The current state of Sup Forums

The current state of Sup Forums
>no one mentions DNScrypt ever, not even on that cyberpunk general
>no router security general where we can share cool iptables
>no Sup Forums's community LEDE build focused on security

Other urls found in this thread:

it's summer

Nah it's been like this for a good while now.

LEDE? Why not just openwrt?

Make those threads instead of bitching about it.

Summer is just borderline for "now things have gotten worse" every season, every board, every site, no exceptions. So is any other moment in the history of internet, until someone would take actions against it.
Also, r8 and elaborate on my filters.
#words(stormer) |
#words(/mpv) |
#words(nrg) |
#words(sqt) |
#words(russia) |
#words(vrg) |
#words(ai anime) |
#words(bst) |
#words(cosg) |
#words(altright) |
#words(women) |
#words(woman) |
#words(google) |
#words(trump) |
#words(/mkg) |
#words( intel ) |
#words( amd ) |
#words(lg) |
#words(speccy) |
#words(bingo) |
#words(/hpg) |
#words(/ptg) |
#words(can intel) |
#words(pcbg) |
#words(tpg) |
#words(what smartphone) |
#words(vega) |
#words(threadripper) |
#words(ryzen) |
#words(/spg) |
#words(/csg/) |
#words(/w4v) |
#words(guts) |
#words(watch thread)

Also op is dumb phoneposter.

Not to mention pizza botnet threads are rather rare now.

how do i use that list?
>inb4 newfag
just new to filtering

Russian botnet
Works with most of major and many minor imageboards, if not, you may submit an issue to support one.

might as well be
#words^(desktop thread)

I don't see any awooposting

Those are rule violation, deleted quite fast and belong to /wp/ or whatever that is called.

What's your point? Please don't pretend like it has ever been better at any point in time because it hasn't.

cyberpunk general is just a bunch of clueless LARPing redditfags

>Sup Forums is just a bunch of clueless LARPing redditfags

It doesn't really help against retarded "why X is the best", "why are you still using Y" and other bait threads

It does, if you set up regexp, but I am too lazy to bother.

Might as well filter /dpt/ and /fglt/ for same reason

I can hardly imagine a regexp for this because those bait threads come in many different variants

Before 2012ish, this place was downright comfy - You could come here and like, actually learn something neat/new/interesting.
Equal thirds freetards, legit profession programmers, and casuals trying to better themselves.
I think most all from my time have finitively moved on - I wish I could follow.

after 2012 everything went to shit, but
>have finitively moved on

>Sup Forums
Wrong board Sup Forumstard >>>/pol

Captcha: Thicc calle

which one of them is derprecated? Or was it a third one?
>complaining about frogposting on an amphibian board.

A lot of the good ones went to Lain for a while - But they've since completely been coopted and destroyed as well.
A new imageboard geared towards vegans, deadheads, and freetards is where I'm making my new home.
They have a board called `/gnu/ - Sup Forums's Not Usable: Free software, programming, and technology.'
The main site motto seems to be `Where it's 2007 forever~'
At the risk of bringing undesirables there, I'm not going to name it - But there are other places that are still nice out there user, keep looking.

LibreCMC is the only option for any real Sup Forumsentoomen.

>A new imageboard geared towards vegans, deadheads, and freetards is where I'm making my new home
Oh God, please go now

Have respect, you post an anime girl, which is awful, and don't tell me you do so at your home board as well.

Imageboards from their genesis and at their core are anime websites - It's the common thread that unites them all.
This is particularly true of yotsuba.
I can't really tell what you're getting at, but if you're saying I shouldn't post anime reaction images on Sup Forums, you should fuck off and kill yourself.
It's people like you with this lack of understanding that ruined this place.

kys cuck

>talk about the state of Sup Forums
>phone screenshot


This. Whoever makes that general is some cringyass dude. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and checked the pastebins. Everything is terrible and finding something useful is actually hard. He doesn't mention dnscrypt in any of those dumbass pastebins. From now on I'm saging the shit out of that general every time I see it.

Oops quoted the wrong guy I meant

I think part of it is just the infection of politics into everything.
If you take a look at /r/technology it is pretty much just american politics to do with tech.
If you go on HN the biggest threads at the moment are to do with that google memo.
Sup Forums really is just a reflection of that.

Why is it so difficult for some of you to report off-topic threads and ignore the threads you aren't interested in?

Unless someone posts CP or something, reporting does abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

As for ignoring, first off, as said, using filters would be all but impossible given how many variants of shit there are. Second, ignoring or hiding a problem does absolutely nothing to fix the problem.


I feel like the politics are being exacerbated by the fact that there has been a mass influx of users over the past few years, none of which actually fit the community, and have caused a dramatic schism in it. It's weird to think of an anonymous image board being a tight knit community, but it was back in the day.

It started when Sup Forums got a lot of media publicity and it seems to have been in a downward spiral ever since, at least from what I can tell. When this place was a fucked up shithole and Sup Forumstards were posting gore everywhere and CP was commonplace it kept out a lot of the undesirables. On the same token it also retained a lot of degenerates, but it was more or less a better place; balance maintained.

But yeah, more and more I see Sup Forums overindulgent on political bents of all sides which for some reason often find means to crucify any medium available for their political cause. I don't feel like political discussion is the evil itself, but rather a product of the entry into the quasi-mainstream internet.

Fags would rather talk about muh sekrit anime torrent klubs.
We need a tech general board /gg/

Sup Forums has been taken over by /r/the_donald redditors and the cancer is spreading here


>bring up the fact people are on edge since trump
>get flamed
This place is becoming unbearable.

leave then?

yup shit's fucking cancerous man

I could draw a line of how I imagine 4chans traffic to look like and I'd be as accurate as your shitty graphic you stupid tech illiterate

>forgetting about niggra porsting

no u

>An imageboard or image board is a type of Internet forum which operates mostly via posting images. The first imageboards were created in Japan etc etc
>Originating from Japan != weeb shit
Why do you need to spread your trash everywhere?

How ironic

I wish normalfags would at least leave the politics at the door if they really have to come in and shit all over a board. Sup Forums was meant as a containment board for this but it looks like it only made matters worse.

welcome to neo-Sup Forums

>neo-Sup Forums
It's always been shit. You're just older now