it starts to get full I delete things I no longer need.
>barely has any data
>claims to be a data hoarder
Pffft. Kiddo
>i have more anime horded than you have everything
Who else is the opposite of a file hoarder here?
>constantly searching for shit I don't use on my system so that it can be cleansed
>start getting nervous when my home folder goes above 200gb
>when watching a series, delete each episode as i finish watching it
>occasionally suffering the consequences when it turns out I did want that file later
My aunt:
>finally get the old smartphone from my dad
>saves a gorillion pictures so it doesnt even start up anymore
>have to clean it via connecting to the pc
>has happened 3 times by now and i am sure the 4th isnt far away
>shevis also fat and hoarding at home as well
Dome people shouldnt be allowed to live
That seems pretty normal, user
I began hoarding PS1 games (only those I might like from US and JAP sets) yesterday. Problem is I don't have a lot of space. All of them take roughly 150GB uncompressed.
At the same time, I found two 80gb SATA laptop hard drives and I don't know what the fuck to do with em. Maybe I should put half in one and half in the other. But I also have an external disk I use for backups with 300GB left. Maybe I should put them there. I don't know. What should I do Sup Forums?
~15 TB of music, mostly FLAC but also weird stuff in MP3 or "other" when options are limited. ~5 TB of that was when I ripped my CD collection so I could get rid of 12,000+ CDs. Still have 5,000 vinyl albums I need to rip so I can get rid of those, too. I'm constantly trading music, and never delete anything unless it's demonstrably flawed & I find a better copy. Since I have so much of what I'm interested in already, I've slowed down a lot. Probably will only add ~2 TB/year at this point. Yes, I listen to music all day long during most activities, and my office/studio is equipped with some moderately serious audio equipment.
Then, ~10 TB of anime. Don't get to watch that much anymore, but I've got rare encodes & fansubs from the late 1990s through the current year. Mostly I give away copies to interested people, but I do watch & rewatch about 10-15 hours/month depending on time. Not aggressively collecting these days, just don't have time to keep up with the scene anymore, so "only" grabbing ~50 GB/month (2 or 3 series or the equivalent) these days. I do delete the really horrible shit, but I rarely download something so bad that I need to do that.
Don't do movies very much, not a major interest. Maybe 2/month for ~15 GB/month or so? Similar to anime, I rarely delete because I rarely bother downloading anything that is so bad I don't keep it on file ... again, often more so I can give out copies & sometimes get trades back.
I do download documentaries & all sorts of science & history &nature series. Easily 50 GB/month, sometimes 100. I've got a huge backlog that I need time to watch. And I keep almost everything (even the bad shit) as a reference library.
I collected games for a while, but I lack the time to play them. They've been such a moving target as far as reliability for installation as operating systems get "fixed" and updated that I finally stopped. ~500 GB older ones burned to DVD?
I need more moneys, my 9TB NAS is full D:
> GB
You ain't seen nothing yet.
Just kys yourself already
I'm a file hoarder and I do this with one exception:
>when watching a series, delete each episode as i finish watching it
I only delete episodes for currently airing shows, because they'll release a BD or high quality version later, so no point in keeping the tv quality around.
I wish having 60TB was as easy as just buying a bunch of HDD's.
If you're getting that many HDD's, then you'll definitely want RAID. Since it's RAID, you'll probably have a bunch of
>tfw 30TB of chinese cartoons
you are not very good i have more than that in anime and i delete everything i watch
I'd kill to explore your 10 TB anime storage. I fucking love old ass fansub encodes. Any examples you'd like to share?
I'm an archivist, not a hoarder. Any tips on cheap storage and methods to organize my files?
>only *barely* 1TB of media
Fuck off son. Even I have more than that, and I would never claim to be a hoarder.
% du -sh /media/drive/media
2.2T /media/drive/media
>Phone posters should not be allowed to live
>ncdu /
>Disk usage: 18.7GB
Get on my level.
What's the best GB/$ you can get?
I want to fill the void in my soul with data
Smaller than my chinese cartoon folder
I've got you beat significantly.
680 GB of music, some porn, and about 80% of it is TV shows/movies/animemes.
>300GB of console roms
Full SNES library is 1gig so w/e
Do tape backups count?
I have only about 2TB on HDDs, but a lot of data on tapes (idk even how much, have a lot of this shit, stopped counting few years ago)
all seeded no problems
> no rare music or flacs
>no content you created yourself
just kys weeb
>tfw could have had massive stockpile of everything
>1tb hd
like more than 1TB of pc games probably 1,5TB games have gotten big lately
and more than 2TB for anime/movies/series
I try to do this
>delete movies that are shit-tier resolutions
>move movies in english to external HDD (its not my native language)
>delete games that i know i dont like
the fact is im used to visiting LAN parties and sharing all my shit on DC++ so i kinda want to keep it in case someone wants it there
Do you have this? How much data? Do you have any of the PS2 undub ISO's?
I deleted everything I had about 500GB.
Dont give a shit anymore.
I am cured from hoarding.
560GB of hentai.
You dont need
On HDD, around $0.05 per GB with the server hardware once you do it a bit like Backblaze and build big pretty efficient servers. HDD cost is half of that per GB.
With tape drives the cost per GB can be even a bit lower, but it really is a mixed bag because the drives themselves cost quite a lot.
Are €100 for a new 4TB external drive good?
I think that's about a normal price for Europe. Not sure if there are any much better deals right now.
Wish I could stop, have so much music I don't even listen to, I lost a 2TB drive a while ago and probably only miss 100meg of shit. (Still have lots of games I don't play and movies/series I haven't watched)
>370gb of tv shows
>tfw you hide 300gb of japanese lesbian foot fetish videos and you cant find them anymore
I should have started to organize much earlier, now its too late
just install WinDirStat
it visually represents folders by their size so it should make it easy to find
what's that, like 3 shows?
a couple long running shows i have copies of are like, 200GiB each
>760GB of films wich i mostly dont intend to see again
>370GB of series and TV shows
>shitty encodes
film & series only 1080p
way overcomplicated.
Fuck raid too, just do full 1:1 backups. RAID is not a backup afterall, and that would still cost less than your 10k ridiculousness. 20 6tb disks can be had for under $4k on newegg. Then you just need a bunch of LSI9211-8i's and enough ecc ram to zfs that bitch up.
24Tb atm, About to go to 32Tb when new drives arrive.
oh no
All of the hoarders here could pool together their drives and resources to make a remote server that the rest of us could enjoy forever.
I only run a couple of thin clients with
I too hoard files.
But personally I don't need access to them at anytime I am at the computer. So why do yall risk your data by having it plugged in 24/7?
Only for fap material (which isn't necessarily porn).
Raid level 1 IS literally a 1:1 backup scheme.
go on
>Raid [...] IS [...] a [...] backup
No it's not fuck you
no it's not
while the basic meaning of the word does apply, it doesn't fit the typical definition of what a computer storage backup is
raid1 is a mirror, or redundancy
a "backup" should be an /inactive/ copy
think of it this way, what happens when you delete a file on a raid1? you lose the file on both disks simultaniously
and don't say "but snapshots", as snapshots do their job even with one disk, they're not a feature of redundant hardware
The only outrageous stuff I have is about 500 gb of ASMR.
Waifus routinely take videos down, so I need to archive that shit.
i hoarded 100g of hentai(doujinshis manga and pics) then started deleteting since i undesrstood how autistic this is .
Now i please my autism by hoarding any intrestig or good information in text files got 500 MB of txt.
I'm financial time series data hoarding and have many hundreds of gigabytes of forex tick data and interested in acquiring more. It's because since it's OTC there is no central clearing at an exchange so each venue has different data.
i hoard movies and TV shows that i'll probably never watch again.
piratey versions of PC games even after i've bought the steam versions in sales.
old versions of game mods (mainly elder scrolls and fallout stuff) even when the newer versions are improved in every way.
old modding tools, some dating back to ps2/xbox era
eeprom backups of every xbox i ever modded.
>eeprom backups of every xbox i ever modded.
i still have a bunch of those, too
No it isn't. Backup is a copy stored somewhere else where catastrophic failure, either of the user or of the hardware, cannot touch it.
>if you accidentally delete something, RAID1 doesn't save you.
>if something malicious fucks with your data, RAID1 doesn't save you
>if your PSU fucks up and burns out your drives, RAID1 doesn't save you
Backup is stored somewhere else, preferably in such a way that it is not directly connected to the live system at all times, so if somebody nukes all your live shit they can't just cd over to your backup mount and nuke that as well.
For a home user backup can be as simple as an external drive which is simply kept powered off when not in use, but RAID1 is in no way a backup.
6TB Movie
2TB Music
200GB Pictures
3TB Roms
4TB Steam games
3TB Archived Miscellaneous data
1TB Documents
3TB Screen Recordings
6TB incest porn
>6TB incest porn
Real or fake?
>6TB incest porn
>0B c---- p----
cuck porn?
>Screen Recordings
What recordings? Games?
cat pictures
Ugh I do this too. Sometimes keep a show tho if I know I’ll watch it again
Yeah, same. My Doctor Who copies are 250gb alone
As real as it gets baby.
Half is game recordings. The other half is screen recordingss of my daily computing for about 6 months, 4 1080p monitors in 4k.
Youth is disgusting
Do you watch videos of yourself browsing Sup Forums in the future and reminisce about the good old days?
why screen recordings?