Talking irl with my brother about what my sister wants for her birthday

>talking irl with my brother about what my sister wants for her birthday
>says she wants a salad spinner for her new kitchen bc im a poorfag
>text with her if she prefers something better than this on SMS
>mfw it's been 3 days i have salad spinner ads on my phone while i never type this word on internet...

men...where they come from ? how can i stop this nightmare ?

babby's first botnet experience
i just have to walk past a store and its contents will be shown to me
eg this audio equipment store i visited a few years ago

Think about it. For google to know when you're not saying 'OK Google' it has to record everything you say, turn it into text, just to make sure you're not saying OK google.
And so what do they do with this 40kB of text? They store it. And use it to market shit to you.

Your service provider is paid by advertisers to give them your text messages.

>how can i stop this nightmare ?
Get a dumbphone.

the inventors of this technology hoped it would be used for good. Just like fusion led to the invention of the atom bomb, the botnet derived from hopeful people, trying to make a way to help people find what they needed. I remember when the botnet started, when I got my first tablet. I was walking home reading the news on it when suddenly, a message popped up. It was a cable converter I had been looking for online, but a map was attached to it. I touched the map, and it opened up in Google Maps and pointed me to a small resale shop on mainstreet. They had the converter for sale in there and, because of my busy schedule, I never would have had the time to look for it myself.

That was a few years ago now. It's crazy to think about. Now, I can't even talk to my own mother about a cartoon I watched, or else advertisements for that cartoon appear while I'm trying to browse Sup Forums. Whenever I google something, it reverts my search results to relate to the first few things I ever googled.

I want out of my box. I want to explore the world. I never did go to that resale shop. I never even would have known it existed. I think from now on I'm just going to sit and play videogames, and never talk to anybody.

>Seeing ads
Fucking normies

Just be thankful you didn't search for a salad tosser.

Oh, and . I use the Android build of Firefox with uBlock origin.

>Confirming he's a normie

It doesn't have to turn everything into text. It can be trained on a short, distinctive phrase which is only processed on the phone. This is why I can use the OK Google detection without any data connection of any sort.

For all I know Google still listens every second that it can. I'm just refuting the use of OK Google as some sort of evidence when anyone could easily disprove this themselves.

I've never noticed personalized ads because I haven't seen an ad in a web browser for over a decade.

I had an iPhone before Siri was introduced. Here's a fun fact. They removed all local voice control, requiring connection to the internet, when Siri was introduced. I was super pissed because I rarely had a data connection and I was always using voice control to change music. Even the fucking iPod Shuffle, which didn't have a screen much less an internet connection, had voice control.

Now they claim they "need" an internet connection for voice control. Fuck those kikes.

Yeah see now that's some fuckery.

it was on an app on my phone and im to lazy to root it to block the ads

But even if you block their ads, they already have the it is not a solution in either..

>mfw google is trying to serve me super personalized ads that i'll never see ever
>A whole infrastructure that crossreference shitloads of data just so it gets blocked on my end

I have the exact opposite problem
I keep getting served hindu, japanese and what I can only assume is tolkien's elvish language ads and get recommended videos from those languages every time I watch videos on my phone

you should fuck her, she'd like that

How did you get the picture of that salad spinner without first searching for it?

Google ad services will base ads on what you search

That reminds me, last time i went to Japan i got served Japanese ads for like 2 full weeks after coming back

*sigh* It's just confirmation bias. The same amount of salad spinner ads were there before and after. You just never payed attention to them before because you didn't have any connection to salad spinners.

After you talked about salad spinners, now you are primed to see the ads. So it's the same amount of salad spinner ads as before, just now you remember them all instead of forgetting them.

*unzips pants*
Spin on THIS!


Yeah but I've basically been in europe my whole life

> not using an adblocker

I don't think so. The range of products covered in those ads is laughably narrow, you'll get the same ad for the same product again and again for weeks, their targeting is retarded with no variety.
But OP probably isn't telling us something about his information hygiene.

Huh... So I'm not the only one. Btw, it doesn't stop there. It comes in the form of post as well. I was talking with the senpai about martial arts, and the next I got an ad for karate in the post.

But 'salad spinner' is an extremely specific item. I have never heard of a device that tosses your salad for you until now.


what do you want to know more ?

The fact is that the word salad spinner appears only in a SMS discution (i checked it again)

so i think it could be like said or google create a link between profile and share ads between them (ie 1 or more members of my family search this kind of content and it is enough revelent for google that it proposes it to me)

Google keyboard?

so did op toss his sisters salad or what

>having ads on your phone at all

> Not communicating in person with other people while having the battery removed from your phone and the physical wires to the microphone(s) and camera(s) disconnected to avoid the botnet data collection service
You practically asked for this to happen to you

Get an iPhone 4. They didn't get the Siri update; you can still use voice commands on it.

After giving her the salad tosser, he asked her to toss his salad.

What the fuck is a salad spinner?

> talk to my own mother about a cartoon I watched.

Sit and salad spin it!
- New femdom facesitting technique

If its his carrier then using a dumbphone's not going to fix anything, he's still sending the same SMS he would be on a smartphone.

>I haven't seen an ad in a web browser for over a decade

lies. no adblocker is perfect

It's possible that he only visits sites where his adblocker does work perfectly.


I dont want that anime

are IoT salad spinners a thing yet?

New age hippy dippy shit that mixes dressing into your salad. It's a millennial thing.

>Keeping your location on

for drying wet salad

>Just like fusion led to the invention of the atom bomb
Stopped reading because you're obviously retarded

It's used to dry your salad after you wash it / soak it in water to remove the bitter taste.

Nice try, I almost got a bit mad.