>corporations will do the right thing without government regulation (net neutrality)
>average people won't do the right thing without government regulation (copyright)
Corporations will do the right thing without government regulation (net neutrality)
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Net neutrality is not the lack of government regulation, fucking neoconn fucks distorting what the word means. Net neutrality is an ideal, that can be achieved with or without government regulation.
Explain how
>literally "government regulations aren't needed for corporations to do the right thing"
Explain how, what?
Net neutrality is an ideal, of which network traffic is treated neutrally regardless of source and content. Obviously, in a world where different services have different requirements, it make sense to treat network traffic different based on type, but it can still be treated equally based on source, destination and content.
Corporations aren't people in the eyes of the law
Regulations are necessary when market forces alone aren't sufficient. I'm not saying that net neutrality can only be achieved through government regulation and legislation, as in the country where I'm from, there is no such government regulation, but ISPs and service providers do it anyway.
However, in the US, the situation is different, where you have large cable companies that not only act as ISPs, but also want to push their own content and services to the users.
>Corporations aren't people in the eyes of the law
Explain how it can be achieved without government regulations.
As part of peering agreements between service providers, for example. This is how it is done in my country.
How long until burgers are considered people
Keep in mind that in the US, corporations are more worth than individuals, because corporations create state revenue (in form of taxes, corporate taxes in the US are among the highest in the world) and also employ wagesla-- I mean, people, so they contribute to the economy.
You have the bankers and wall street neocons to thank for this.
>corporations will do the right thing without government regulation (net neutrality)
Net neutrality doesn't have anything to do with government regulation. In my country we have net neutrality (by law) and the ISPs are obviously regulated.
>"Net neutrality doesn't have anything to do with regulation"
>uses regulation as an example
Government regulation is a silly idea in itself.
If enough people support something for it to be made into law, it can also be done without regulation through people voting with their dollars.
Problem is the US has a lot o state enforced and sanctioned monopolies in the telecom market.
are you trying to point out how hypocritical it is of companies to fight so hard against net neutrality, claiming they will do the right thing even if NN isn't mandatory, while at the same time fighting to enforce copyright on everyone?
the way you wrote your post makes your message unclear
OP implied net neutrality means ISPs aren't regulated you fucking retard. Net neutrality can exist without regulation (as it did in the past) and it can exist with regulation (i.e. the example I gave), meaning net neutrality doesn't have anything to do with regulation.
>If enough people support something for it to be made into law, it can also be done without regulation through people voting with their dollars.
this is the most retarded thing I've ever heard
>let's ignore that we have a legal system and instead basically implement the equivalent of laws through a society-sized game of chance and betting
Americans actually believe this, that lead water has fried your brain.
>OP implied net neutrality means ISPs aren't regulated you fucking retard.
If you've paid attention to the debate recently, you'd know that the argument in OP is basically what Ajit Pajeet and his bunch of indian-kike friends say as they're trying to deregulate ISPs.
>Net neutrality can exist without regulation (as it did in the past) and it can exist with regulation (i.e. the example I gave), meaning net neutrality doesn't have anything to do with regulation.
>If enough people support something for it to be made into law, it can also be done without regulation through people voting with their dollars.
This is like saying doctors should decide who to operate on and in which order based on their patients' likes on facebook
Copyright is the wrong thing.
state libertarian communism when
>Government regulation is a silly idea in itself.
>muh anti-kenesian economy
Fuck off, neocon. The recession in the 80s and in 2007 should have proven you wrong long time ago.
>Bubble after bubble bursting.
>Corps still there because they pull the string of the providence state.
>Somehow this could have been prevented by removing the state.