First post with linux

hello 7G7 this is mz first post with linux on Sup Forums

awesome you bought into the meme well done


u installed linux on Sup Forums


what do you mean by this?

Use an English keyboard.

Fuck off Germ, you are not welcome here.


dont use chrome


Deutschland muss sterben!

stop it.
get some help.

Isnt deepin a chinese distro? Don't you think it might be a botnet?

You actually fell for it?

You do know, no one on this board actually uses linux right?


I do

>implying the US based ones aren't just botnets either

This. Everone in this board is using windows in a VM and trolling each other

I use it every day.

nice font rendering

chrome is actually gentoo on dopamine.

no you don't


no you don't

Is he hacking us now?
Do I use Linux while I'm on Sup Forums now?

Debian on desktop, fedora on laptop.

fite me

Small margin does, even smaller margin uses an actual distro not ewbuntu

>Debian is so stable that it's developer killed himself
>Fedora is NSA honeypot

Chrome is one ugly browser.

That's not how dopamine works

Arch on desktop, Debian and Kali on two laptops
>NSA honeypot


Open this gif OP. Its magic.

it's not botnet, but it's ridiculously out of date

Is that some interlaced shit? looks blank when maximised

why the fuck does your browser speak nazi?

that's french

It crashes phone browsers and when i used chrome on linux would completely lock up my t420 requiring a hard reboot. That MIGHT have been from some bad RAM, but its still funny.

Use better hardware

Its a chrome on linux issue, not a hardware issue. The same thinkpad has no issue with that gif on windows or OSX.

it crashes devices with low memory such as mobile phones, it is a 10k x 10x gif

why the fuck does your browser speak surrender?

debian on laptop, debian+windows on desktop (debian is fully encrypted, bootloader is installed on a flash drive)

hmm, probably, firefox on linux loading just fine

I've been exclusively linux for many years now.
Xen hypervisor atop a minimal LFS kernel. so much better than any alternative.

for some reason i feel like this is some sort of a virus targeting loonix


crashes gimp at frame 600 desu

dont doubt it. that image crashes many things

What exactly are you on about? Thanks for trolling me into installing chromium tho

Why are these frogs so CUTE

i'm seeing the same thing desu, both on firefox and chromium
pretty sure op is trying to infect us with his aids

Welcome to the club, first rule is you don't talk about the club

i sent this to a friend and he said that there are files hidden inside of this

dont think your friend is correct.

when I looked at it in a hex editor it looked like a normal gif.

I ran it through forensic carving software just to make sure, it contains one file; itself.

the gif header might've been there but that doesn't mean there's no additives


yes the gif header was there and no other file signatures were present

> that doesn't mean there's no additives
Its a 90kb gif file taking up 10000 by 10000 pixels. there isnt much room for much else.

either post something suggesting the contrary or stop.

if it uses built in linux headers then the payload shouldn't weight much

what are you talking about? file types always have the same headers/signatures regardless of operating system

you think because I transfer a file from NTFS to EXT4 it writes a different file?

>built in linux headers
please, explain what these are for us plebeians that dont understand

linux headers as in built in linux libraries\binaries, if it targets linux machines

your saying the gif is an executable? or are you suggesting it somehow executes code when read?

because either are easily disproven by
objdump -D

i'm saying that if the data that's inside the gif takes advantage of a weakness in firefox\gimp\whatever it could execute code, yes
think about the many flash exploits or android's stagefright exploit

what fucking browser executes an image?

>flash exploits
flash exploits are executable code.

okay maybe i'm wrong

>mz first post
Can't wait for the second post where you blame linux for your mistake of selecting qwertz keyboard layout.

Oh god... Don't let me start on this...
Here's everything you need to know:
- Fedora is in tight relation to RedHat
- Red Hat are bffs with NSA
Do math.
Now... Befor you go full defensive with
>It's open source!
>There are no proofs of this!
>Why would NSA do this if they use RedHat themselves!
>They developed seLinux to get more security for themselves, if it's good for NSA it's good for me!

Here are some answers:
1. Open Source not necessarily means secure, yeah, you can read source code, but unless you or someone competent checks it - it's not secure. (Read about heartbleed vurln, and watch fosdem nsa operation orchestra)
2. There are no proofs it's NOT a honeypot
3. Why not? They asked Linus to put bacdoors in kernel.
4. Oh, that's why? How naive you must be if you think that NSA uses SAME code as you do with your seLinux. :^)

I should make a picture to answer these questions faster.
