Microsoft doesn't sp-

Microsoft doesn't spy on it's use-

An email I received today on something I did yesterday.

And what did you do you fucking faggot?


he sucked some dick

Screenshot or it didn't happen. A pastebin just wont do.

Regards, Harish

inb4 google shill. This is my work email obviously. Here is your screenshot.

So why did you do it?

>telemetry is being used for exactly what it should be used for
Wow it's fucking nothing.

> Emailing people and asking why did you click this is acceptable behavior

t. Harish

FUD and false flags. Bet you a million if you rip apart loonix, bsd, or OS X you'd find the same shit.

>getting emotionally wrecked so hard by an email from Harish at Microsoft that you had to make a thread about it on Sup Forums
Sorry you didn't make the cut, bud.

whers the rest of this info

Hello, Pajeet Rajesh.
You have gained 5 customer engagement points.

I''ll be go to heck. Looks like Richard Stallman was right again.

I tried typing a popular movie into the local search and I didn't get shit in TCPView.

Are you retarded?


this makes me suspect this is bait.

It was VS Marketplace, meaning it was from VISUAL STUDIO. Further, you have to enable telemetry in Visual Studio as it is disabled by default. FALSE FLAG.

> ad hominem'ing this hard.

It might seem small and subtle, and maybe it is, but its indicative that they are doing bigger things. Its ok that you think this is acceptable behavior, I don't. I don't ever want to get mail from asking why I clicked something, why I visited a website or anything of the sort. Who knows if they are sharing this information with others. Agin not just this specifically, but everything else.

what more proof do you want? I'm not posting anything with my email address.

Wrong, I was browsing the VSTS marketplace for a certain extension to team services, not visual studio. It was likely web telemetry.

heres the best i could find, man this is totally fucked... yea right like disabling the default settings will prevent access

I bet the guy who made that macro a few days ago is the reason paint went into the recycle been

if anything I think unchecking all these options just raises a flag for immediate inspection

imagine having to sort through millions of users shit, and having to pay people for sorting

I think the same thing happens when people change privacy to only me on factbook posts

I bet wifi was around long before it was released to the public and also I bet pc's starting in the early 80's were already mining data like this

>you did opt into trying out the new acquisition experience. However you also did move back to the old experience without running into an error in the new experience.
Oh I love this

found the problem


fucking harish man, he knows all


poo in the loo

The correct response would be

>Hello Harish,
>I'm writing to let you know that as Microsoft clearly doesn't respect my own user privacy on their site, I no longer have any faith that any other claims about the privacy of my company's data on your services are accurate. Therefore starting today we will be looking into alternatives and will be leaving your platform (along with all Microsoft products) as soon as is reasonably possible. I will be sending this to our account rep as well as an explanation as to why we will not be renewing any agreements with Microsoft.
>Thank you and have a nice day.

Unfortunately that is not power I wield at this company. Though co-workers agree its messed up. Our team is pretty invested in this stack.

Not like Harish knows that


>permitting telemetry reports.
>complaining when you find out they know all about you.

> doing anything is permission.

>Through our telemetry we noted that you did opt into trying out the new acquisition experience. However you also did move back to the old experience without running into an error in the new experience.
>literally, himself, opted in to report what he does

Nope, did a 6 month long test, not that you mind crippled tin heads believe anyone
LTSB rarely phones home and with tiny packets, mostly when drivers change or something crashes

Harish Agarwal doesn't exist in the Microsoft employee global address book.

t. Microsoft employee

Yeah I was curious to see what it looked like. I didnt know I was being watched by Harish the 1am microsoft customer emailer.

microsoft shill on damage control

t. Microsoft Damage Control

Windows 10 confirmed for botnet and keylogger.

How often are the Microsoft damage control team members watching over Sup Forums threads?

>hey, do I want to try out this new thing and tell us what you think about it?
>so, what do you think about it?

5 rupees has been added to ur account.

Keep up the good work.

That guy sent an unsolicited email. gtfo with that shit.

More like
>Offered access to "upgraded" service
>Unknowingly agree to have your usage of the "upgraded" service monitored in minute detail, even to the level of screen-sharing
>People in a random country end up being paid to watch your screen and usage of the "upgraded" service
>For some reason cease all use of the "new" service
>To try to keep you locked into the "new" service where you can be monitored, you are asked coercive question about why you decided to cease usage of the "better" service

But muh gaymes


Now what actually happened:
>opt in to a beta software without reading ToS
>get angry because company followed the ToS

What alternative to windows even is there if you play non mainstream vidya for a hobby, most little tools and programs are writen for windows, we all liked windows until it went evil, why you do this to us gates-senpai


Seems pretty reasonable.

The user used a Microsoft account with the application.

Also, it was probably automated.

Alright nigger I asked for feedback and your stupid fatass is going to give it to me. I had to track you down to this site so you better answer.


Poo in lol and not in Sup Forums please.