Certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal

>certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal

>certain combinations of DNA are gay

>swinging down your arm while carrying a knife is illegal if a man happens to be in your vector.

no freedom.

gay is a choice.

if it has a genetic marker, that's because you can change your genes.

but 1s and 0s aren't real


Pedophilia is a choice, too.

Pedophilia is different because it's completely normal to be attracted to women.

Younger women are just better women.

>Moving certain combinations of atoms together are illegal

Neither are your eyes

Ha! Ha! Thanks for the laugh.


you're the jew. as soon as puberty hits, it's over. they're attractive. there's no such thing as an 18+ rule.

on second thought. I'm talking about ephebophilia. pedophilia is sick.

what movie is this from

>certain combinations of 0s and 1s when acted on will get people killed

fuck its mr robot isnt it i feel retarded now

And they're still not capable of informed consent. The reason most societies have a cutoff is that they have decided collectively that it is a reasonable average age when people become capable of giving consent. It's easier to have a simple black and white cut off than to deal with every bloody fucking exception that comes about.

>certain combinations of 1s and 0s are impossible for computers to producd
who /cs theory/ here

I don't disagree.

basically 2^aleph0 combinations with only aleph0 turing machines (incl quantum turning machines)

Yeah it's Mr.Robot stay strong user. Just be more confident next time :^)

>certain subatomic particles are illegal to use on others or own

>it's illegal to shoot up certain combinations of atoms your arm
wow really?

Certain combinations of extra chromosomes make you a Trump supporter.

>it's illegal to make someone's neurons stop working

Certain combinations of nucleotides make you a nigger and thus illegal.


That's legitimately retarded though.

>certain patterns of neural impulses are illegal

certain drawings are illegal and will get you years behind bars

not in the US

>certain combinations of quarks and leptons are illegal

>tfw of all the numbers that are illegal, some are illegal because of copyright
>they are therefore legal for the copyright-holders to have
>the illegal numbers are literally only illegal for some people and legal for others
>this is allegedly acceptable

It's a kludge. The actual fix for this error is in the works. It's supposed to come with the "Post-Scarcity" update, but every time someone says they're close to getting it out, it gets delayed.

>suicide is illegal

good luck prosecuting.

It's actually not the combination that is illegal, but rather the implications that these combinations will for some reason make you act out irl.

>certain chemicals are illegal

How do you make the spaghetti pics

yeah...same as putting a knife to different places...a bread is ok, but a human neck not that much

Suicides only illegal if you mess it up

>it's illegal to move your atoms in order to displace certain other atoms into a specific area

Permutations, you tard!


>certain combinations of electrons, protons and neutrons are illegal

Really makes me think

>pushing certain combinations of iron moleclues through a supposedly sentient chunk of atoms can get the chunk of atoms you call yourself placed in a box

>the chunk of atoms you call yourself
really made me fire electrical impulses through my chunk of atoms

That's a weird way to say a socialist or Sup Forumsack

what did she mean by this?

I mean people that are stupid enough to insult their base like the Democrats did to their Rustbelt base by calling them racists, Nazis,etc. this past election and expect them not to leave the part in droves don't have the right to call any other person or group stupid. Even the Republican Party hasn't done anything nearly that stupid during an election. That's literally the dumbest shit I've seen a party do. And now the Democrats are essentially powerless and hoping for a miracle to give them a majority in Congress again, all the while not actually proposing legislature despite the Republicans doing much of nothing of actual worth so far.

oh are we synthesising nazis with southerners now?

this is gonna be fun

What? The Rustbelt is in the Northeast US.

Also the bullshit with half the Democrats calling the other half not-real-Democrats because they wouldn't vote for Shillary Cuckton.

>neckbeards get mad when the government records certain combinations of 0s and 1s

That too.

> certain bullets when shot into certain heads is illegal
damn I wish i was born in 1200AD :(

>tfw posting from prison library computer after being jailed for failed suicide attempt

>touching certain atoms in other certain atoms is pedophilia

Can someone redpillme on this meme?
Is this like a Sup Forums tradition or Am I missing something? This shit is dumb.

Not at all you should only be attracted to women that can get pregnant not young girls that you will psychologically ruin and ruin there reproductive organs you sick fuck.

This is why it should be legal once they hit puberty and you get the parents' written permission.

>user Anonymous is given permission to fistfuck my 13yro daughter under the condition she wants it too.
>{signature} {date}

>I sure wish I was alive when fucking pajeets and sand niggers were considered intellectuals

>certain combinations of numbers are illegal
>mathematical functions can turn that sequence into another and it will still be illegal
>any combination of numbers is illegal if there exists a mathematical function that allows them to become an illegal combination of numbers

>owning certain arrangements of atoms can get you put in jail for the rest of your life


how can mirrors be real if our eyes are not real?