What productivity/software automation tools have you written at your job, that saves you time?


Other urls found in this thread:


A bunch of shell scripts

A bunch of shell scripts

A bunch of autohotkey scripts

config generator for switches

What do they do, you retards?

A bunch of Python scripts

A bunch of c++ programs

fuck y'all, Sup Forums was helpful once.

A bunch of cronjobs

A bunch of powershell scripts

batch script which
adds wifi profile, sets coarse time+date, syncs time per NTP, and then removes the wifi profile again.

A bunch of R scripts

A bunch of excel macros

This thread fucking rocks, good job OP.

Autohotkey script to set a minium price on all product of our ERP. After this for a while they give us access to the database and since then I've made a soft is FoxPro (I had to use it) and Python to generate and send automatically factures by mail.

They are afraid that if a guy enters this competition, he would win no sweat, aren't they?

A bunch of C programs and shell scripts

that saves you time.

some python scripts that read excel spreadsheets then does stuff with them
