What is the best application a person can use to make Windows 10 as private as possible.
>before you say gento, I'm dual booting.
>I use both OS. I primarily use Linux, but I also use Windows for some games.
What is the best application a person can use to make Windows 10 as private as possible.
>before you say gento, I'm dual booting.
>I use both OS. I primarily use Linux, but I also use Windows for some games.
Run in command prompt:
ifconfig /release
Enjoy single player games
Nothing, delete Windows 10
>application a person can use to make Windows 10 as private as possible.
This app right here...
it allows you to burn an ISO image of GENTOO installer so you can INSTALL GENTOO
Can you idiots not fucking read. I've already installed linux.
Every few weeks a new way your personally identifiable information is sent to microsoft is found and even if you fix every single leak and monitor outgoing connecction form a separate router microsot is free to revert settings if they feel like it. It's a losing battle.
I'm not asking for total security. I'm asking for "as good as possible that's better than out of the box"
Have you tried installing Linux?
you cannot uncuck Windows10. they have thousands of engineers working to fuck you and find workarounds around your silly attempts to stop them.
so just INSTALL GENTOO you stupid wintoddler.
Install it in a VM under Linux, and boot the VM without a virtual NIC connected unless you're specifically doing something online.
Windows 10 literally breaks if you block the i.p addresses it sends to on the router level... You're cucked with 10, use 7 and uninstall non-security updates since 2015.
Check out: www.getwpd.com
Get either education N, or enterprise N LTSB.
Use the common placebo tools: spybot antibeacon and shut up 10
Use a whitelist external firewall and only allow domains you trust
Try some shit called '10AppsManager' and 'OOSU10'
Use Gentoo on windoze
Install Windows 7
Dude, this is Sup Forums. Everyone is a retard here. Just not you and me.
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB (don't get the N edition, it just removes the media player which is needed for some games like GTAIV and GTAV to work)
O&O ShutUp10, don't use more than one anti-spy tool
MSMG Toolkit to further debloat the W10 ISO, it can get rid of shit like OneDrive
Microsoft Toolkit or KMSPico to activate the pirated ISO
verify the MD5 and SHA1 hashes of all these programs including the Windows 10 ISO are legit
First you need to get LTSB, next you need to block all Microsoft in router or external firewall.
Something basic simple spybot anti-beacon
Voat has Ancile
>Install Windows 7
I'm not convinced you can. But as far as I know MS doesn't have any malicious plans for out data. I just don't do anything sketchy on Windows and call it a fucking day.
>you should only care about privacy if doing something naughty
mane pls
nothing is better than out of box because windows doesnt care what settings your programs will set up
>MS has no competent software engineers; can't do anything right
>MS produced the most successful botnet of all time
which is it?
>What is the best application a person can use to make Windows 10 as private as possible.
Don't connect to the internet.
dual boot arch and gentoo to be extra safe
Edit the hosts file and redirect ALL microsoft, google and amazon urls to localhost
NSA coded the botnet parts,MS just gave it a coat of paint
I would say that the majority of things MS fucks up are the fault of people who are NOT engineers.
then how will I update Windows, search google, or buy stuff on Amazon?
By using your linux partition? There is pretty much 0 reason to keep a gaming-only installation updated, just don't browse without adblock
That doesn't do shit, because for a long time microshit was hiding spyware in their "security updates". They already got busted on it multiple times, do you seriously believe they will stop? Especially now with those bulk monthly updates, that god knows what they put into.
Expecting privacy from any version of windows is retarded. 7 gives user better control over system, and that's only valid point to even use it. It can be somewhat privacy respecting if you keep it vulnerable by not installing any updates. 10 is more secure and better in terms of performance, but also a bitch to configure (requires a lot of fucking around in GPO to do things that should be possible to do in GUI) and obviously a complete botnet.
source code?
Install Windows 7 or GNU/Linux.
LTSB + not playing online should work then
This link should always be the first reply to these threads.
pic related
Stop posting that.
Did you consider reading the sentence after the one you highlighted and then disabling that too?
>>Stop posting that.
did it hurt your feelings? he has enterprice, has telemetry disabled, and windows still sends data to some shady servers. gtfo winshill, no one likes you
>has telemetry disabled
Did you even look at the screenshot I posted?
He does not have telemetry disabled. He disabled the policy that controls telemetry. He needs to enable the policy and then set the telemetry level to 0. Disabling the policy is the same as not configuring it.
You're just as retarded as he is.
he does have telemetry disabled just like all other policies that control telemetry. are you trying to say that if you disable services that control telemetry then telemetry will be turn on? are you fucking retarded?
Since I've already clearly explained how the (questionably named) policy works in my previous post, I'll just assume that you're baiting.
>not using GPU passthrought to play games on linux
your explanation is that if you disable policies that control telemetry then telemetry will be turned on even if it was turned off before disabling these policies
Have another example. This one is for Windows Defender. The policy is named "Send file samples when further analysis is required".
How do you stop it from sending files? You click on "Enabled" and then you select "Never Send" from the dropdown.
This time it's not explicitly explained in the description but selecting "Disabled" is the same as selecting "Not Configured".
It might be counter-intuitive but that's how every policy with multiple options works. You enable the POLICY, NOT THE COMPONENT it controls.
Same with telemetry. You enable the POLICY that controls telemetry. Then you configure that policy to disable telemetry.
it doesnt matter, your logic is flawed, disabling policies do not turn telemetry on if telemetry was disabled before disabling these policies
>if telemetry was disabled before disabling these policies
There is no other way to disable telemetry.
If you don't configure the policy then the only other way to change the telemetry level is through the Settings app.
The only options there are Basic, Enhanced and Full. You can't select Security.
He had Basic telemetry enabled at best and Full telemetry at worst. Full is the default.
all these policies are turned on by default, read the image once again retard, he disabled telemetry first then diabled policies, telemetry should be off
We may be idiots, but you're a retard. None of these applications can do anything. Windows is closed source. There is no way to know if they closed all the privacy issues, and Microsoft updates the OS and changes the privacy settings too often anyways.
Maybe try that LTSB Windows or something after you fuck off.
>all these policies are turned on by default
No policies are turned on by default. Default is "Not Configured" for everything.
>he disabled telemetry first
And how did he do that? Where is that other option located?
Install gentoo
you won, i dont know because im not retarded enough to use 10, but id rather believe him than some random shill on Sup Forums
>using windows 10
>id rather believe him than some random shill on Sup Forums
In that case I'm sure you'll believe this follow-up article he wrote where he explains the same thing.
did he also wrote after setting it correctly that telemetry stopped?
It basically goes like this
>i am retarded and didn't configure it correctly
>but if you configure it correctly then things that you disabled no longer work and that's bad
Then he says that "windows still tracks too much" but fails to provide any information that would prove that.
>what it takes to add a dropdown
So there's a .cpp file that defines the behaviour and a .xaml file that defines the look of the UI.
If you want to add a new dropdown of course you're going to just copy the piece of xaml that defines it elsewhere and simply change the entries.
Same for the callback, it's mostly the same for every dropdown just with different ids.
String resources are required for localization. The only issue is the sequential id requirement.
There is absolutely nothing wrong or unusual about this process.
If you've ever worked with Android you'll know that it works exactly the same except that it generates resource ids for you.
The green guy is just retarded.
Firewall box upstream
disabling telemetry doesnt work if it still sends telemetry
>it still sends telemetry
I welcome you to try and prove that it does.
read the article you posted, widows still sends data
He says that it does. That's just as good as me saying that it doesn't.
He was very happy to provide screenshots of network logs during his twitter rant but failed to provide any now.
>nothing wrong
Don't do this, I was only joking xD
Do you have a better idea?
There is no such thing as private in 2017.
Install Adobe