Where does Sup Forums stand on the SSD vs HDD debate?
Where does Sup Forums stand on the SSD vs HDD debate?
Jokes aside, I don't think I will buy hdds anymore. I don't horde data, I have a few almost empty hdds waiting to die.
Would sell them, but nobody would buy 5-6 years old laptop hdds
What's there to debate? SSDs are simply much superior.
>on your main machine
HDD is for poorfags, old tech at this point
>cold storage
HDD is fine cuz its cheaper
I absolutely need one Ssd only (256 gb) and absolutely need 3+ HDDs (4tb -8tb). Both have their strengths and weaknesses. Can't live without one or the other.
SSDs did nothing wrong
Doesn't our wiki have a page on this? I thought it did, but I can't seem to find it.
Both is the best choice, because there is a lot of cases where one of the sides is better, and not having both will hurt you on the long run.
I still dont buy the SSD meme.
I will wait for affordable 1TB drives in EU so maybe in 10 years perhaps.
Until SSDs get as cheap as HDD drives with 8TB capacities, I'll be using 4~8TB capacity HDDs with only the boot drive as a SSD.
Why does it have to be a tb?
Its the minimum amount I need for storage on portable devices such as my laptop.
They are only like $250ish. A 5.4k rpm HDD must be painful to use daily.
>They are only like $250ish
My laptop was $200 new so no im fine with HDD.
I never used an SSD in my life, here is my speccy, roast me fagits.
>z97 mobo
>locket cpu
speccy is acting up, it is a 4670k meme
Why? Do you have a 500GB porn stash or something?
You really shouldn't be commenting on things you haven't had any experience with.
not him, but i do
Still havn't bought into SSD's either. Only benefit that I can see is faster boot times. Whoopitiy do, "oh look my pc boots up in under 10 seconds" please, if that's the main selling point then I'll put my money towards other stuff (or just flat out save it). Duh, if you try to use 5400 rpm drive as boot course it'll be slow as fuck, 7200 rpm or higher for your boot drive you'll be good. On the plus side, the whole 2TB+ booting problem that was all the big rage a few years ago is pretty much gone thanks to SSD's. I don't see a 3TB SSD boot drive anytime soon coming down to consumer level prices, by the time such drive even exist standard 3.5 HDD will prob be at 20+TB stage,
For OS and for heavy stuff like Adobe (no gaymes)
for everything else
I use SSD because of the noticeable higher search speed and the absence of noise. The only caveat is that I felt into NVMe meme but actually I don't feel the difference between a PCI-e and a SATA SSD using a machine as a desktop.
You better upload it sometime
Everything is faster on a ssd, browsing files, transfers, opening programs, noise, it would be painful to be forced to use a HDD again.
I don't use hdd anymore since 2009.
I don't have that much data so the price/gb is not a problem
This seems to be the consensus, although I can't ever figure out why.
This. Bought a T430 and it came with a 500Gb 7200rpm HGST HDD. I tried to use it but it was painfully slow. Immediately replaced it with a 256Gb SSD I had laying around. If I ever need more space I'll get a caddy and add the HDD for extra storage for media.
Until then I need the CD drive to rip the ~200 rare music CDs I stumbled upon. RED elite here I come. :)
I'm considering buying a 2TB SSD because my 1TB 7200 HDD is still so painfully slow for random read. Thoughts?
Oh, and I already have a boot drive SSD anyways. This is for data storage.
Too bad they forced you off of floppy drives right faggot?. I'm sure they were fast enough.
SSHD master race
Memest of memes (right after optane)
SSD is good place to keep the OS and programs you load often. HDD is a good place to keep media files, word documents and mass storage.
Same here
C:\: SSD
D:\-Y:\: HDD
You're a retard if you don't see the advantage of each. I have two SSDs for OS and muh games and then 4 HDD's for files/porn
Isn't there an established and universal truth that:
>SSD 128-256 GB for system & most commonly used programs
>HDD +1TB for the rest
HDDs only because SSDs can't even handle proper encryption.
Sorry I'm neither gay nor NEET
What the actual fuck are you on about? Try not using a shitty block cipher mode.
>blame new technology because I'm too retarded to use it properly
Next time you boot, before you start any software, open task manage and sort by disk drive usage. You'll see that your CPU is spending a lot of time idle (when the disk usage is at 100%) waiting on your harddrive to deliver the data it needs. You spend a lot of time at like 1 or 2 mb/s due to seek times for random data.
Fucking this. Should have been the first post.
neither, I only use USB-drives and store my data in the cloud
>SSD for data storage
I'm pretty sure that's a meme.
128 or 256 GB SSD for boot drive
platters for everything else
It's still too expensive to rely on SSD's for regular usage
And guess what they're using
We are never gonna get high storage affordable SSDs for a decent price because (((they))) are fixing the market for it to always be like this. Dont support ((them))).
It's just cloud storage all the way down
magnet stripes?
Just use both fucks sake it's not hard
>occams razor
bonus points for using logical volumes
you don't actually NEED bulk storage if you just keep transmitting the data around in the cloud
In all honesty, this is the main thing turning me off from using an SSD. Even if I've only got my OS on the SSD, I'd not want to leave it unencrypted.
You're idiots with no idea what you're talking about.
HDDs in server and maybe a couple in a desktop (not as a boot drive though)
SSDs everywhere else
nice ad-hominem
SSDs are so fucking cheap now that it's unreasonable to hold out and stick with HDDs as your daily drivers.
Even 1 TB SSDs aren't that expensive today--you can find good ones for about $250. I have a 1TB 960 Pro and it's godlike--I'm never going back to SATA SSDs to use for my OS.
Go on......
If you're aiming for a startup don't even bother with college, it is an outdated form of learning and you're much better off finding your own resources.
>another biased comparison that doesn't include UBER (Uncorrectable Bit Error Rate)
Makes it look like HDDs are inferior in every possible way.
It's sad to see companies employ lies in their marketing campaigns.
Even worse that they push incidental bystanders to spread the misinformation for them.
I don't mean you OP, you probably didn't know better.
Hopefully you do now though.
>for portable devices
>such as my laptop
>in laptop
i have a 850 pro 512GB. i have stopped using my 4TB hdd because there is no reason to use it anymore.
the 850pro has basicly infinte lifecycle and is way faster.
i even download torrents on the ssd now. it just doesnt matter anymore.
even servers are switching to ssds because of longevity. hdds die out way too fast so in the long run, an ssd that costs 4x the hdd is still cheaper.
There is no debate. SSDs are better in every way but more expensive.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Please explain.
Those raindrops sure are great at storing my anime tiddies.
I told you what it stands for - Uncorrectable Bit Error Rate.
It's literally one search query away and you ask some anonymous person on a board that's prone to spreading lies to explain it to you instead?
It's not just longevity, but IOPS. Over 50% of servers have nand now, time is money.
hdd is archaic shit. For non interactive data backups etc tapes are fine.
The irony is strong in this post.
Tape drives have fantastic storage capacity and longevity for archival purposes. The lack of direct access is an issue for daily use but if you need backup media there's still no better choice.
FOr now, once the fabs pick up the pace, and supply begins to outpace enterprise demand, they will become very affordable indeed.
Fuck no, Pixar lost all their data for toystory after a few years that was stored on tape. Hell, even dropping a tape from a few inches can damage them irreparably.
>ssds are in fact ram
really hibbies my jibbies
assuming you're saying an hdd wouldn't fit in a laptop
You do realize HDDs come in different form factors (Ex: 3.5" for desktop, NAS, large externals and 2.5" for laptops, portable externals, consoles)
post good ssd
SSD boot drive, HDD for hoarding shit
>be retard
>put slow, performance crippling HDD into laptop
>rattles and makes noise
>heats up
>dies from shock and vibrations because it's used in a portable device
that image is wrong, especially if you dont partition like a fucking idiot.
I have 2x4tb in raid 1. My inner most partition regularly sees 117mb/s.
>mtbf 0.7M hours
dont but shit brand /csg/ drives then.
You should use both. Use the ssd for your os and your programs and most frequently used files. Use hdds for storing fucking everything else
Solid state sucks. I don't care how much you like your digital modeling it is garbage. Tubes sound so warm and cozy.
let me guess, you are over 19? ... gosh, why is it so hard to change for old people
>Mechanical storage
You must be really clumsy then
Intel 730 masterrace ftw
But why?
Because it's the best setup. SSDs are amazing, but HDDs aren't absolutely crap. They work just fine for mass storage, and games are so fucking absurdly huge these days you're better off eating the 50% longer loading times. You're truly better off just not playing games, but I digress.
Because SSDs don't help games as much as they help regular programs like Photoshop or AutoCAD start up really quick
Also games these days like Battlefield 1 or Doom 4 are like 80 fucking GB
>not being modeling amp master race
Solid state is not modeling user
Why not?
SSDs have little benefit for shit like music or video files and general media storage
Loading programs or OS or being a scratch disk for temp files is where SSDs shine
Because storage space in SSD is a premium due to much higher price per GB, it is smart to prioritize what you store on an SSD vs a secondary HDD so that you don't fill up your SSD and make it slow down
It's not cheap when you can get a 1TB HDD for like $40
SSDs are not ideal for raw storage yet pricewise
Splitting between SSD and a bigger HDD is the current best meta