What's the best motherboard for Threadripper?

What's the best motherboard for Threadripper?

I'm considering getting the MSI one since it seems to be the most rounded-out one and has M.2 heat spreaders.


>RGB around the sata ports
Fucking why? RGB has gone to far

>he doesn't color code his SATA ports to his RGB SSD/HDD


I like it because it doesn't have integrated Wi-Fi (I don't use it) and because of the M.2 heatsinks. Nobody's responding, which means that people on Sup Forums either don't have Threadripper or they know nothing about Threadripper other than that it shits all over Intel's current offerings.

what else runs sTR4? Literally no test stats yet. May as well go by brand preference. Also OP is MSI fan so there's that.

>gayming pro

user I must say l, this is not a platform for gayning. Performance will be inferior with the cost. You are urged to get a better suited CPU for gaming, like 7700k or even ryzen

Just about all of the Threadripper motherboards out there have the word gaming in their titles.

I would wait for TR workstation boards but if you must then get the MSI one. There aren't many options atm.

My MSI X399 board is coming tomorrow, already have everything else. I think it's way too early for any consensus on what the best board is. I could have gone for the Gigabyte or Asrock Taichi board, but this one seemed slightly better to me. Kinda just rolling the dice though, we'll see.

Based on my MSI motherboard for Ryzen, these are my opinions:

MSI's BIOS software is quite poor, although they do slowly improve it over time with updates, although some basic functionality is still not working properly.

The M.2 heatspreaders have been proven to be pretty mediocre, but considering that you're using a Threadripper I'm assuming you're going to have a multi-GPU setup so it may be more helpful for you, as it's positioned underneath where your GPUs will be. That said, I wouldn't base your purchase off this.

Besides that, from a hardware/specifications perspective it's excellent.

I went with the Zenith Extreme. The only downside is that I can't use the cases I want due to needless e-ATX form factor.

I don't like the placement of the first nvme slot right under the fucking top PCIe slot. All that damn heat from the GPU radiating onto my precious SSD. Fuck that.

mITX Threadripper boards when?

Same with X299.

Fact is that gamers are the people who most often upgrade their shit and they're the market motherboard companies get to recover their expenses in development.

you know the m.2 heatsinks only damage the ssd:s, right?

How so?

Not him, but supposedly they act more like heat insulators. Best thing is probably just to remove them and have direct airflow on the suckas.

looks pretty good

I'd much rather get a similar board to pic related

asus with no effing rgb:s, ipmi and a lot of pci-e's

Mr.Owl, why so many cores?

sadly I'm not from US so pop culture references can go over my head

Have you seen the size of that socket? Seriously doubt anyone can fit that + decent power delivery in mATX. Besides, wouldnt mATX defeat the purpose of having huge amounts of IO/PCIE in an enthusiast/professional platform?