Do you remember when ryzen was first coming out, they did that blendr demo ? Here is an article stating that the demo originally took 36 seconds on an 8 core ryzen .
I am assuming that they were using the flagship 1800x during this demo .
I have a stock 1700x , with a very good noctua cooler, and 3000mhz ram . I am getting 25 seconds with the same blendr file, with the same 150 samples as the original demo . The only difference i can think of is that i'm using a newer version of blendr and faster ram (maybe), but can that really shave off over 10 seconds ?
Nathaniel Young
Why do you keep spelling Blender like it's a gay sex app?
Any number of optimizations at the hardware or software level could be responsible.
David Sanchez
Faster RAM, more optimized software, and better cooling would definitely help.
Landon Barnes
for some reason i typed blendr instead of blender.
i don't know why .
that's a lot of optimization , i wonder if the 6900k it was pitted against sees the same improvements
Chase Wright
OP is a gay man who likes gaymen
Carson Cooper
nobody cares about your fantasies
Asher Nguyen
op is a faggot Posters: 5
Alexander Lee
If you buy a product based on its demo's performance and months later you get a noticeable performance boost, you have won big time. You were most likely happy about the performance before if you decided to buy it.
I'll have to keep an eye on Vega, maybe it's going to get to the top.
Nathan King
If I remember right, that first blender demo was done on a locked to 3ghz ryzen cpu that was as engineering samples showed, throwing errors like a motherfucker.
Amd in all pre launch presentations was either lower or locking everything to 1700 speed just so they only showed people what they could guarantee the masses would be able to get.
faster ram, faster clocks, updated microcode, that all adds a bit, but it's not a 10 second bit (remember the micro code update boosed everything by minimum of 3.7% with a max of 12%, and that was without ram or anything being clocked better) and blender likely put out a newer version that better utilizes ryzen, but its also not going to be 10 33% faster unless something was truly fucked from the beginning.
Eli Russell
iirc there was a blender rep at siggraph saying that they would soon be shipping a new release optimized for threadripper, and ryzen consequentially.
but yeah, 10 seconds is one hell of a good job. Too bad every reviewer will drop blender as a benchmark now.
Liam Allen
i didn't know the bit about it being locked at 3ghz, that would explain the difference.
vega has compute going for it that's for sure, the 56 is the only one worth buying from what i see . Even so , miners are going to be shitdicks and drive the price up .
David Collins
Blender got optimized. They've been working closely with AMD in general the past 2 years or so
Grayson Price
how does this affect the 6900k ? i was wondering if this was specific to amd or just cpus in general .
Logan Taylor
>working closely with AMD >promotes cuda and recommends nvidia gpus
Jayden Taylor
>3000 Lol kuk I bought the cheapest ddr4 kit available and it ran at the ideal 3200 jus fine
Jace Powell
OpenCL Cycles already reached feature parity with CUDA and is faster.
Charles Anderson
2400 cl16 =/= 3200 cl16 3200 cl16 RAM should run 2400 at cl12 or lower big difference
Andrew Baker
every updated version of blender has improved performance lately. 2.8 will make it worse again, and over the course to 2.9 it will improve including the new features
Samuel Brown
Lisa Su took the strategy of underestimating the new processor's performance on purpose, since a big fault in AMD's marketing previously was making claims and then having them just be laughably meaningless.
AMD's GPU division still does this, and everyone is making coffin jokes.
Aaron Butler
>tfw no 16GB/stick 3600 CL14 kits >tfw even the 8GB/stick 3600 CL14 has stopped existing since november last year
I was going to buy RAM last year, I didn't. goddamnit.
Michael Ortiz
Who give a shit?
Thread t = new Thread();
Grayson Sanchez
Low cl is a maymay, have yet to see any benchmark where it would matter more than raw mhz.
Luke Allen
He's just optimizing his spelling to save seconds
Ian Sanchez
Its going to make Zen2 chips look that much better in benches compared to launch reviews for Ryzen.