>Post a mini-review of your phone >Discuss upcoming and current models >Ask for help related to phones >Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone >PRAISE THE CHINKPHONES unless you live in America you shits
We should make a list of retard phones, like LG G4/V10 with the bootloop and the IPhone 6/6s with the touch disease. There are many more flawed phones, for example the G2's screen gets slowly fucked over time, and G5's bottom part becomes loose.
Hudson Rodriguez
Second for OnePlus 5 desu desu desu desu
Parker Baker
I'm correct in saying the only differences between the G5 Plus and G5S Plus are the camera and screen size, yes?
Carter Lee
A master list of phone traps is just what these causals need. It can go in the OP copy paste.
t. A bootloop victim
Jason Gomez
approved >proceed
Matthew Sanchez
Yeah the G5S really isn't worth it.
Robert Lee
Should it be on pastebin?
Justin Barnes
Should I pull the trigger on buying this tomorrow?
Hudson Robinson
What's your budget/scope of use?
Xavier Murphy
Also, Oneplus 5 jelly scroll
Liam Hernandez
I want a phone to flash custom roms and shiet. Under 400€. Im going for the oneplus 3t. Is it a good choice? I currently have Huawei Mate 9
Carson Martin
Brandon Diaz
My real budget is $350 but every mid range phone is so overpriced Aus I've basically given up so considering shelling out $780 on the p10. I want fast, responsive multi-tasking. Firefox browsing, clover, youtube, music, call/text and my work network app all in constant use. The camera is a bonus but in all honesty I don't care much for it as I have my dslr
Lucas Collins
That is bullshit.
Brody Cook
Presumably this master list is for phones that will stop working when their defects arise. Jelly scroll can be annoying, but it varies from devices. I can't even get mine to do it.
Anthony Smith
It'll be a list of flawed devices, some that you should 100% avoid, and some that can be annoying or not depending on who you are.
Jacob Wilson
I guess the list can be divided for gravity of the flaws. After all perfect phones just don't exist.
Juan Green
I know you guys hate this phone but the LG G6 sounds like what you need
Ayden Perez
>Any iPhone over 2 years old because iOS is hot dogshit On the list it goes
Ayden Reyes
Jelly scrolling is technically present on all devices. Every phone has the display upside down.
You just can't notice it
Aaron Brooks
Best app for using the phone as a controller for PC gaymes?
Justin Powell
What are some other known critical defects? If my formatting isn't up to autisms standards, someone else take over.
Brandon Gray
add another 80€ and get the OP5.`
Justin Edwards
Get the Honor 9, it's almost the same and way cheaper.
Eli Kelly
are we ever going to see an updated Blackberry Priv?
Easton Clark
This list is useless because the defects are already widely known and people mention them all the time either way.
Therefore I'm not adding them to the OP so don't bother.
t. /spg/+ /csg/ RegOP.
Caleb Gomez
Is there a good guide made for people who wants to use android without gapps?
Evan Mitchell
make it "DO NOT BUY THESE PHONES" Include OP5 jelly but say it varies from phone to phone and person to person
Note 7 will bring down an airliner
Jacob Ross
What's the best smartphone of 2017 and why is it the S8? >inb4 lag Update your software.
Nathan Nguyen
When did you ever make /spg/ threads? Or are you not using your trip?
Anthony Long
>Create comprehensive list of all smart phone defects >/spg/ dies because splerglords have nothing to post about
You win this time, OP.
Zachary Hall
>DO NOT BUY THIS PHONE >It's defect isn't critical and in some cases not even noticeable to the end users
What do you have available 1+5? Have you ever even owned one?
I thought the YotaPhone 2 always rad af, but I couldn't find an excuse to replace my Z3c with it. Since my Z3c's battery is getting pretty bad (need to charge twice a day now) I figured I might wait for the YotaPhone 3, since it's pretty much impossible to get the 2 and it's pretty dated by now.
>It's absolutely hideous
What the hell do I do now?
Ian Miller
Fuck, Christian Bale is a big boy...
Leo Fisher
Anyone still using a Galaxy S6 in 2017
Luis Morales
Charles Foster
Bezelless Nokia 9 when?
Ryder Ortiz
>bought 2 S5's (for myself and my brother) >my bro's power button was unresponsive, sent out via warranty, resolved >open phone and discover gyro is fucked up >works after factory reset >restart phone >gyro unresponsive >fighting with Samsung technical support Other than that, it's not a bad phone, I just wish I could use it in it's proper condition. I've been using my S4 for the past three years and thought this was going to replace it.
Also do you have any battery suggestions for this particular phone as I've discovered that it's absolutely garbage. I'm going to be going on vacation next month and goddammit I want to take a lot of pics of lighthouses.
Logan Davis
Stop being a faggot who cares about how his phone looks like
Hudson Jones
Mudfish Clover Quickpic Button Remapper IR Blaster TV Remote
Carson Hughes
Turn off GPS and background data sync. Use low brightness and dark/black themes. If you're that starving for power then invest in a mobile powerbank or charging case.
Leo Wright
James Foster
>Textra >Clover >Flud >VLC >Brave/pale moon/any non native web browser
Nolan Peterson
It has a removable battery so either buy some spare batteries and a external charger, or get one of those extended capacity batteries
Connor Perry
Quickpic is great but sometimes it bugs out when playing videos and deciddes that "this video cannot be played", and then all videos are unplayable even if I was watching them five minutes ago
Sebastian Turner
What's a good 5 inch phone with decent battery at the cheap ass end of the market? Australia, but I don't care about band 28. Good ROM support would be nice.
Colton Wilson
That's 650 dollars
Thomas Butler
What does Sup Forums think about the LG Q6?
Mason Rogers
oneplus 5 or nokia 8
Nathaniel Scott
I asked on the previous /spg/ but the thread got buried. For the same price, should I get an Honor 8 or Xperia XZ? Or something else?
All I need is telegram/email/occasional navigation. Dont use normiebook. I do appreciate good build quality and responsiveness
Brandon Wood
>Therefore I'm not adding them to the OP so don't bother. wow what an arsehole fyi i don't know them
Daniel Baker
I held one in my hands yesterday, it's terrible in terms of shape. I suggest you go to a store and use one for a bit.
I posted this, forgot to add I am a battery life whore, the more the better
Jordan Morris
>SD625 >600 dollars
Connor Ross
does it have quad dac like the korean lg g6?
Nicholas Diaz
Keep in mind most europoor countries have ~20% VAT, so 546€ is ~$540 without tax
Jaxson Thomas
I'm using a Blackberry Classic that I first got when I started school in 2015. I know it sounds dorky, but there is a girl I like who has been asking to add me to Snapchat, Kik, GroupMe and all kinds of other apps I've never used and had no use for until now. She also has WhatsApp but my understanding is they dropped support for Blackberry OS.
Anyways, my question is: what's a cheap Android phone I can get that is capable of running this shit? Preferably not more than $150. Country and band do not matter, I'm just going to go off WiFi.
Posted in /spg/ yesterday > upgrading from Galaxy S5 after 3 years > GSM > want removable battery > want microsd > want 3.5mm > don't care about cost but do care about value for cost I was willing to part with the microsd and battery and consider the OnePlus 5 but I think I am spooked because it is just an expensive chinkphone in disguise.
I was going to buy the Motorola Play Z2 but looking at the specs compared to the new competitor > LG V20 I can't really justify it, someone tell me if the LG V20 is a piece of shit and I am just missing something? Also if I should consider something I am missing?
Gabriel Scott
>350€ for a phone with SD430 LG are out of their minds
Levi Peterson
No. It's a really stripped down phone: >no notification LED >no gyroscope >no magnetic compass >no fingerprint scanner >no USB-C >no double rear camera >no OIS >SD435 >3GB RAM >350€ MSRP But dat screen...
Gavin Fisher
GPS is off (unless I'm lost and trying to find a specific place), slider brightness never extends more than a third, power-saving and Do Not Disturb is on. I have a USB charger that I always have on hand.
>or get one of those extended capacity batteries is there one specific that you'd recommend?
Nathan Parker
I want to buy the LG V20. > $370 amazon > microsd > big > custom support / community > DAC Concerns >4gb of ram on lagdroid > stupid ass second screen drops with custom roms > 1 year old
that is atrocious ricing get better taste you disgusting memelord
Logan Thompson
Can we trust him anymore? I think he's gotten too big and probably has conflicts of interest now.
Zachary Collins
>I'm just going to go off WiFi If you're in the US, Walmart sells the Moto E4 Verizon Prepaid version for $40. Moto G4 Play Verizon Prepaid is $42 on Amazon.
Adrian Rivera
im using one now and its honestly great but i'd love a bezel less curved design, i basically want an s8 with a slide out kb
Oliver Brown
>Can't justify buying anything that's not a Chinkphone
Jason Hughes
This guy isn't RegularOP, check the trip
Justin Baker
But Nokia is European
Connor Murphy
Ok, I'm finally asking it, I'm searching for a decent phone to do all my normie shit: >don't care about the size >~215 USD, because of taxes in Arg. >decent battery life >a good camera >decent performance >+2 gb ram
I'm seriously thinking on the Redmi Note 4 (Global) and the ZUK Z2, but I'm asking for more recommendations.
Justin Perez
Why would he imposter and say that then? Shill for something tech company sweating about their defective products?
Nicholas King
And? The point is, if you want to compare Euro prices to US prices you have to remove VAT to make them comparable as in the US prices are shown without taxes.
Blake Diaz
VAT is sales tax, not import tax.
Logan Reyes
Is the V30 going to have the removable battery? I know it is going to release later I guess I can wait a couple of weeks.
Grayson Williams
To make more people hate RegularOP I guess?
Chase Jones
Le Max 2 Zuk Z2
Luke Powell
>removable battery No, but that meme is stupid and obsolete. get a battery bank and move on.
Owen Reed
Convince me to not get an iPhone SE (still the best looking phone IMO) as an upgrade from a Galaxy S5 and still keeping the Galaxy s5 on a data only sim.
Wyatt Morris
Nah, sorry, don't have a brand to recommend. There's plenty available on Amazon, read the reviews before buying one
Grayson Rodriguez
It's a good phone. The screen is tiny though, but if that's something you want then go for it
Jack Perry
Security concern. I guess I could do faraday pouch but I would also be paying nearly twice as much for what features exactly in the V30 vs the V20?
Aiden Cooper
i switched from galaxy s3 to the se, no regrets desu. i got used to the screen in a few days (i do have small hands tho)
Jace Walker
Just got a Mi5s as my first android phone. What apps do you guys suggest for calendar/mail/podcasts/music?
Matthew Johnson
Even with my bad eyes I've have had no issue with the screen size when ever I've used other's SE or even the iPhone 4 when I had one for a week to get it unlocked for someone.
Lincoln Powell
Evan Cruz
Current phone: redmeme note 3 pro Country: Australia Carrier: Vaya Notes: I want it big baby. Current phone so far has been going strong for around 3 years now but I gimped myself with just 2gb ram and I often get freezing. Been considering the 1+3t or LG v20. The always on screen sounds pretty useful and I like the idea of being able to easily replace battery. I can get Lgv20 for ~430 and 1+3t for ~500ish but I don't really want to pay that much. Would like some opinions/suggestions