Opera 12.15 Source Code Discussion

Source Code: bitbucket.org/prestocore-fan/presto (Mirrored at git.teknik.io/Zero3K/presto)
Patches: github.com/PrestoXen/openopera-patches
Issue Tracker: github.com/PrestoXen/openopera-issues/issues
IRC Channel: #openopera on crowley.anonnet.org:6697 (via a SSL connection)
Webchat: site.anonnet.org/webirc/openopera
Discord Server: discord.gg/WV9s9uw
Forum: forum.timsky.ru
Custom 32-bit Build (with Patches applied): u.teknik.io/TVkKw.zip

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Any news regarding the upgrading of the libvpx that it uses?

is it 2008?

Nope, its 2017.

Will there be a 64-bit build?

I see this thread almost every other day

I'm trying to keep the interest in it alive.

There will be if someone can build it.

Will anyone try or not?

did we ever find out HOW this was leaked?


Any reason we have a core repo and a patch repo?

Is there plans to create one dev location with everything?

is there Sup Forums x for opera?

Will there be a linux x64 build?
I'm kinda interested. It would've been nice if it was opera labs.

Have few questions:
>what is the sofware license
>will this be audited and free as in no operamalware/botnet?

I suppose I could add the patches to the repo I made on Teknik.io.


I like the way you work friendo


The fuck?
Opera became open source?

1. You can build one yourself.
2. Its not originally open source.
3. There is no malware in it.

Are the really old branches like BeOS still in there?

I don't think so.

what happened?

the guy was on Sup Forums a few weeks ago

bump - somebody upload all the patches to a single branch so we can contribute without reinventing the school


Seriously wtf


I know you're online zero3k.

Make that damn branch

Can anybody track this down? github.com/PrestoXen/openopera-issues/issues/18

The link is dead and I really need that patch

I will do that soon.

desu your efforts on Opera is very noble, and I can see that you are trying your best.
But judging from the lukewarm response here, and how the core development is all in Russia, its a tough job.
Stay strong Zero3K

Thanks. I have just finished uploading the patches to my mirror of the source which can be found at git.teknik.io/Zero3K/presto.

Is there anyone here that is working on it?

what do you expect from this?
forking opera 12 is about as useful as forking Firefox 3.
This browser will never do HTML5 unless you completely repeal and replace its engine...

I expect it to not crash, have a better caching system, have more features and support modern HTTPS.

This is really cool but I'm skeered a bit too.

There's no need to be scared.

>what do you expect from this?
The ability to tweak it a bit and run it on unsupported systems