/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


first for Source Mage GNU/Linux

Wizards assemble!


>meme buzzword


...threads off to a real good start.

Should I install artix or arch?

I think artix is better because of nonsystemd init but the problem is there's only 4 maintainers of this fork and no one seems to want to deal with those init systems (very small community).
The problem is I'd be facing problems with packages like [xf86-input-wacom] that require libsystemd and I'm not sure if my monitor would work flawlessly like it did on systemd.

What do?
Should I abandon linux and install freebsd?

install gentoo

install sourcemage

Serious question, what's the point of distros? Why wouldn't everyone just get a minimal install and a package manager they like and assemble their system from there?

Does any distro add anything that you couldn't do in another distro?

>Why wouldn't everyone just get a minimal install and a package manager they like and assemble their system from there?
why don't you

I'm sure you can build and configure apt in LFS, but why would you when you can simply download debian?

>Does any distro add anything that you couldn't do in another distro?

install gentoo

source mage*

What do you guys think of Manjaro i3 community edition?
Reinstalling Linux after a Windows update fucked everything up and I had to reformat the drive
Used Arch previously and I liked it, but I'm looking for something more stable as its a secondary PC
i3 looks neat as fuck and I can simply install XFCE or some other DE if I feel like it

If you ever install LFS, you'll understand that distros are basically just different sets of "sane defaults". You could install any distro from scratch, but why would you? You'd just arrive at the same end with potentially more mistakes.

>What do you guys think of Manjaro i3 community edition?
absolutely pointless
just install Arch and install i3 when you complete the latter
>more stable
why do you need anything "more stable" than Arch on a desktop computer?
and btw menjaro is not "more stable", they just hold updates longer
and some of those updates might be important security updates

>sane defaults

Thanks that's what I wanted to know. Maybe some day I make my own for the memes

Arch is a lot stabler but much more painful to install.

I think Manjaro is also just as stable as Arch at this point but I still don't trust Manjaro since it broke on me once with no way to get it repaired.
If you want solid stability xubuntu is the sure way to go.
On the other hand, you can install Arch using linux-lts kernel.

>linux-lts kernel
for what purpose

stability is only relevant in regards to servers
otherwise it's a meme

Rolling kernel isn't a good idea for a stable environment. Shit happens like "accidentally leaving defaults causing ext4 to crash"

arch has a testing repo, and it's not all that bleeding edge anymore
do you know how fucking long they keep the kernel in there?
and not only that, but even the kernel that enters the testing repo is the latest **stable** kernel from kernel.org
I'm using linux 4.12.6 on an up to date system right now
as you can see, the latest **stable** kernel here kernel.org/ is at 4.12.7
arch is as stable as you need a desktop system to be
using something like linux-lts makes sense only on a server, if at all (because on a server you're probably not going to use arch anyway)

4.12.7 get out less than one day after 4.12.6

to the guy who wants to move data to a 60gb ssd: boot up a live system, start gparted, resize your hdd partition to a small size then copy them (literally ctrl-c ctrl-v) to the ssd.
gparted will invoke the e2image utility, copying only used data and doing a free defragmentation during the process (as little as it means).

Anyone have experience debugging kde/wm graphics bullshit? I'm experiencing all sorts of nonsense, and it's getting pretty difficult to focus at work. One issue that's been a real pain in the dick is where a window will "freeze up" and I can't continue until I give focus to another window then back to the other one again. Worth noting that I'm using Ubuntu server with plasma installed, and that I have at least one java process running at all times. Pls

>winetricks > sandbox => no Z
>wine game.exe (it has a cd)
>a debugger has been detected
>Unload the debugger and try again
what do


i'll look into that game you didn't specify for you

>Anyone have experience debugging kde/wm graphics bullshit?
Told you to put your life in the commandline senpai.

You can't have graphics problems if you're not using graphics.

Man, Slackware is so comfy. It just feels like home.

Wizards assemble!

how is work comfy

I'll never be able to take a distro where you "cast spells" seriously. Sorry.

building your own log cabin is comfy, why can't building your own system be comfy too?

Trying to install the mono module for apache2. Everytime I run yum install mod_mono I get a dependency missing error, telling me that mod_mono requires httpd. Anyway I can fix httpd so the package manager can see it?

Whats a serious distro?

Noob here, I have bootable USB with ubuntu 16.04.2, should I download 16.04.3 and use that or is it a waste of time?

Fresh is always better than upgrading.

how do I convert .m4a into a usable filetype (like mp3 or flac)

I'm on manjaro if it matters

It's simple, just werks yet offers enough power for managing it. It's not trying to oversmart me or make me babysit it, it feels just right.

Check the changelog. If theres an important change then go ahead and download it.


man ffmpeg

But won't those changes be applied when I update the system after installation?

Yes, so its up to you if you want to have the changes already in place during installation, or you want to wait for it to update after installation.

>convert lossy to flac
M4A is an audio-only MPEG-4 file. The official extension of MPEG-4 file is MP4 which contains both video and audio data, but when it only contains audio, then it uses the M4A file extension. M4A format is widely used by Apple for unprotected music downloaded from their iTunes Music Store (DRM protected music uses M4P extension). Audio within the m4a file extension is typically encoded with AAC lossy compression, though lossless ALAC may also be used. In general, compared with MP3, the quality of M4A is better and its file size is smaller than MP3 file.
>troll harder.

Any books on learning Linux and computers in general? I'm confused on computer terms and other stuff.

Bump for this, anyone know what could be causing this?

Pic related.

Just keep lurking this thread.

ffmeg -i meme.m4a meme.mp3

Ok, thanks!

using red hat software is not recommended!

Look up tldp and read about navigating in cli, directory hierarchy, piping, etc.
Then install Arch.
I'm serious, do it. Even in VM if you're not willing to take risks. Learn by practice. You'll get frustrated a lot at first because shit just won't work but after some time you'll find yourself being more comfortable with maintaining the system. Arch wiki is a great resource of information.

Isn't that a pain to install?

What are some cool terminal commands?

Just installed Fedora
What are the equivalents of apt update, install (it seems yum update also upgrades) and dpkg -i?

Nevermind the tldp part, it's too much information.
Read linuxcommand.org/lc3_learning_the_shell.php
That's the point.

>2700 packages
help me


thanks anons. I was doing 'apropos audio' and couldn't find anything useful.

thanks for the mini lesson, I don't know much about audio formats. I'll do more research into them

parallel ffmpeg -i "{}" -q 2 "{.}.mp3" ::: *.m4a # batch convert .m4a to .mp3

>lifted from an old Sup Forums thread.

meant to reply to what are some cool terminal commands.
>Are mods fucking with my quotelinks because of something I said, or am I really that much of a fuckup?

sudo apt-get install gentoo

On Arch.
>Computer connects to ethernet on startup
>If I unplug ethernet and then plug it in again, it reconnects automatically
>If ethernet isn't connected during startup, it won't connect automatically when I plug it in later
Why is this?

Bootup without ethernet, then plug it in and run ifconfig. Check if the connection was assigned an IP.

espeak 'we, are, the ro-bots'

>On Arch.
Me too.

If your gnulinux is so good, then how come there is less than 1% of steam users that are actually using it?

Because Linux is mostly for development instead of casual use.

Who cares for Steam. 20% of pornhub users utilize GNU/linux machines

Also the 1% steam statistic probably is so low because many Gaymers dual boot. And yes I know this is no reason to port the games as devs don't have oto

I can't believe this faggot is still here.
What the hell, man. You're posting this shit for YEARS. Whatever went wrong in your life, please fix it.

you finally admit that gnulinux for desktop is a scam/fraud?


>Dual Boot
Is this safe? I'm worried that it might use up too much storage or something related to performance.

>20% of pornhub users utilize GNU/linux machines
Linuxers are lonely virgin nerds, that's why they use linux in the first place



Trying to pass an entire hard drive through to a Win10 vm using virt-manager

What would I change this to to pass /dev/sdc1
I've tried a couple of variants of:

But it doesnt appear in the VM.

its a meme you dip
>Linux is cuckold communist trash. BSD is non-cucked and prop-white and not controlled by kikes
>mfw there are freetards in this very thread using google botnet captcha to post on a closed source proprietary software imageboard

>Linux is cuckold communist trash
What about RHEL?
>Not running enterprise grade operating systems on your desktop & servers

>what is quoting

Usually this is save, but it may be hard to see how much storage you will need in advance. But even then it is possible to resize partitions later (some user might chime in here and maybe tell something about LVM or partition resizing as I don't know enough about it)

But maybe we can solve this managable problem beforehand. How much hard drive space do you have, and what kind of gamer are you? I basically just dual boot for League of Legends and have a small 300Gb partition for windows, the rest is for my main linux machine.

oh dear

I have around 256 gb free in my storage. In total, I have 919 gb.

vrms -s | xargs sudo apt-get purge


wine still doesn't support lol? kek, wine is great from a programmer perspective but, seriously, it's trash for the user.

pci passtrough + windows virtual machine gives >95% of native windows performances and some games even run better because of linux filestystems.

>"lol" gamers

espeak "I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux."

gentoo or funtoo?

Whoa I had no idea rms was the singer of Panera

Why does the Arch wiki use as the static IP in the dhcpd configuration example?

# ip link set up dev eth0
# ip addr add dev eth0 # arbitrary address

Are AMD video drivers up to par yet or is nVidia still the way to go if you actually want to get what you paid for

I have an "invisible" file(s) occupying 25GB of my ext4 partition space but I can't find them.
I use filelight to view disk space and when I navigate to my HDD it shows a different amount of HDD space occupied.
What do I do?

thx :)

but the name is not really relevant - it's an old game and should work, also a retail cd
worked fine earlier with the 64+32bit-winearch but removed that for a 32bit ~/.wine/ only and this error


amdgpu is supposed to be good but only for recent gpus
nvidia is a pita (imho)
an xfx 460 or something should be fine

i don't think mine does that but you could check dhcpcd eth0 or smth

Tried that, did not show the culprit.

I actually just found the solution anyway, system had a deleted qcow2 file mounted.


>In which movies and TV shows has GNOME made a cameo appearance?
>Sorry by Justin Bieber (2015)