If C++ is such a mess, why doesn't someone create something similar to it and remove all of the bad parts about it

If C++ is such a mess, why doesn't someone create something similar to it and remove all of the bad parts about it .

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call it C-- :^)

It's called C

it's called HolyC

They did, it's called C11.

This is basically what every programming language created after C++ is trying to do.


It's called C#

Isn't D supposed to be precisely that? But the problem is, C++ is the wrong starting point - you should start with C and make it better.

Work on improving the current languages instead of spliting the work force even more.

it's called c

That's literally Rust

aint there a comic that pertains to this phenomenon? Many such cases.

Because the people complaining about it are brainlets.


It's called D.



There is literally nothing wrong with C++. The only reason for all the anti C++ propaganda is because women can't understand it, and diversity quotas must be met

D and Rust both try to do this. D's point is basically entirely to be a better C++, while Rust has quite a few additional goals beyond just "removing the bad parts of C++".

Literally this

No, that's where C++ went wrong. If you want high-level programming constructs, it pretty much can't be a compiled language, and it certainly can't be C-based. C is top-notch for what it is, but it's not a good basis for a higher-level language with polymorphism and object orientation.

If half of people can't understand something, that doesn't speak well for it.

That's like saying if people don't meet the requirements a job, then standards have to be lowered.

Because it works and people do work, if they don't like C++, they use other tools. Only faggots, pajeets and neets are complaining because they have no work and problems to solve but complain about languages.

D has very sensible syntax compared to C++, and it's honestly my favorite C-like language. My only problem with it, is that it sticks far too close to the syntax of C, e.g. I'd love to have everything be an expression, have destructuring, macros, etc.

Relatively few people can understand code as it is, so your argument doesn't hold

"Within C++, there is a much smaller and cleaner language struggling to get out. [...] And no, that smaller and cleaner language is not Java or C#."
– Bjarne S.

>women can't understand it
Not even most professional devs that use the language fully understand it. It's an eldritch horror of a language.

Pretty much everyone can read code, in a mechanical fashion. Understanding and making out the big picture behind it is a whole another affair.

...and fail to do


Everyone agrees that 90% of C++ is not worth using.

Nobody agrees on which 90% is not worth using.

Anyone who says they understand any language fully is lying.

Nice standard containers faggot.

What are the ugly parts for you?
Boost errors? Multiple inheritance? Operator overloading?

The shit inherited from C, heavy and bizarrely limited template syntax, other nitpicks

No, actually, most languages aren't as extremely convoluted and impenetrable as sepples, Java, etc.

Can't take all of C out of C++, but at least the ugliest C habits will warn/error.
As for template syntax it's a shame concepts didn't land in C++17 and so we wait another 3 years to see if 20 folks at ISO/IEC can agree.

You can hack around the lack of concepts if you try, the main reason for wanting concepts is for clearer error messages.

>women are people

Exactly half the population has below average intelligence, so who gives a flying fuck about them.
Also your argument assumes that women are people.

t. Retard who has no idea what they're talking about.

try c++17

C++17 and C++14 were minor improvements, C++11 is the version that transformed the language into something usable (albeit still ugly)

They've tried, repeatedly.

Maybe you are looking for Go

>"Oh no using polymorphism makes your code slower!"
>"I know, we'll make the whole language not compiled, that'll fix it!"
t. Retard

Because if all you can say about a language is it's a "mess" i.e. it actually trusts the programmer, then there isn't much wrong with it. Compared to all the other languages that are slow/totally lack multithreading/are basically impossible to perform static analysis on/don't have generics, being a "mess" is nothing.

It's a mess if it's inconsistent and misleading, despite how powerful it is. You could have a language as powerful as C++ with a cleaner connection between syntax and semantics if you designed from the ground up rather than accumulating shit over the years (see: D, for the most part)

See this Also the demand for c++ is getting lower and lower. Java and c# can do anything c++ does aside from graphics intensive applications like games or photoshop. The "java is slow" meme is no longer relevant in current year, where engineer work hours are magnitudes more valuable than the milliseconds c++ might save you.

People don't give a shit about performance anymore, that's why the typical web page is bloated up with megabytes of unnecessary JS. It's a sad state of affairs.

It's called rust

Rust looks nothing like C++ though.

turns out C++ without the bad parts looks nothing like C++

Modern C++ is awesome and elegant if you know what are you doing. RAAI and templated containers are awesome.

In stuff where you need a lot buffers and math (3D graphics) it is still miles away of any competition. C is nice for drivers and some low power embeded (probably as wraper for FFI too).

Still for UI clients and servers I would go with C#.

Retards and Chinks can work with Golang. Lol no generics.


>OP knew this

Young people do. If there is anything good about the impatience of youngsters, it must be their demand for smooth applications that don't feel clunky. Old people on the other hand are used to the days when they would click a link and go make some coffee while the page loads. That is why news sites feel free to put so much JS bloat and ads on their pages while anything youngsters use have a native android/ios application that is relatively fast. Even none native web pages that young people use feel very smooth while having tons of JS. All those 3.0 sites or whatever they are called where you scroll down and the background moves slower and shit.

best lang

>21st century
>still has overflows

C an insecure POS.

Java can handle 2d graphics intensive apps just fine. Besides the fact that a lot of post processing is now gpu intensive, pixel manipulation in general can be highly parallelized in many scenarios and basic tasks like drawing a shape to an array don't require much horsepower in the first place. If you wanted you could easily make a performant image manipulation tool in java. I imagine games would be fine too on current hardware considering it seems like a lot of games now aren't super CPU intensive, though memory usage will go up.

C++ had massive number of library,any replace need to be compatible,same speed,same memory model and easy to learn for new programmers and c++ programmers.

No one said switching to an intepreted language would make it perform better. C++ is just a really awkward compromise and its lack of reflection makes its OOP features incredibly unpleasant to use. Useful reflection is hard to do in a compiled language. I'd rather accept a performance hit and gain reflection.

>templated containers are awesome
In heavily templated code, if you use the wrong type, instead of a simple "you used the wrong type here," you get 16 pages of compile errors. Makes C++ a nightmare to develop with.

it's called rust

Concepts will fix this and you can hack around to achieve the same thing with

It's called Java

It certainly won't fix the codebase I work on at work. I've also been burned a few times by "the latest C++ spec will fix EVERYTHING, I promise!"


The funniest part is that C++ was born by trying to be a universal standard that covers all use cases.

ahaha haa ha...

Any codebase older than C++11 is basically unrepairable.

If people complain about a language that is a sign it is actually used in the real world.
Proof: Who complains about lisp now a days?

Lisp isn't even mentioned unless you're in the presence of NEETs or academics.

this happens only if you have no idea what the fuck you are doing, c++ is not for retards, and this is actually much better than shit compiling incorrectly and you get errors at runtime instead of compile time

This. C++ with a stronger type system (i.e. with the last bits of C compatibility removed, no array decay) would be awesome.

Well Rust then.
But it changes a whole lot more (if for the better imo).

Rust is very different, it's not a "fixed" C++ but a completely different take. I think a fixed C++ would look like Dlang but without all the GC stuff.

I would agree, but Rust is the closest you can get to a GCless D right now.

I swear, if D had started out without a GC we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

Being used in the "real world" almost never means a language is good. C is the main exception, and Python not being shit is largely dependent on C not being shit.

>Proof: Who complains about lisp now a days?
Plenty of people do, actually. It's broken ground in modern industry through new dialects like Clojure and brainlets don't like it because they can only use languages that were specifically designed for retards, i.e. Java and Go.

So, you're a retard if your code doesn't compile first time every time? Or are you a retard if you don't want to read a 16 page compiler error? Please indicate exactly which type of wrong you are.

your are a retard if you dont know what type to insert into vector you declared in your header


>Or are you a retard if you don't want to read a 16 page compiler error?
>"Couldn't use T here because T doesn't have method()" repeated a dozen times as the template instantiation unwinds is hard to read

>no generics

To be fair, yes it is hard to read, even the comitee agrees.
Concepts should help with that.

dude just use interface{}

Seriously though, who wants to use a strongly typed language with such a pathetic and weak type system?

People who haven't kept up with the advances in programming languages since the 70s.
And people who only know Java, barely.

when will we get modules? i think its a nice feature

Concepts only clean up what's already possible.

We should have gotten them in C++17, that shit was fucking ready.

>Assuming I was the one who declared the vector
>Assuming that the type of every C++ expression is obvious just by reading it

Oh well, it'll probably be supported as compiler extensions before then anyway.

It kinda already is. Which is why I'm a bit mad they didn't standardize it.

care to post any examples? something stl or boost related maybe?

C2 did this for C. Hoping for a C2++ that also standardizes the ABI.


kindly reminder

>muh GC
Confirmed for programlets.

>calling people who don't want to use a GC programlets
You know some people don't have the luxury to not have to know how much nanoseconds their code takes to run?

Go write a kernel driver in your managed language and then talk back to me.

ive read gcc doesnt support it yet at all