Why aren't you using Brave, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you using Brave, Sup Forums?

>can't use extensions

Its shit on desktop

*yawn* Why should I?

>Integrated adblock
What more do you need?

fuck off cia nigger

Better shilling. At least show some respect and try.

tampermonkey or violentmonkey
new tab homepage
overlay scrollbars
pure url
smart https
ublock origin

Their built-in adblocker is shit that doesnt block all ads

Because I don't hop between browsers every week.

>Touch support on Android
>No touch support on Windows

I use it on mobile, but I see no reason to use it on Desktop. Ungoogled Chromium on Windows is outdated and yet it's still much better than Brave.

stop shilling your fucking scam

It's good on mobile but is terrible on desktop.


Because its shit on desktop. Use Vivaldi, Sup Forums new browser.

I can't install uBlock origin. Therefore I am sticking with waterfox and vivaldi.

Firefox > Vivaldi

I use it on my phone. It's just Chrome with an adblocker and that's really all I fucking need.

I thought Sup Forums was behind the Soros = Firefox fake news bullshit, but now I'm starting to think this "Brave" did it as a viral marketing thing. Every Soros related post ends with something like "Use Brave".

In case you're wondering, it's shit.

ubo offers more and better filters

tried it, it was shit with my bookmarks so into the trash it goes.

Hope they get it better for future updates, looked promising

Shittier adblock than UBlock Origin and cucking you out of every other extension?

I wanted to like Brave, but the pathetic Sup Forums shilling is fucking annoying.

chrome has been leaking some retarded amounts of CPU lately, so I'm not going anywhere near there. I'm using firefox until they force webextensions then switching to some fork, probably waterfox.

>Shittier adblock than Uhide Origin
That's not even physically possible.

I tried it on iOS. It kept spazing out on menus and snapping back to the top of the page for no reason. Into the trash it went.

>That's not even physically possible.
You're right, because it's digital.

Because TinCore browser is better?

>doesn't see a reason to have any addons more than an ineffective ad blocker

I do not internet without the following addons —
All-In-One Gestures
Change Referer Button
Clean Links
Compact Moon Options
Cookies Exterminator
Greasemonkey (with Sup Forums X)
HTTPS Everywhere
Privacy Settings
Secret Agent
uBlock Origin

Slow as fuck on desktop and no extensions.

I am using it on mobile. But it's a hunk of shit on desktop.

I use it on android but desktop is buggy, and crashes for me. Can't do gtk theme settings like chrome, and no extensions that I actually use.

Until they get extensions sorted out there's no reason using it over iridium/ungoogled/inox.

Slow startup on desktop. Considering it was based on chromium.


I'm using Vivaldi, nigga

It's not Opera 12.16

>Using a closed source browser.

I'm switching to 12.15 once it gets ECC support

cuz it's shit?