I will become Lain If I plug an usb cable into my brain?
how do I connect to the wired?
I will become Lain If I plug an usb cable into my brain?
how do I connect to the wired?
Other urls found in this thread:
lain tiddies
>how do I connect to the wired?
Ya' don't kid.
plot twist: we're already in the wired and lain is pretending she doesn't exist as a god and walks among us
> how do I connect to the wired?
>how do I connect to the wired?
you don't
you become the wired
let me in buddy i aint playin
Plug your ethernet cord into your dick and tell us how it goes
time to break nofap.
guess Miss Iwakura is going to watch me pleasure myself to her.
Lain had wifi hardware built in.
Lain is software
Correction: Lain is Love
Let's all love Lain!
I'm in no position to disagree
I see this meme constantly, where can I watch this online?
Who is this girl and why do I have a lain image with her
I think anime is stupid but this show looks straight up retarded.
It's on JewTube
systemspace is a dead meme stop shilling it
Why all the tripcodes, fags?
Am faggot.
shit forgot it was on
so this is what they mean by "hardwired"...
>website run by Ryan and his pedo friends.
I'd rather not join the wired if I'm gonna have to diddle kids.
and you don't seem to understand
I'm having trouble downloading Lain.
I dunno. Sex with preteen girls who are over 10 years your junior is pretty simple to understand.
you've never watched a lain, have u...
no excuse to not have it now. get out, you are not worthy
I'm talking about real life. I've seen SEL. If it changes your life that much that you commit those acts in person then you should reevaluate your life and how fragile your mental state actually is.
muh sekrit club!!1111
pls no bully user
okwell then you would know i was memeing the theme. I didn't even ping you from the get go. seems like you got something to defend.
Maybe a little. There's a person from lainchan, obsessed with the show so far as to get mentally ill preteens to depend on him for sexual purposes to live out his Otaku fantasies the best he can. Name is Ryan.
I just feel like people should know seeing as many of the lain themed sites are run by him and his friends.
don't talk to me again sweetcheeks
search for yourself, and you shall find it.
To add on: I'm collecting information on this as I have somewhat of a personal stake in this group.
Lots of their sites are now privatized and blocked or deleted since I'm coming to an end with all of this and have started to bring it up, so he's getting scared. Thankfully you can save webpages and he did a poor job separating his user names.
Hopefully he gets his work transfer. Him and I are pretty close but he doesn't know.
Just blogging in hopes he sees this.
dude what are you going off about? is this is the og LC or the insurgent one at jp?
post what you got, better than whatever this shit thread was about.
i dont think it has anything to do with LC but ill plug lainchan.jp as the GOAT
ur welcum
idk who ryan is but kalyx runs jp.
A lot of guys at jp don't like him too much but he must have friends their since the thread of everything was culled. Pretty much Ryan Bruce, 30, takes advantage of mentally unstable girls to get their nudes and meet up for sexually charged encounters to make them dependant on him.
One such person was Ahania, owner of easterncalcul.us, (which now points towards his wannabe lainchan rip off for his friends because it expired and he purchased it because it used to be a blog and mentioned the bad shit he did) ahania he met up with and she claimed rape, second person to do so upon visiting him, and a bunch of other sketch such as other preteens meeting him online and being tricked into thinking be was a woman for nudes.
insurgent one. not a bad thing per se mind you, given the genre.
what are you gonna do about it? never really stayed still long enough to find out if the people in the site/s were interesting or not.
im in the lainchan jp inner circle and we dont talk to anyone from easterncalculus or any pedos...thats .org
I know enough to collect the data and still be in contact with people who are thought to be gone or know RB more personally. Considering he works for a company that does defense contracts I think such allegations or even owning a website that hosted CP that wasn't removed because "you didn't see it" despite being reported to him would be a black mark.
I'm aware org is more into it. I did a search a few weeks ago and saw a thread on jp calling to action. It was μ/res/228 but it's been deleted.
are you talking about appleman?
jp isn't into it at all.. sexualizing little girls or lain in any way is the fastest way to get permabanned.
Oh I know. They hated him there but the thread of his crimes and ahanias diary entries has been deleted. They're saved on my other computer though, the html and webpage information. He even came to give his rendition of some events. Some are true. Some aren't. He deleted all his replies though.
I leaked that to some other people more personal to him, but it was after the deletions.
No. Tachibana.
probably should have been on q
Mu was a poor place for it. I don't know what the "project" was that they put it there, but poor choice indeed.
I did get a few personal statements from the people who received the info who wished they could see more posts that were quoted from him.
Maybe someone will make a thread on q then.
I wonder if he's picked up a new girl yet.
why u talk about it here and not there? its weird to associate the site with one dudes problems
Because it was brought up through fauux. Which didn't used to be blocked.
I just feel like people should know who they're sponsoring when using a majority of the common lain sites.
you should come to the jp mumble server and talk to us about it. the info is on the site. but uhhh jp isnt sponsoring any weird pedo shit..
Perhaps in the future. Bit unavailable right now. I suppose if you are part of the inner circle we can talk some. Just made this. Might do a bit of vetting since open posting is sure to aquire spam.
I suppose if tachi didn't go to sleep at his usual bed time because it's the weekend he'll keep an eye on this too.
email kalyx about it, the guy who made lainchan and lainchan.. kalyx@riseup,net
The brain is too complex to interact with analog or digital data and current hardware.
But we are closer.
Does he have anything in particular he'd want to know or is there predetermined chat purpose we should have? If this is somewhat a personal situation to him too I'm sure we'd come up with a middle ground.
he wants to know what ur talking about.
About pedo shit on jp or RB? I don't believe the first one is happening seeing all the dodging about it happening on org.
>19. Some topics are not appropriate for this network. If your topic is considered not appropriate for this network, you will be warned and asked to change topic or to take the discussion elsewhere (either into another channel where your discussion is appropriate, or off this network entirely).
I wonder if Lain broke her hymen with an ethernet cable
i tough this thread was about lain and not some pedo that goes with little girls
that was the drama about those lainchan sites? never expected
really, it's not. just one or two people making things up.
I just namedropped a name from a thread about that I read on one of them and decided to Google after.
It's easy, people usually do the same things as everyone else. Mix it in with some personal, public data, say you're gonna do something they wouldn't want, and baby... You got an anxiety attack going.
Mind games are the most fun.
Common things are job related and relationship stuff. If you're feeling lucky say something about allergies, still common but the specifics are difficult.
>Good luck with your
>Hope your is doing fine after that weird argument. You know the one
Reminds me of this rando kid I found the address of on an old legend of Zelda forum I used to frequent.
It would be the end to free consciousness as we know it.
>Fapping to the goddess of the internet
You got a death wish son. Plus I doubt anything exists of a lewd nature of Lain anyways.