I hate the modern bloated web. I want to start a very simple site. Having made the basic layout...

I hate the modern bloated web. I want to start a very simple site. Having made the basic layout, can I host this tiny 5KB HTML somewhere free just to kick things off?

I think Dropbox stopped people from doing that some time ago. Every other site I try wants me to use their shitty template editors.

Other urls found in this thread:


Learn CSS and don't make bloated websites, make them break down properly if css isnt enabled

host it locally. or in one of those shitty tk sites if mommy doesn't give you her card

CSS grids will shrink the web in the long run

The site does have CSS. It's one line of inline style element.

I know how to make non-bloated websites. I just made it. Now I want to know if any place out there hosts tiny websites for free.

I'm finding shitty tk sites for domains, not hosting. I'd like to host this without putting my own connection on the line.

I figured just keeping my own site simple would help that too.

wrong faggot

Is that your file hosting service?

no, 0x0.st/ is just a service for shrinking urls uploading small files and whatnot

some inspiration: brutalistwebsites.com/

fuck aesthetics
fuck bloat
web is over


Oh that's neat, thank you. It would do what I need it seems.

I'm not sure what you meant by "wrong faggot" or the site's contents though. All I was saying is that I made a page pretty much as simple as yours and just want to keep growing on that.

Yeah I saw that on HN a day or two ago. Interesting approach to the frustration of web bloat but I think I can do without the brutalism.

well, 0x0 will delete your file eventually, if you want to host a small page you can use github, there's tools to host static sites on github, and you'll be able to add to them over time, you'll never be able to use php on it tho

neocities, it even has ipfs botnet backend if ur nerdy.


Yeah I started looking into that from
and it looks to be the ticket.

I don't need php. Seriously, I'm just playing with the idea of making a worthwhile site with as little as possible. I'll see how it goes.

Thank you

Free static site hosting:
- Github Pages
- Gitlab Pages
- AWS - complicated to set up
Many more if you search for it

Free PaaS hosting (many languages, not just PHP):
- Openshift - Especially if you registered before August 2016, then you get to access the superior v2 version, otherwise your app must be inactive 12h in any 72h peroid, long wait for the v3 version to be provisioned for you
- Heroku - app sleeps when no requests are made for 30 min, you can prevent it by adding monitoring software (search on Stack Overflow how) or a cron rule with curl every 20 minutes. Not bothersome for fast-starting apps
- AWS - too complicated for this post, go read the docs. You have to use AWS Lambda and DynamoDB if you want free lifetime server-side hosting there.

Free VPSes:
- AWS - only the first 12 months
- Google Cloud - it can actually do much more than that, you get 300$ free credit for the first year, BUT, if you live in the EU, using it for persnal use (without a VAT number) is not possible. If you don't, this might be your best option for evrrything. Cheapest VPS (0.2 vCPU but can burst up to a full vCPU IIRC) for a lifetime.

Also Microsoft Azure fits somewhere here, but the quality of their software is ao low that I didn't have the nerves to use it even in exchange for free services.

What about XAMPP?

github pages, if u use less than a gigabyte they dont give a fuck

Github.io ended up being perfect. Dropped the site in no problem. At half a kilobyte I don't think they'll mind me for a while.

Now I just have to figure out what to write.

Keep Google Cloud and Heroku in mind. At some point you might want to run some code on the server, these will help you with that without paying for a full-blown Linux server.

I will, but not for this site. I'm just going to write and writing doesn't need all that.

Protip: Github doesn't mind *anything*. There was recently an issue with some mac package manager hosting its packages in seperate files and doing shallow clones on update. Traffic like that isn't really friendly to git. IIRC, github had to use 4 physical servers to keep it running. They didn't take it down, but gave a hint what could the maintainers do to make it behave normally.