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Technology #620
Sup Forums convinced me to join Linux (Debian (Stable))
Too broke for college
What's your torrent setup like?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Can Sup Forums recommend a good modem/router?
Can I die now Sup Forums?
Macbook Pro 13
Why are you wasting your time with Ubuntu, arch or gentoo
Are you using a smartphone that isn't Android or ois?
O'Reilly thread
Thinking about using pic related to replace my phone. Think it's a good idea?
Name one good reason you don't use edge
claims to be a technology enthusiast
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Which LISP is the "best"?
Programming exclusively on a laptop
Pay $10 more get a 1080ti, pay $20 less get a 1080 with factory waterblock
How true is this Sup Forums?
Sony Sailfish phone
NordVPN - VPN general
How do you deal with increasing "diversity" in the tech industry?
Thoughts on python?
Post large cards. Largest card wins
Android TV Box thread?
What's its appeal?
My hotel has an iMac in the lounge and I tried it out
The current state of smartphones
Why isn't anybody using deep learning to build Emulators?
Why aren't you using a Pentium 4?
Why can't Microsoft for the love of all holy integrate the entire control panel in the settings properly?
Help me, Sup Forums
What's the difference between C, C++ and C#?
Is it just me or this fucking piece of shit is slow and nearly unusable due to graphics and UI bugs...
Librem 5
Alright Sup Forums, Windows 7 vs 8.1 in 2017
Best laptop for 400$ max?
ITT: literal 9/11 reenactment theater
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Last thread 404. Probably because some offended American moderator
Which should I learn first Sup Forums?
Pick your poison Sup Forums
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Fucking quit using cuckfox already
Arduino, Raspberry, Microcontroller general - /armg/
I'm very tired
Under_scores or camelCase? and do you name your variables in your native language or in english?
They save everything i say..??
Herman Miller Embody
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
It's fetch time
Frogposters are ruining this board. The day of the rope for them is fast approaching
/tpg/ - Used, ugly dinosaur laptops general
GTX 2000 Series Volta Cards Discussion
Why did Skype die?
/wt/ watch thread
Rick Perry recommends taxpayer subsidy for coal fired power plants to compete with renewable energy
Wtf is this?
Make a Facebook account because friends beg me to
C92 - summer
Homescreen Thread
Half of India's population is shitting in the streets
Gore thread?
When is this thing getting userscripts
Hey... is my Resume ok Sup Forums?
Not getting hired for jobs
Should Android do something about the ease of updating their os? Atm it looks horrible only 1...
/bst/ thread
Buy expensive hardware
The state of apple
At what temperature will a hard drive melt so that its data is completely unrecoverable? I need to know for science
KIKERIPPER compiles Linux in just 35 seconds
Is there another laptop even close to as a sexy as the XPS series but cheaper?
We're at FF 55
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Stuck on 2nd
If you want help:
How do I make money on the internet, Sup Forums?
Need help choosing M.2
Where were you when Samsung won?
Tfw you buy a 8tb seagate ironwolf drive, thinking it'll last you a few years before it's full
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How'd I do Sup Forums?
Tfw fell for the mechanical keyboard meme
Is there an IDE on Linux that just works out of the box for C++ on Linux...
I've made a small imageboard called mewch
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread:
So I see you're running GNOME
What's the most efficient way to print "hello world" in C?
Linux should grow out of GNU
What PC cases are you using?
Is google purposlfully getting adblock banned
Tell me why I shouldn't buy this over the macbook pro
Who here OpenDNS master race?
Another day wasted on Sup Forums
Got corrected at work for using the "deprecated" terminology "master/slave"
Is DBAN the best drive wiping software?
Who cares?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Why does Sup Forums always bitch about Indians?
Why is the internet a steaming pile of shit?
How big of a fucking fag you have to be to not have this feature on
The Pyra
New theory: Macfags aren't normalfags, just a different kind of autist
Look, I'm a fucking idiot. Please can someone explain the benefits of using Linux over Windows, I'm curious
GPD Pocket
AdNauseam is killing the Evil Google!!!
Advertisements on gas stations
Is UML just a meme or do people actually use this crap?
Best distro based on Arch?
Certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal
Why does Apple trash have such shit security?
/retro/ - a bit dusty
How to de-Google completely?
Is Japan "high tech"?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What browser do we use now?
/cyb/ Cyberpunk General:
Firefox users literally on SUICIDE WATCH
Why don't you have an Intel® Core™ inside™?
Who else does this?
What productivity/software automation tools have you written at your job, that saves you time?
So we can all agree Apple has stalled, right?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Youtube Censorship
Above 6" phones
Thinkpad Addiction
Used to go on Sup Forums daily for many years
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Best programming font, Sup Forums?
GIMP can do anything Photoshop can do but better, and for free...
Try to play youtube video in firefux
What is their endgame?
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Browse Sup Forums for a few days
Macbook users
Start typing your password quickly without looking at screen
Feels good to live in europe
H-how many tools do they have?
Should programming be taught in schools?
Konqi is carrying books full of reasons to use KDE!
Let's all say something positive about Windows for once
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Intel Barbeque edition
Just find this in the trash, sealed. My dad threw it away because "old os"
Be 3rd world
Enters a website
Everyone needs to know how to access the deep web
I thought RMS was supposed to be an idol here, why does everybody make fun of him?
Please let me see your watch
/FWGT/ - Friendly Windows General Thread
>3 fucking DECADES later and it's still used everywhere
So user... I've been trying to look for your social accounts, but couldn't find anything on Normiebook, or Normiegram...
Webm thumbs
Opinions on herbstluftwm?
One thing wrong with Sup Forums
This is the Panasonic Let's Note J10
Why do all cyberpunk shows/movies suck...
In class for uni
More info about the RX Vega launch
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why Firefox doesn't care about advanced users anymore? I can't set my own homepage (new tab)...
Speccy - Dark Side
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Windows 10
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
Why would you use a shit """"browser"""" full of security holes like this shit and then claim it's more secure and has...
Mfw Sup Forums filters 'fam' for 'senpai
What would the GNU/Linux version of this look like?
I don't understand object oriented programming. Functional programming was so easy to learn...
Please remind me again why I should use Spotify
Coworker is setting up her own business
Ryzen 7 apu spotted
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Since when was windows good?
Best Linux Software
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is this the beginning of the end of Samsung?
I will explain why it will sell at $999
Forum reaction to the iPod in 2001:
Has anyone in the industry/research done more work to improve Valve's automatic facial animation system?
New laptop
Algorithm: the hacker movie
Would you pay $999 for a phone?
Custom Homepage Thread
Be me
So my new laptop just got delivered
Show me those speeds!
Who /jira/ here?
Can anyone make me a twitter bot that follows young teenage trannies and tweets pictures of themselves if they uplaod...
So it's been 25 years since Linux first became available...
ITT: post how many computers you have, their specs, and what OS' they all are running...
Why doesnt Sup Forums invest in their technology...
My neighbor is bumping loud ass music how do i get this to stop remotely
Does staring at a screen for too long cause short sightedness?
Why the fuck did they stop making these?
All of these T420 laptops were destined for the bin. Sometimes it's nice to work in tech. They now will have a new life
Lose to arm last year
Left: Java
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General - A is for Anipollo edition
Sup Forums Political Views
Has to superglue 4 CPUs just to make something
So is it shit or not?
Which one is the greater evil for online freedom/privacy?
Found a new laptop at the park. Is it any good?
Linux failed miserably
Apps keep installing themselves on my phone, I have unknown sources turned off and have uninstalled them all fully...
Do you use 2nd hand hardware?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
/tosg/ - Temple OS
What are your favourite fdroid apps?
Forth is serious hacks
What the FUCK is this for?
Why don't Hirojew switch to a decent and simple captcha system?
ITT: Awful companies which make awful products
/sec/ - Information Security General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How Sup Forums does get high?
Getting my PC cleaned professionally because it is REALLY bad
Post desktop of your work pc
Why does Sup Forums have a knee jerk reaction to decent, well regarded hardware?
Downloading torrents at university
Speed test thread?
Stop using phones
So now that Youtube is changing the history in front of our eyes will normies finally wake the fuck up...
What the FUCK is his endgame?
What is it called when this happens to cable
Refute this
Hundreds of thousands of artists use it
Is there a way to bypass the download quota?
/dbg/ - DeBotnet General
Daily reminder that most of the free open source projects are led by commies
14 words
VMware vs Virtualbox: Who wins?
/pcbg/ - PC building general
Lineage OS
He doesn't indent with 4 spaces
Why is there so much shill about brave? Is it actually pretty good or is just a lot of bs botnet?
ITT we post shitty software used by large companies
Can you recommend any Evernote alternative?
/wt/ - Watch Thread - Shitter Free Zone Edition
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Which samsung phone should I purchase for my needs as an otaku?
Opera 12.15 (Presto) Leaked Source Code Discussion
Which languages will land me the most cushy development jobs with no social bullshit?
Google Drive Alternatives
Windows 10 won't force updates anymore!
What password managers does Sup Forums use?
Retailers are Buying AMD RX Vega 64 at $675 Each
Are women uncapable of having the level of IT wokeness that most of the Sup Forums posters have?
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Court orders company to produce data on anti-Trump site
The municipality of Scamsung
Firefox Nightly
Thinking about downgrading back to Windows 7 from Windows 10. Should I do it Sup Forums...
What are Sup Forums approved email clients?
He still uses utorrent
/Guts/ new May may's edition?
Which torrent client is the best for me?
Coffee lake daily - ipc edition
This made me think, why are we still coding in plain text?
Help my computer /o/
Laptop cooling mats
Is that an Android phone user?
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
Can you explain to me why would anyone buy a phone like pic related?
Rate my 16 year old self trying to program a 2d game engine
ITT: Tech jokes
Best laptop for pentesting under 500 USD?
Going to college for networking and CISCO stuff
/SAP/ General
Windows uses basic telemetry
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why would anyone buy a mac, ever?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Working on Sup Forums alternative
What are your experiences with female geeks? Have you ever met a woman like pic related?
So now that mp3 is dead how should I compress music for best lossy quality to upload on trackers?
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Is there such a thing as a job filling captchas?
I'm building a (very) budget gaming pc. I bought a Ryzen 1200 instead of a 1300x. How much did I fuck up?
Why do we still have PS/2 in motherboards? USB keyboards and mices failed?
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Windows 10 LTSB
Windows 10 is so unstable and it keeps forcing users to rebo
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Go to a website
The Galaxy Note 8 is almost identical to the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus, it’s in the design
Librem 5 – A Security and Privacy Focused Phone
My brother and I, we both sucked each other's cocks
Torrent Client
Apple hate thread?
Name me a game i cant run
Was thinking about getting pic related, what can I do with it?
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
480 fps
How do I escape pic related?
WebExtensions / FF 57 / Nightly
Why haven't you fallen for the t470 meme Sup Forums?
What's your honest opinion on this shit? Why the fuck is album artwork 100x100 resolution?
Is this the holy trinity of GNU+Linux distributions?
/edc/ Every Day Carry
How to bypass ban on 4 chan ?
Newbie here
Tfw fell for mechanical keyboard meme
What the heck
How do I connect anime and technology so I can make a thread on Sup Forums about it?
25 Reasons to use Linux
Is a microwave worth it?
I just impulse bought this. Will I be able to watch my anime easily with this?
What's the 'best' Android Browser?
Share bookmarks so we can "exchange information"
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Sup Forums suggested shows
Personal Smartphone Ownership Lineage
Why do homosexuals always use iPhones???
Did intel just shit on kabylake buyers?
Tfw living in a country where people are rejecting the botnet
How do you gauge the performance impact of this? Manually setting tessellation to 8x or something?
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
Why do cute girls always use iPhones???
Qubes 4.0 is now released
AMD is pure scum
First boot trouble
Bought a Ryzen 1600x and motherboard, finally put it together and the thing wouldn't boot and 1 fan wouldn't spin...
In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites
Why do people keep buying these? I understand why the technologically daft media producer would buy it...
How hard is it to watch pirated shit on a chromecast
What went wrong?
Using any text editor other than gedit
What is the "retard strength" of the tech world?
Left: C
AR Tape Measure?
Sup Forums memes you fell for
Say something nice about it
Should i update Firefox?
Why aren't you using Lynx right now?
Where would I go to buy a MacBook? Should I buy one new or used? If used, what things should I watch out for?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How accurate is this?
Does anyone get gunk building up on all their shit after a while? Is there any anti-gunk mouse/kboard material?
SD recovery
I wanna buy a spy camera to spy gf who could be cheating on me...
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
So Sup Forums, what have you accomplished in terms of technology recently? For I have been:
I need an Android ROM
I have SSH access on my sister's laptop
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Ventrilo 4
Uptime thread
How disappointing is Oreo?
What's the best Android browser Sup Forums?
Raid 10 vs Raid 01
Dad asks to use my computer
What do you think of 4k
You have 3 seconds to explain why you aren't using KeePassXC
Mice thread
Help me make up my mind
Google's forcing me to enrol to vote on gay marriage. This sucks... I should have switched to Bing!
"dude, just buy $non_flagship_android_device and flash Lineage"
Let's imagine I discovered an exploit involving escalation privileges on bash for windows that allows me to acces the...
Best non-linux/windows/macOS OSes thread
Am I infected?
Im in need of a good wifi solution, I have a 3...
Is this card a good upgrade for my build? Im wary about that price
390 starting to show it's age in 2017 games
Set up Wi-Fi without $5 charge from ISP?
How do I keep these from falling apart?
Why have all attempts at a FOSS smartphone failed, Sup Forums?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Chairs are technology, right?
60Hz or 144Hz
Forth is the most superior programming language
Uptime/Screenfetch Thread
Are here any advantages on using window managers like i3 over desktop environments? Or are they just a meme...
Gayming laptop
Ungoogled Chromium vs Pale Moon
Post your OS, how long you've been with it and your comfiness rating
Gen 5 Glock
/sys/ - A dministrator General
Using a shell other than bash
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Galaxy Note 8 Edition
How true is this
Stop hating homosexuals
B-but he w-was an asshole!!!
Exclusive: Radeon RX Vega 64 MSRP Pricing Update
Sitting in public space, Uni for instance
Why do they even bother putting right shift on laptop keyboards? I'd much prefer full-size arrow keys
Leave parents for a month
What in tarnation
Respondus LockDown Browser
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - I want to believe Edition
Hello Sup Forums
Pic related is an actual Firefox nightly logo
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - GPU war Edition
Is this thing going to bomb?
I have a feeling that i'm being discriminated by the email service I use...
The absolute state of linux gaming
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Are the webdevs the cancer of Software industry?
Which Password Manager do you use on Linux?
So whats the alternative for a Windows poweruser? Really late to this i feel like my girlfriend just broke my heart
Natural or Reverse scrolling?
"Essential" phone
Altright fellas!
Uses windows
What does your CPU temp idle at?
Linux Distro
This kills the nvidiot
Has the mining meme gone too far?
Firefox web-extensions
Manjaro vs Antergos. Whats better Sup Forums?
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General
Aside from the goofy name, is there anything actually wrong with Ubuntu?
Microsoft makes .Net framework Linux compatible
Speccy thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT : If you had a time machine
What to do with Dell Optiplex
Why don't you have an Intel®Core™inside™?
Am I immensely screwed if I want a smartphone and I hate Apple, Google and Microsoft? what options do I have?
How is gimp?
Headphone jack
Are high refresh rate monitors worth it?
SV Faggotry
Best apps on Google Play?
He's fine with buying older refurbs
Rangebanning the only people who give Sup Forums the income it needs to survive
Where were you when AMD EPYC took over China?
Uninstall Pale Moon
Unplug external HDD without ejecting it
Why is there a worldwide jewish plot against this little guy?
AHAHAHA gorhill is DONE:
Hi Sup Forums, so a nigger tried to steal my phone this morning...
Even open source software is much better on MacOS that on Loonix
/sec/ - Information Security General
Didn't know existence of torrent until 2011
Ryzen 3 + rx 460 or g4560 + gtx 1060
I repaired my friend's monitor by replacing and soldering new components on the power board circuit and it's finally...
NVIDIA just got obliterated
If you were to spent a year in an international station in South Pole...
Sjw cancer
To antialias or not?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ryzen aka Sandy Bridge 6 years later
The fuck is this shit?
Proprietary software
How do we solve the gaymur problem on Sup Forums?
What rss reader does Sup Forums use?
How often do you get mad at yourself for not buying a few hundred of Bitcoin when it cost pennies?
What's the quintessential firefox about:config?
Give me ONE (1) legitimate reason to stick with Android
Im tired of this shit wont update gnome
/twmg/ Tiling window manager general
Custom Homepage Thread:
Why don't you Solus? It's comfy as fuck and looks super good under the box
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Galaxy Note 8 Launch Edition
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Congratulations to Apple
/raidlevel/ general
Dell XPS 13
Which IDE is best for a beginner python brainlet?
>yfw you accidentaly click /gif/ instead of Sup Forums
Sir, may I check your laptop and cellphone
The firefox that went right
8 GiB of RAM is enou-
How do you make friends online?
Unnecessary upgrade
Why do normalfags like technology nowadays?
Chatted with nvidia support to report a bug
I3 4th generation gpu bundled
Are you currently contributing to the construction of Roko's Basilisk?
Why don't you have an Intel®Core™inside™?
Opinions on LTT?
Which programming language is the comfiest?
What can i get for these?
I plan to get a Raspberry Pi 3 soon and I feel I want to mod Toshiba Libretto 110CT by removing the motherboard...
What did everyone abandon it?
Group project in intro to CS class
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
How long until Linus crashes...
Would you rather an s2 amoled or an iPad Pro?
Are imageboards dying out?
Is this guy legit to take advice from?
Hey Sup Forums
What's your excuse for not using a purely functional package manager?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I have extra cash and I want to buy something...
What is the best best way to destroy a hard drive?
Is C and PHP the perfect couple of programming languages?
What is the least autistic desktop environment and why is it KDE?
So at these prices Vega64 is a better deal than RX580, right?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Waterfox: Meme browser or redpilled?
Radio Thread
Laptop Ideas
Why learn Photoshop when GIMP exists?
Is there something that can be done about this fucking cancer?
What's the best MacBook Pro 15" Retina year? I currently own a mid 2012 that I only bought for 400$...
I can major in whatever I want anywhere I want. How do I make big money in tech?
Accessing an accient hard drive
What would make Windows more usable?
Opera 12.15 Source Code Discussion
ITT: people that bring cancer to our world
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - qt Edition
What phone does she use Sup Forums? Is she iPhone or android?
Now that Zuckerberg and Google proved to be spying, botnet-enabling, mind controlling freaks...
Defend this
Programming font
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What are some must have apps for Android?
Airbus vs. Boeing
Who here Oreo
Will 3d printer ever be a thing every house hold has or will it always be a novelty for hobbyists?
Employee retention rate at top tech companies
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Screwdrivers are technology
BREAKING: Google is secretly recording millions of Android users!!!
My iPhone is "28.1% damaged"
Any Windows IT pros here?
Linux or GNU/Linux?
ITT little programs, or scripts, or any automations you have made to make your daily life easier. Software...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Study hard, you underage b&-ers!
If Sup Forums had to make a list of reasons why it hates Google, what things would be in that list?
Firefox becomes a full botnet
Is FLAC a meme?
Uh oh
Whatsapp exploit
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
When did everything go so wrong
What is your most hated software that you personally use...
be from mid-EU
Intel UHD Graphics
You have 13.23434 seconds to explain why you aren't using windows 7
Mom gets randsonware virus on her laptop
How do we solve the Intel/AMD duopoly problem?
Is Windows 7 still a viable main OS in 2017?
How come so many people's don't understand what a VPN is?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Which one does Sup Forums think is better?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Specy thread
Buyers remorse thread
"OK" causes Androids to record you, not "OK Google"
AMD RX Vega’s pricing was “not just for launch, but ongoing”
Daily reminder to wait until next year to buy a CPU
I come to you today with a question, I'm aiming to keep my build under $1000 and I have a choice to make
Bought a gaming laptop with;
Now that android has irrevocably cucked itself, and iOS has long been trash
Killling net neutrality will be fine guys we swear it will be ok and not a problem at all
battle station thread
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
There hasn't been a groundbreaking new file format for a very long time. Why has innovation completely stalled...
Is it worth spending $60 more on RAM to get 3600MHz instead of 3000MHz?
Is my HDD fucked enough to be unreadable? Pulled off a load of green motherboard type looking on the back too
Help me
Corporations will do the right thing without government regulation (net neutrality)
How can manchild ever recover? top kek
/sec/ - Cybersecurity General
ITT: Literally perfect technology
You can buy raspberry pi 0 for the price of two fidget spinners
How old is your rig and how well is it still running?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Name a more dishonest and disgusting language
Why is JavaScript such a popular languahe, while having such poor syntax. I mean this:
How long does Sup Forums take to commute to work and back? What techonology do you use to do so?
Undervolting Vega
Harvard Thinks It’s Found the Next Einstein — and She’s 23
Sup Forums BTFO
What did Clover mean by this?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Speakers are better than Headphones
GTX 980ti - Used - 300€
Edc - everyday carry
What was your first distro, Sup Forums?
Why are there so many communist and anarchist hackers?
Chairs are technology
ITT: people that bring cancer to our world
Alright Sup Forums, I'm starting university this fall and I need a word processor...
What are your favorite vim plugins?
What exactly is so bad about Python?
Wangblows 10
There are too many Linux distros. Our community needs a purge
How to spot a cuck
Would a superintelligent AI be a "racist"?
So, can we like have another /retro/ thread?
Neofetch Thread
Beginner programmer
Pay $70/mo and only get 10mbps up
In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites
/bst/ thread
Bought a PS4 controller at a garage sale. it was on its own no cords
Wake up
What did they mean by this ?
Is there a replacement?
/wdg/ - Web Dev General
Tech conferences?
How does it feel being in last place, linuxfags?
What is your browser Sup Forums
How do i unlock a iphone?
How to reach tech nirvanah
How do they program in countries that don't speak English...
Would it be usable for any kind of development? web, game dev, would you be able to get work done on it?
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
Credit limit is 1000
Laptop/netbook alternative
Try to format an external hard drive on windows
Temple OS
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:
Can you get a job as a programmer without a computer science degree?
Sold all my Apple shit for this
Skype or Discord?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
What's future tech gonna be like?
Install google chrome
Do you feel social pressure to use any particular electronic devices?
Intel said its new processors are going to deliver the biggest bump in performance that personal computer users have...
Name a shittier piece of software. I'll wait
Need help choosing CPU
Hay Sup Forums! /biz/ here, can I run pubg on high with this thing?
Email providers
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Google is insane comunist internet monopoly that sells your data to the goverment
Your IDE doesn't matter
There is any AI that can really break re/Captcha? Why don't Sup Forums try to create one?
Why is 4:3 the only ratio completely simplified?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Tfw normies are unable to comprehend that someone can learn programming just by googling around
I can't wait to play glorious Final Fantasy XV with my brand new AMD graphics ca-
I pulled the trigger Sup Forums, vega was so disappointing
Name a better OS for developers
Kaspersky Antivirus Safe
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Epyc Eclipse Edition
Assume my computer is airgapped and has a faraday cage around it. Can the government spooks still get into it?
Why did the screws match up at the bottom but not the top...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Perfect laptops don't exi-
Why are all tech companies enemies of free speech?
Data collection is bad meme
What and when will be the next life changing technology?
1.3 GB
Is LISP worth learning in 2017?
How many of u have or plan getting a 144hz display for gaming
You guys don't seriously use Linux, do you?
What are your thoughts on this?
Get 16GB RAM
Speakers are better than Headphones
Why does my c++ program not work?
Yes this is a Linux hate thread
Mozilla is going to kill XUL on firefox
Alternative from Google services
I installed gentoo
Sup Forums, why didn't you get your laptop for free? Did I do good?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Third Worlders on the Internet
Gave an interview today
ITT people who had very little or nothing to do with advancement of technology...
How many Linux fanboys actually use Linux as their primary OS?
Is TrueCrypt actually safe? I haven't used it in years. If it isn't, what should I use in its stead?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
LaTeX pronunciation
What do I lose by using Windows?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
New 8bitguy, what does Sup Forums think
How does Sup Forums feel about torrenting files you don't own the rights for?
The capcha has a word you googled or said recently in it
Tfw too brainlet for C
Try to buy a laptop with good thermals that aren't $2000+
Should I try to buy the Vega56 for 399$/€?
Speccy thread
Ask a CS PhD student anything tech related
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
I'm absolutely retarded
The 2017 Solar Eclipse
Why do ricefags exist?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Coffin Lake Edition
"Working knowledge of [proprietary software]"
Eclipse thread, boardly reminder that space is still technology so get off your asses and stare directly at the sun...
So who's getting a Vive now that the price dropped...
WHY the FUCK would someone use C#?
Why ever use Windows?
Firefox Nightly is not faster
Is there any current day digital audio player that even comes close to this? (size, sound quality, UI)
Salary: "competitive"
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Konqi is professional and stylish, just like KDE!
Android O
Tfw grown out of Sup Forums but have nowhere else
How many hours a day do you spend at a computer?
Why are iPhones superior?
State of Linux
Raven Ridge Mobile Zen based APUs spotted;
What did he mean by this?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Hi, is your refrigerator running Tizen?
Requires Intel® 300 Series chipset-based motherboard
What happened of the geek culture on Sup Forums ?
Ahahahahahahahaha AMD fans BTFO
Old-timey, obscure & obsolete component thread
Worth the upgrade to 4K blu ray player?
Help me choose between those two, Sup Forums
Post homescreens. What apps does Sup Forums use regularly
Drivers of Sup Forums, do any of you guys use Dashcams?
This shit keeps getting shoved down my throat
What filesystem do you recommend Sup Forums, will be running fde
Amber Alert!
Why do motherboard manufacturers still put USB2...
How to achieve tech zen
A lot of people on TOR cry about js based onion sites. Can anyone show solid proof that JS will expose you?
Cathedral vs Bazaar
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
Why does this board dislikes indians(pajeets) so much?
Intel to release 10nm products this year
Still haven't got Android N
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
6 cores 12 threads
Is it time to retire my i5 2500k? I don't feel like it's bottle necking my performance...
New file manager for linux developed using Electron
Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban of killer robots
Gimmick, or....?
Which one is /Ourguy/?
Alright Sup Forums, I need your help
OLED Display
Hey determinism fags, If the whole fucking universe if deterministic...
Is Python really as bad as Sup Forums says?
What's the best KDE distro?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...