Thank God I was able to snag a Vega 64 early in the game.
Thank God I was able to snag a Vega 64 early in the game
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Well, they know buttcoin memers are the only ones who buy their house heaters unironically
unless your a gaymer why do you care?
Hahaha. Gamers? Get fucked you spoiled ass holes.
>only gaymers have use for strong GPUs
Its already out, boosts perf by around 20%. Once optimized expect about 48mhs
>Its never going to end is it
What precisely are you referring to?
>Vega arrived few months late and no HBM2 yield issues were responsible. Sources have told us that Vega was delayed to polish the drivers and squeeze every last bit of performance out of the chip. In the end, this resulted in a very high power consumption and questionable performance gain over the competitor. A rumor has it AMD simply could not afford to sell Vega for a lower price, and that’s where the whole delay came from.
One hash can net you US$70,000.
I think this is a good move by AMD. They perfectly know that Vega is crap for gaming, so they are trying to focus their marketing to miningfags to recoup some of the losses.
Now you can sell it before the housefire memes kill the chance that people will buy one.
is crypto the new forex?
It's clear that mining isn't going to go away so why the fuck isn't AMD just producing more cards? Everything is consistently sold out or overpriced due to demand.
Can and will are two different things.
>to recoup some of the losses
>I didn't buy an ASIC
the post
>mfw ether goes POS
>GPUs only purpose is gaymen and mining
why are they using amd cards for mining? can they do something that a nvidia card cant?
Just architectural differences and AMD being better at compute in this particular scenario
>tfw having to buy jewvidia because all the miners inflated the price of 480's to absurd levels
There's a reason they sold the turd first at a premium and delayed the value card.
Not sure you wanna brag about that.
There's also a reason as to why they are busy pumping out custom jobs for miners in between the two week delay of 64 and 56. RTG playing a stupid game here and putting a stain on AMD's name for shekels. Nvidia dominates them on AI and on compute via CUDA. They also dominate them on vidya and this is the kind of asinine business decision they make : To align themselves with miners. A bunch of cancerous leeches pushing a ponzi scheme on the world....
They have time to write custom software for miners but can't the features functioning that they sold the card on nor is their compute stack anything of note. This is why I don't associate RTG w/ AMD.. It's ran by morons.
They have an opportunity to keep those who love their video cards, write proper drivers, and target general compute via solid OpenCL performance and these morons are busy writing custom drivers/code for miners.
Downright self-destruction.
Yes, I'm very concerned about AMD, with them selling out all they have they might actually make money
> mfw they write coin-mining drivers instead
> mfw instead of being honest with people they lie and create a confused shit show at launch.
> mfw RTG is not AMD and you can see the clear difference.
>software tags the hardware and connects it with the buyer's id
>the buyer is blacklisted and is not allowed to buy any more cards
they're probably running at max capacity and on overtime schedule. But to ramp production to satisfy this extraordinary demand calls for new fabs. I'm not even touching viability, just pointing it out that even if they pulled the trigger to try to meet this level of demand, it would take a very long time.
shit, ddr4 has been under artificially constrained supply since the standard became available and samsung, micron and hynix thought it would a great idea to cartelize, price fix, in order to inflate the prices even more all the while refusing to invest in increasing the production capacity. there's demand but it feels like that they're all more curious about finding the ceiling for these prices than meet demand. they're all on a roll anyway, so our short sticks will keep coming for a long time still.
>with them selling out
They're hardly shipping any out
Of course.
> mfw when the chinese are behind pushing this mining bullshit to cause developed countries to misallocate their resources : compute/energy.
> mfw, since they manufacturer the hardware they profit.
> mfw they don't use this energy/compute inefficient bullshit for their own cashless system
> mfw, they make custom asics that perform far better than these house fires and corner the market
> mfw brainlets were given a literal warning of this timeline seqeunce but are blinded by greed.
> mfw RTG blinded by greed has no clue what they're enabling
> mfw when they use their company resources to write custom code for this cancer
> mfw Nvidia lets these faggots write their own custom code if they want
> mfw Nvidia stayed out of this shit
> mfw :
They have no reason to waste their resources because RTG is committing suicide
the only way to fix this scenario would be to use the same logic for one of those small but immenselly succesful eateries (that have that one product which they never seem to make enough off). Their owners know that past a certain a point it's not viable to invest too much more on new employees, overtime and such, and they know that moving the venue to a bigger place might even doom them, since there's usually a perfect storm aspect to these things that are better left untouched. So all they can do is to constrict the units sold per customer and maybe come with original ways to appease and entertain the customers waiting in line.
not to mention that usually the fad ends very quickly, so maximizing profits under the artificially constricted circumstances is generally wiser than investing in increased capacity.
RTG is not AMD.
> Housefire cards
> Aligns self with miners.
> Loses multiple key markets
> Pulls a bait and switch at launch further alienating anyone left who'd support them
> Launches flagship products and instead of enforcing price control like Nvidia does lets distribution chain fuck over clientele none of homes profits come back to you
> Makes money in short term. Fuck self in long term
> Bestie tweets you saying you saying : You know whose got the good Dick
> mfw your wifey replies :
> Nvidia further says : No reason to go hard in the paint because your GPU division has demonstrated they're shit :
> mfw Nvidia is correct
> RTG committing suicide here ...
I've dropped my investment in Radeon's platform for the first time down to only buying an eval card hoping they get their driver situation together and price/performance/power ratios improved (fine wine)
Momma su would be good to drop the poo if this shit continues and get with her main on the side...
sure they aren't, buddy.
it's all a bad dream, AMD will get btfo and bankrupt before you wake up tomorrow, but drink your hot milk first, big guy. There's a very big day of loud screeching waiting for you.
The problem is their only real customers are miners now, their marketshare for consumers is going to drop pretty much 0%.
>muh APU's
Their mobile devices are poor quality and generally seen as inferior to Intel. (not just the CPU's, I mean the actual build quality as well.) AMD has a lot of work to do to change their image in mobile before Raven Ridge launches.
damn son, you unironically went full on dellusional on your fanboyism fancy.
This shit sucks
Call your local computer store and ask how many they got. Go ahead, I'll wait
That's the most important point in my opinion also. They are keenly aware that their profits are supassing expectations but at the cost of further alienating game developers optimizing for radeon and that might come back come to bite them in the ass later on.
>This is why I don't associate RTG w/ AMD..
And just think just over a year ago RTG was the only good part of AMD....
>Their mobile devices are poor quality and generally seen as inferior to Intel. (not just the CPU's, I mean the actual build quality as well.)
AMD has no control over the quality of the computer OEM's put their chips in
> mfw non brainlets understand this to be true
> mfw brainlets wont until it comes ringing true in the timeline ahead.
> mfw placing orders at the end of the week
> mfw it looks like it will be nvidia cards
>Braging about buying a housefire jet engine piece of shit.
I could have snaged one for the lower price but like any sensible person would do, I got a 1080 instead.
>implying that this isn't by design
>implying intel doesn't contra-revenue still.
When was that? I've never owned an ATI/Radeon card in my life and have built many systems including one using AMD's athlon system. They've always been subpar and never once have dominated the landscape.
I was actually going to throw them a bone on their current release but not with the kind of shit show that is unfolding thus far.
I have multiple ryzen systems without a Radeon card in sight.
All powered by Nvidia and it will likely stay that way.
>AMD has no control over the quality of the computer OEM's put their chips in
Yea intel does
Jokes aside, AMD could go straight to actual oems, aka the Chinese who design and manufacture the actual laptops that companies use. They did it for that one tablet showcasing carrizo-L or something. Sager in fact is a company that just uses generic designs, and shares the same shells and motherboards as two other companies in the world iirc
>When was that? I've never owned an ATI/Radeon card in my life and have built many systems including one using AMD's athlon system. They've always been subpar and never once have dominated the landscape.
Like 2-4 years ago during the height of the faildozer era
A whole generation grows out of video games early
>a weeb faggot shitting on video games
>video games
Looks like I shall be holding on to my RX 480 until it dies (or I do).
That Xbox One X is looking more and more enticing. But I will probably hold off until PS5 at this rate.